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Video Games
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Video Games #5236
Video Games
What game character comes to your mind Zig Forums
*is the progenitor of all mindless boostshit in the sonic franchise in ur path*
Guess someone's personality based on who they main in league
Honestly as long as your mouse is under 100 grams it's fine...
What went wrong
Just buy the game before it becomes discontinued? It's not a big deal
Was it actually disturbing or just normies being pussies?
Is Dook dead? Can a reboot save him?
Why did you hate her? Was is because she's a lesbian?
Game breaks the fourth wall in a way that isn't a joke
I sure hope you guys don't actually do this
How was this considered a "console war"?
What was your first vidya crush?
Video games are fucking worthless
Is Sonic gay?
Rest in Piss TG Station (SS13 Drama)
Home come rhythm games aren't popular anymore? I feel like zoomers would be all over shit like ddr and guitarband
An a press is an a press. You can't say its only a half
Has a game ever made you cry?
What's your excuse for being trash at video games? This guy owns all day
My kitty likes to watch me farm :D
Party Van
We remade DMC3 for mahvel loving zoomers and nerofaggots: the game
How would a Persona game set in America play like?
Hello, Based Department?
ITT Vidya characters that make you do this
2020...the Switch home menu is still shit
What went right?
Why are video game characters so fucking weak?
I just bought Cyberpunk 2077
CRT thread
Plugged tiny bluetooth dongle into back of cunt roommates PC
MGS5 when?
Who do you want in smash?
Be dumb commie with hugely successful company
But in all seriousness, why haven't you pre-ordered yet?
Join Twitch stream
Is it the most reddit game ever made?
Should I sell my Vita?
Character has 1000HP
Is it worth buying a switch just for smash bros and pokemon sword/shield?
Bowser Smash 64 Remix Update
Japanese """demons"""
Why do people still play Xenoverse 2?
Built up as the central protagonist in the span of five games
H game
What is Nintendo's strategy to compete with 4K, 60fps and Ray Tracing?
Cant sit down and play a game for more than a few hours anymore
How do you clean this shit out of your mouse without pushing it in?
Name a bigger downgrade
What were they thinking?
I'm quitting consoles and going PC
Blessed/Cursed images
Play Jackbox with Zig Forums!
Mom Character
Coomer content ruins vidya games. Prove me wrong
Cyberpunk 2077
He changes Link's name when he plays Zelda
What was gaming like in the 2000's?
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
When will visual novels stop having such ugly art styles
Ancient and powerful civilization mysteriously disappeared
Fate Games
You ready bros?
Games with fallen chads in them?
I would buy this game if they improved graphics, added costume bonuses...
Witcher 3 coming to new generation consoles
Sons and daughters of Helghan, your destiny beckons. Stand with your brothers and sisters, stand with me...
Brainlet Filter Games
You have to befriend your Smash main. What do you two do and how easy would that be?
Will Fromsoft ever release the finished build of Dark Souls 2 ?
I just cancelled my pre-order
Anyone else excited for season 2?
My family won't stop fighting
Tfw got suspended from League today
Muslim PRAISE ALLAH sexually unattractive SJW strong independent woman
Who can beat him?
Who's your main?
What is the best "Shock" game?
Best starter
Pick your favorite
What are some good games to play at a funeral?
Is fifty dollars a fair price?
Thoughts on Jam from the Guilty Gear series?
Whats your favorite mod?
Endless space 2 thread. The full package costs 80$ + tip
It's no masterpiece
ITT Vidya characters that make you do this
Why don’t these guys get more credit?
Why haven't you made the switch to AMD CPUs yet?
I can't afford all the new vidya I wish to play. Can you?
Don’t buy games from 3D Realms
Black souls thread
Get on my level
Best Ys girl
How do you guys who stream keep your mouth from shutting up and having yourself go into tryhard sweaty quiet mode?
Will you play it, Zig Forums?
Turn on Japanese audio
When are we getting a Wire game?
This is the model for Project Athia, RPG by Square on PS5
Is this proof that gamers don't know a good thing when they see it?
Should companies pursue legal action against people who use video game models for other projects?
Has streaming been beneficial or detrimental to gaming?
Did you do your Japanese vidya reps today?
Alright. Which one of yall posted this?
Is it worth it Zig Forums?
Any oldfags remaining on this board?
Please give me a permanent IP ban from Zig Forums
New Crysis Remastered Comparison
How do you guys think Gen Alpha kids will react to playing Super Mario 64 and Sunshine for the first time?
When was the last time you used yours? For me: 2018
Bioshock infinite
Removes David Hayter
Just got this what am I in for?
*guns down three men in cold blood*
Sony just emailed me this. Sony is desperate lmao
Why are Shadow, Rouge and Omega way more interesting, entertaining, cool and well-designed than Sonic...
