What is the best gun in the history of multiplayer fps? I'll start, M16 COD4

what is the best gun in the history of multiplayer fps? I'll start, M16 COD4

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The lightning gun

M4 was better at it in every way except the cheese burst which only worked at certain ranges and often failed in close range

Stock Shotgun

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Halo CE magnum

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Nothing made me angrier than that weapon on release.
>you have assault rifle
>you have shotgun
>you have alien plasma technology
>sniper rifles
>what is best weapon? the hunk of shit pistol
bungie is incredibly bad at weapon balance and that is a trend that never ending or ever will.

>M16A4 in CoD4

Consolepleb detected. The AK-47 was the de facto weapon of CoD4 PC.

This is a strong contender.

Titanfall 2 Alternator.

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>cod4 mp5
literally shut up you zoomers thinking m4 m16 ak47 was better

for me its the EPG

How big does the new cod need to be before you refuse to buy it?

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Reach Magnum is kino
>return to the classic ce design
>re add the scope
>still does a really good amount of dmg but is out preformed by the drm
>but the bloom is better on the magnum
Also, never had a problem with the bloom in Reach. Played CE and 2 first, then Reach, never had a problem with it.
>barely played 3 cus i bought my 360 when reach came out, still loved my og xbox
I did buy the pc mmc and I'm currently playing them in order, going through H2A

The AEK-971 from Battlefield 4.

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I've played lots of shooter games but i've always wondered why AK47 is the 'high damage high recoil' gun while M16/M4 is the 'balanced/noob-friendly' gun. Is this even remotely true irl? /k/bros please explain.

the RCP90 from Goldeneye

Thats not a contender retard this is

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Zig Forums is not ready for the truth, but it’s the CoD1 M1A1 Carbine

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lol no
the sound effect was shitty and it took too many bullets to kill anyone in the mp. M1 garand out performed it.

One word pump action shotgun. They call it noob cannon for a reason, because anyone can win with it.

Game: AVA

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the original AK-47 and the AKM used 7.62x39mm ammo, full-sized rifle ammo of the sort used in bolt action rifles of the era, a generally heavier bullet. The M16 by the time it reached military service always used 5.56x45 ammo, an intermediate, lighter cartridge that travels at a higher velocity.

In the 70s russia came out with the AK-74, a rifle that uses 5.45x39 ammo, a round more similar in performance to 5.56, and those make up the vast majority of AKs out there today. But it's just convenient for gameplay purposes and differentiation between rifles to make the M16 the accurate low recoil option and the AK the high damage option with lots of kick.

jfc how old are you

SA58 Para

>Anything but the M1 Garand
Please leave without a fuss

This and the classic rocket launcher because they exemplify what their respective subgenres are all about.

Arena shooters are all about dynamic movement and weapon variety, tactical/military shooters are all about positioning and seeing your opponent before they see you and getting that one shot off.

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>game has carbine and garand
>garand always better
every single time

>full-sized rifle ammo

you right

Was there really even any difference between arena shooters and modern shooters?

Just enough to give you hope, even in a 1v5 situation, if you actually have skill.

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+1 internet points for boomer chads who know what game this is from
its an IW-80 A2

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Based and Turokpilled


In just about every way, yeah.
>advanced mobility mechanics with a learning curve about as strong as aiming
>unlimited weapon inventory, weapons that spawn on the map itself rather than being in your loadout upon spawning
>usually a diverse roster of weapons that serve drastically different purposes with a focus on controlling "power" weapons like rocket launchers and railguns, conventional weapons are usually usable, but comparatively weak
>Usually low TTK, as in people can take multiple shots from rockets and sniper shots depending on how much armor they've picked up

high ttk