Confess your vidya sins, children
Why were you trying to cross the border?
STOP browsing Zig Forums, and FINISH your BACKLOG!
Was this that fucking hard Nintendo?
Why people can't make 1 relevant argument when you ask them "why mario games are good"?
AMD bros....we're losing this war
So are epic just genuinely dumb or will the constant pot stirring actually get them anywhere...
Who wanted this?
What's Next For FE Franchise
How is it possible that the current gen doesn't have an MGS collection?
Monster Hunter
That empty feeling after a gaming session
Videogames have become such boring pointless dogshit that every Zig Forums thread is now discussing old games...
What's the best thing about smash bros?
Realms Deep 2020
This board sucks dick and is full of weebs. Why is there zero attention for CK3 here?
I could scream you know
Any games set in Colorado?
Tony Hawk 1+2
*little bit powerful*
Ahahahahaha, how did people play this shit with a straight face?
How did Tekken go from a niche fighting games series to the #1 normie bait fighting game with the loudest most...
Unofficial PC port has Widescreen
Little Bitch Nobeta
Thoughts on the new 8bitdo arcade stick...
Nobody buys games on sale except unironic poorfags
Metroid Thread
Retroid Pocket 2 shill thread
You do have a gaming PC that you built yourself, right, Zig Forums?
What went wrong?
Where were you when gachas were started to die
How the fuck did kids manage to complete this? I'm really struggling here
What’s the Zig Forumserdict?
Mario trilogy switch
Post RPG Maker games you've liked
The absolute state of game journalism
Take notes, Nintendo
Lost Planet
Here's the red pill sonic was never good
Innsmouth... home
This is what gaming used to be about
What is the best GameCube game and why is it F-Zero GX?
Vidya with deep lore
Would this kill Sony?
Do (you) consider Risk of Rain 2, or even 1 for that matter, a fully finished product?
Why was Angela in Silent Hill at all if she was a victim, not a murderer?
How's that game coming along?
The last male character you played as is now female, how does his game change?
Anyone know if the hiveswap series of video games are worth getting...
Dad walks in
Evil female character
Explain your bias Zig Forums
Why do they charge for basic online on consoles again? Genuine question
Limited release
What's the most pretentious video game that you ever played?
Do you get angry when a woman is better than you at video games?
Spending 60 bucks to play a SM64 in a poorly coded emulator at 720p when you could be playing a native pc port at...
You upgrading?
Friend wants me to play a video game they really love
So, did they do something illegal by claiming Arthas soul or whatever? Or is that what the angels of Bastion do...
Why is SEGA so fucking bad at writing this character now? They've literally mandated him to be Vegeta (but shit)
If we remove fanservice more people will buy our game
Durr Dark Souls 2 is bad because of level design
Vampire equivalent of a sex slave
No Straight Roads
Super Mario Galaxy 2?
Are fire and ice spells the same thing?
Where did it go wrong?
Post some actually well written and likable black characters from vidya games
Realms Deep 2020
Look up character's skirt
Where were you when EA was starting to get good again?
Ok, let's settle this once and for all
Performs 15% slower than your 2000$ pc for quarter the price
FPS thread
$399.99 + the tip
Tfw turn on Japanese audio
This is ridley's child form
ITT: Games no one on Zig Forums cares about other than you
No graphical overhauls or new content
Which one will announce price&date first?
At what point is there to much "fanservice" for you in a game?
Are videogames inherently a low iq hobby?
Press w to move forward
It's time to choose
TLOU is a terrible game
SPELUNKY 2 release date
How often does AMD make new processors?
Where did it all go wrong?
Japanese game
Post Vidya OST that fucking Slaps
Dominate 3 out of the 4 the last generations
No Final Fantasy XIV thread
Do ya like grindan game?
It's kino. Everything he says is correct...
No gyro
Ok, emulator bros, you have my attention
The irony on this image is that the person saying “we know” would look more like a soiboy consoomer than a chad
In twelve days kids will be playing Super Mario 64 for the first time
Covid happens
Any mechabros want a thread?
*reuses several bosses in your path*
"Leave the RTX 3000 series to me."
If i host a lobby will Zig Forums actually man up and play to kill this stigma about dodging?
This game is fucking unfair
Who's your favorite voice actors in games and why are they Troy Baker and Laura Bailey?
Obsidian RPG!
That one jump you always fail
Bomberman series looks like this now?
Are vtubers harmful to the gaming community?
What's your opinion on mini retro consoles Zig Forums?
Yup, its time for another playthrough
Why did it become a normie game?
Why do the russkies and their neighbours like strategy game games and classic music whilst the americans go crazy for...
You have 6 months to buy it
Well, would you Zig Forums?
So... what's the deal with Nvidia?
What games best encapsulate the spirit of England and the English people?
Outer Wilds planet ranking
Post a more kino ending
Essential 3ds Games?
What are the best fighting games on the market right now?
Why this series wasn't very successful?
*ruins videogame communities*
Morning, Zig Forums. What are you emulating today?
Dead by Daylight thread
Why didn't you buy Kiria's game?
Why is this shit so soulless?
I hate gatekeeping but if you honestly and seriously cried over the “death” of an emotionless...
What are your hopes for Breath of the Wild 2?
His mommy isn't gonna get him a RTX 3090
Itt: games for virgin pussy ass boys
*less exciting*
Everyone ready to shoot some commies?
What's even the point of PC gaming when games are made for consoles?
Why do each pokemon design looks worse and worse but the girls keep getting cuter and funnier?
Cute, innocent magical girls RPG
He didn’t buy 2 copies when he had the chance
Why aren't handheld PCs more popular bros?
ITT real pictures that look like vidya
Hey Tony, how do I unlock my character in your new game?
Are we ever getting a special edition Zig Forums?
There is literally no reason for this game to be as hard as it is
I want the old DOAX3 back. No more gacha trash and shitty OCs, just coom
Witcher 3 is 35 GB
GPUs went from double, to quadruple, to now 5 times as powerful in the past 6 years
September 2020 I am... forgotten
CD PROJEKT RED Rejects $69.99 Pricing for Next-Gen Versions of Cyberpunk 2077
How quickly did Fallout-fans on this board realize what a turd this game really was...
Playing game
Why arent there more games set in the Pacific theater of ww2?
Smash Bros. Ultimate Speculation & Wish List Containment Thread
This is pathetic. Why do you want porn for everything? Is that all you think about...
Walk into combat arena
40 years old
Are you good or bad at:
Excuse me
Monster Hunter Switch
Serious question: Why are monkeys so under represented in games vs horses, bears and wolves?
If the gameplay sucks then what's the appeal ? i can watch a playthrough and "experience" the same story
Be me
What game did you enjoy the most this year?
Why do games need such things as depth, lore, and story? Are graphics and gameplay just not enough?
The Legend of Zelda and Resident Evil are in the same boat right now
How do i open it?
Did you beat Meltys Quest on Normal or Princess mode?
Face it, this game is the current generation's TF2
What am I in for?
PC gaming is easy, it just fits together like Legos
Game review on youtube
You WILL buy Max's new game, right?
How to cheat in Fall Guys
14 years ago
How's that weight loss coming along, user?
What video game character's profile would you follow on OnlyFans?
Why did you do that?
Shit Engine
Put on modern fighting game
Why am I so reluctant to buy a game because it's only on this store? Surely if I was planning on spending my money...
Any fun anime game available on pc?
Sell this to a PC gamer
RE thread
Bzzzzz bzzzzz name the last good videogame you played or i'll sting you bzzzzzz
I don't think I've ever hated a game as much as I hate New Horizons
Game has 0 political propaganda
Was thinkin' bout pickin' up LoL again but I just needa know, is it dead?
What games have objectively the best soundtrack?
What will Nier Automata 2 be like?
Mario 3D All Stars is available for a limited time
Iron Harvest
What is "soul" in video games and why are people saying "soulless"?
We live in a timeline where pirating is no longer possible
I never got to play Team Fortress 2 before it went to shit
The Klonoa creator has declared that September 6th is Klonoa Day
Do y'all niggys play Kenshi?
Forgotten completely in a month after release
Wishlist is full of old games that can run on a toaster
Things that should be illegal
How come Fate is so popular?
Yaaay user!
Which one of the fire emblem games get a Switch remake and have SFM/GMOD porn of it?
Normal/Classic or Hard/Casual for someone who has never played a Fire Emblem game before?
Kills having fun online
JRPG final boss: God
This is literally just Shadow warrior 2.5
Would 3D All Stars be better if all 3 games were rebuilt in the Odyssey engine?
Tony Hawk
I want to _________________________ the Divine Dragon
Why are graphics considered not important even though the game industry spends billions trying to improve them...
What's the hardest decision you made in a game?
Almost done with Ruiner. Any other cyberpunk games that I should know about?
Nintendo switch - rip 2017
Prove you're an oldfag. I'll start
Does World of Warcraft cause mental illness...
Fall guys
Best inventory in video games
Korea time
Sports superstar
It's almost Korea time! How are you feeling about tonight's games? I'm a solid 4 myself
Anyone else bite the Epic Store bullet for Tony Hawk?
Are you still excited for Hitman 3 now that it's EGS exclusive?
Vidyas for this feel?
Where is the xenoblade 3 news
Which video game character turned you into a furry?
What's your opinion about Natsuha and her game? I've been seeing threads about it recently
I couldn't play The Witcher 3 because Geralt isn't a virgin...
Eekum bokum
Why is Nintendo so ashamed of this game?
FF7R has only had a increase of 200k total sales in 7 months since it's release
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
How did Atlus get away with it?
I am 27 years old and I am still sharing a room with my sibling I never had my own room to play vidya comfy it feels bad
Can life be interesting and exciting like in video games?
Is Kiryu a coomer?
Bloodlines 2
Poke kid Sunny wants to battle!
POSTAL:Brain Damaged
I don’t feel like playing online games anymore...
Defeat what appears to be the final boss
Why does /vr/ have better taste than us?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Sure it’s no New Vegas or 3 but it’s not terrible right...
Is there anything to loom forward to in gaming in the current gen?
You signed the TOS...
How good is this game? I'm tempted to get it on Humble Bundle
Father! Is it over?
ユニfairy-kei game for everynyan*̣uwuっ◌⑅◍ so cute and pastel and yay! playing with the colorful fairies with...
Tony Hawk thread
Last less than a minute against boss before death
Got Some Free Keys For You Anons
Combining The Sims with Star Wars? Whose idea was this?
Guys what the fuck is going on
How the fuck do I get past the Vicinity of Obscenity?
What's the Zig Forumseredict?
Game has an escort quest
Funny vidya comics thread
If literally any other company had the rights to Mario the remake would look amazing like pic related
Why did Majima go crazy between Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 1?
Why do people pretend that this game is good?
That one guy who reposts the same thread every 8 hours and has been at it for the past 10 years
How is mario sunshine going to work without analog triggers?
Looking back it wasn't so bad
Not even trying to b8, but I see zero fucking difference
Girlfriend just said she wants a break for a month because long distance and pain sucks...
Why is Balrog's son white
Objectively superior version of game is stuck on an obsolete console but inferior version is ported to multiple systems
Name one game that indicates more that you are an e-celeb following faggot than this one
They still haven't bought a VR headset let alone even tried it
He's not wrong
Sonic comics
Battlestation thread
Can you answer honestly?
Go to Loadout.tf
What was Nintendo thinking with this design?
Risk of Rain 2
Best brappers amongst game journos
Oh nononononono nintenbros we can no longer defend the indefensible
PC Gaming
Did any of you guys ever download a desktop stripper or worse either on your computer or families computer before...
What are some rpgs where you can actuall miss out on events/quests/party members?
How do i stop thinking about wow? i keep dreaming about it almost every night despite not playing it since 2018
Gamers BTFO
Buying $2000 gpus for indie games and broken console ports
When did you realize that FromSoftware can't make a good game without them?
West - Unique, realistic and powerful
Hey civvie
If you prefer left to right, you’re basically a terrorist. That is all
Describe a game with a Simpsons screenshot
Play night in the woods
What was better? Gaming as a kid or gaming as an adult?
It's boring
Why is the cover so boring
I'm getting tired of tekken
12 year old squaker starts chatting
Ion Fury Forever tomorrow?
Breaking Mods On Pirated Copies
My dad keeps cracking jokes about me asking for video games for Labor Day
What's your favorite Mario Zig Forums?
Bulletsponge 2077
Oh nonononono Zig Forums
Is Zig Forums excited for September 11th?
I need a list of every games better than TLOU2
What is the best gun in the history of multiplayer fps? I'll start, M16 COD4
Why aren't there any new Tycoon games? Modern culture is ripe for that kind of opportunity
Game actually has very good writing, great soundtrack, fun combats and is overall very enjoyable
How would you rate the event and games?
Japanese game
Xenoblade Chronicles 1
Filename thread
It was better than 3
Thoughts on the Render 96 models? I'm thinking of playing it on PC
Why is it so hard to make new friends in Steam nowadays?
Death Stranding
What's Zig Forums's healthy gamer snack of choice?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Ice level
You don't play pretentious shit, right Zig Forums?
He isn't subscribed to the official game of 4channel
I don't really get the hate. Most of the levels are reasonably long, the game is very fun/replayable...
We could have had this
ITT post your dream game
Why does fortnite get so much hate Zig Forums?
How's that new gaming PC coming along, Zig Forums?
Fall Chads
Game has exploitable stores
Tae takemi from persona 5
Hardest fucking boss I've ever face
Kingpin: Reloaded will use Unity instead of the Quake II engine
So it's universally agreed that Stage 3 bosses are consistently the cutest and best designed Touhou bosses with the...
What would you have done differently, within realistic expectations
Sell this to a PC gamer
I just want to enjoy video games again
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine