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Video Games
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Video Games #5264
Video Games
What minimum specs would I need to successfully emulate BotW and not have any performance issues?
The savior of gaming
Which game made you lose faith in the industry?
Yea... i’m thinking these are perfection, paired only to finest Ludo games
*has better graphics in your FF16 path*
Find a flaw
What are your genuine thoughts on Scarlett?
"Xbox + Bethesda is about securing content you can only find on xbox"
Cyberpunk 2077
Boomer Thread
So tell me Zig Forums, how are you paying for your new console?
Oh no no no
Does even anyone care about this game outside Zig Forums...
Thoughts on this game?
Genshin Impact
Demon Souls not 4k 60FPS according to Digital Foundry. What's the point in getting a PS5?
What is wrong with Snoys?
Sound thread
Who is the Gutts of vidyas?
Genshin Impact
We can all agree this is the most aesthetically perfect keyblade despite coming from a shit game right?
Steam keys thread
The Frenchman... had a hard life
Is streaming video games really that difficult? Maybe we should be more respectful towards streamers
Where do I watch the letsplay that will give me the full understanding of the story? Preferably with Japanese dub
What are some good PS3 games?
Just Cancelled my Pre-Order for XBOX SEX
Bury The Light - How do people like that fucking trash ass song?
Xbox Series X shocking low performance
That kid who wavedashed to school or something, I don't know!!
ITT concept art that turned out way better than the game
Yakuza 3
Why isn't anyone making games like on the left anymore?
It's shit
This game is actually pretty damn fun and comfy. Why does Zig Forums hate it?
Baldur's Gate 3
Xbox Series X back-compat tested: up to double the performance in the most demanding games
Why aren't u making a game with Godot?
New Crash trailer
Demon souls remake on ps5
Steam Key Thread
Got this game on sale cuz it looked neat. Most lacklustre and boring game I’ve ever played
Fuck Consoles
Chick Magnet Games
It's dropping tomorrow on stream bros
Here's your Max Caulfield bros
Makes you think doesn't it Zig Forums?
Bullshit and unfair=difficult
I think they're the absolute cutest when they're together
Snoys final argument just got obliterated
Well, Zig Forums?
Which games is better, 1 or 2?
Which /vg/ is the worst?
Game makes a Zig Forums REFRENCE
Do people actually want turn-based combat...
Skyrim Modding
Which video game character corrupted your innocent young self?
Why did you guys not tell me that this was a masterpiece of the highest caliber?
Is he an acceptable protagonist now? Do you like him enough to continue the series?
Why isn't sony giving PS5's to reviewers like Microsoft is?
Are you enjoying it?
Early game enemies are already overdesigned garbage
Why is SBMM considered bad? Is it because people just want to pubstomp casuals and newbies?
How can anyone be angry at console wars? The memes are funny as fuck
Just got a ps2. What games should I get for this thing? So far I bought ratchet and clank
Why do you play female characters in videogames? Only non-meme answers allowed
When will permanent terrain damage be a thing in games?
Name a better game rivalry/friendship
Which platform has the least amount of woke retards?
ITT: The most overrated movie you've ever seen
Genshin Impact - China lives rent free in Mutt heads edition
When did Sony become the console for children
Serious Sam 4
The thing to understand about Cyberpunk 2077 is that it doesn't exist
Why not be a girl in VRchat?
Surge in brown kweens all over vidya
Sonic unleashed is an awesome game. The Werehog stages are just mediocre
This is what they took from us
Why do people still support Sony and their shitty censorship?
Why are people shilling for xbox when it has no exclusive titles on the console? Literally no games
So, what do we think?
This game is based as fuck. You prententious faggots lied to me yet again, easily the best elder scrolls game
Wow, I never imagined AoC Impa could cause so much uproar!
Which's the best new Zig Forumsdiya character to be introduced in the last decade (2010-2019)?
A few takeaways from the Series X news today
When was the last time you played a genuinely fun game?
Reisen Inaba from the Japanese video game series Touhou Project
How do we save VR gaming?
Disappointments on this level should be criminalized
Kino!! I'm so HYPED for this bruh!
Play League of Legends
September 28th, daylight
What are your favorite short games? Stuff that still provides a fun experience, but can be completed in around 4-5 hours
Game has traps hiding in plain sight
Can you believe there are people who want to have sex with this cutie pie?
Why do faux-boomers on Zig Forums shit on Halo and pretend that it's shit? I know you haven't really played it...
Dragon age origins armors are sooo uglyyy
Why does Zig Forums love Etna?
Preorder Hyrule Warriors:Age of Calamity
Post your photo and your favorite game
This game is fucking amazing, I can't believe it's 22 years old
Series X early reviews are out
Hands on previews
This is nintendo technology
Game has too many dlcs and is forced to remove content
Is it kino?
We are finally in a timeline where we get to play something that feels like you are in a Pixar movie. Feels great...
Why is Rayman 2 regarded as one of the best 3D platformers...
Why did the game have you make a choice, aren't pyra and mythra the same person
This is somehow a 300 year old witch
Is CDPR a western dev?
Genshin impact
This is so brave
Was Ghost of Tsushima AAA done right?
He didn't pre-order his 3080
Non-Japanese devs can’t make good looking fema-
Just a few days, empirechads
Hate gacha, but I want to check this out since it looks genuinely fun...
Listening to Sekiro ost
Zig Forums the Musical VIII
You have 1 chance to convince me
Just started playing DBZ: KAKAROT
Okay so what you playing on your brand new PS5 right now?
There's people on Zig Forums right now, that don't think Fate is absolute kino
Harry Potter questions
Its over
Are NES games worth playing?
Clint Hocking (Chaos Theory, Far Cry 2) directing
We Won Xbros
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Update
What do you think of Ethan Winters? do you like him?
Recommend me some games to play with my gf
It's so good bros
Why was this at any point a controversy?
N64 style graphics
Would you fuck Silent Hill Nurse
What should they remake next
Dissuade me Zig Forums
I fell for the 4k meme
Live A Live
Zig Forums always told me to "Be the change you want to see in the world...
Almost a year later, how did you feel about Luigi's Mansion 3?
What good is a dancer in a fight?
Xbox Series X has 082GB usable on SSD
What the fuck do people mean when they say Mario 64 has good "atmosphere"? I don't get it...
Attempt 2
How would you rejuvenate the stagnant genre of First person shooters
Embargo for Xbox Series X has dropped, and SNOY is dead
Series X backwards compatibility
Did I get memed by fucking Zig Forums again
More SWSH dlc news
Why did this game filter Zig Forums so hard?
Among us lobby thread
The charges, officer?
Do you game alone?
Kill 2 Spare 1
Alright Zig Forums what level you on?
I love gaming, and especially the consoles built to PLAY them!
What wong with ADS(Aim Down Sights)
When did you realise Zig Forums is full of hypocrites?
Brother's a giant weeb and likes SAO
Why do leakers in the gaming industry act like its a high-stress job?
Post your favorite Silvagunner remixes of video game music
Meanwhile, at Pontiff Sulyvahn's swag pad
RESIDENT EVIL waifu edition
Genshin Impact
Why do ARPG's copy shit from Diablo 3 instead of Diablo 2?
Play Genshin Impact
The Medium is only $50
Why do girls hate us gamers so?
Monster Hunter
Is there any reasons why alttp/albw zelda is getting more recognition than botw zelda?
What's the verdict?
This character is White
Did you ever try to repair your PC or a console and it went horribly wrong?
Company decides to remake a classic beloved game with updated graphics
Seriously though, why is Sony okay with this but
Main character is the all around jack of all trades guy
I just wish someone would shot miyamoto in the head
Thief vs MGS
What would you do if you bought Kara?
With microsoft's cock up bethesda ass now, will we see the true prey sequel revived?
Where does Tomb Raider go now the NuLara meme is over? Back to Old Lara? Or some new iteration?
You updating your rig this year or nah?
How would a community full of "gamers" go...
Post an image of a real life enemy encounter with appropriate music
Thank you
H-..Hey there user... Don't worry
Smash Bros. "community", everyone
Why was the PS4 so successful? It had no backwards compatibility
I want to make a game based on public expectations. Tell you what you want...
Worst fears for the Mass Effect remaster?
Everyone's home for all of 2020 due to corona
Is DSP really worse than pewdiepie?
This is a bad game
Post comfy space games
What is the least funny "comedy" game you've ever played?
Why do Japanese games looks Western now?
Holy fuck Nintendo Switch owners are going to have an amazing 2021
Ludonarrative dissonance
Rapper Travis Scott Has a PS5
When do you guys think he'll be done? :(
Ha! Got it!
37 CSGO Coaches banned for cheating
Cute video game girls feet
FF7 Remake
ITT: Moments that changed the gaming world forever
Nice video game thighs
DMC Thread
Comfy Hogwarts Legacy thread
10/10 face
How is the multiplayer?
Why are you pretending you care about this Virtua Fighter revival?
Don't mind me just posting a nice pic of the Best Katawa Shoujo girl smiling and looking cute for my niggas on Zig...
Which pokemon starter element do you always pick?
Genshin Impact
Wife just sent me a pic of her new tattoo
Be Honest Which has Better Launch Line Up?
Imagine paying $100 extra for a fucking disk drive, in 2020. You're a fucking dumb cunt
Sonic Adventure 1 +2
About to start playing MGS1 for the first time, what am i in for?
Dude just emulate
Why is upskirt in vidya hotter than nudity?
Why is SONY still hiding this monstrosity from showing it live? Are they that afraid of memes?
Wiggle [LS] quickly to free yourself from the enemy's grasp
Ok so can we talk about how we were wrong about Fallout 4?
Resident Evil CGI
Hmm.... Fact?
WEBM bread
Empire BAD
Fall guys
If this turns out to be Disneyshit I will never purchase another Square game again
Gensokyo gas chambers lmao
Which game is this?
Play the best game in the world
ITT: Deepest lore
Remind me, why is sonic 2 is so popular?
Why can't the West into dragon design?
Do you pirate games, Zig Forums?
I challenge you to find me ONE (1) single reason to buy the PS5 any time soon. Yes...
Is anyone else preparing for Hogwarts Legacies?
He's the only white male in the game
Which game do you think is the worst in terms of code?
It's late. What video games did you play today?
I will now buy your game
Is this the best one in the series?
Why isn't Halo popular anymore?
This the most accurate take about soulsfag
Find a flaw
That game you consider almost perfect but has that one fatal flaw you just can't ignore
What went right?
Does Zig Forums still like Kanna?
What happened to Steam?
Cyberpunk 2077
Say the t word in game
If you could choose to be any video game character which one would it be?
Another Ranger with no tits
Can anyone with developer knowledge please help me understand how the fuck the Chinese were able to make a fucking...
You may not like this, hell, I don't like this because I didn't *love* the game, but you can't argue against it
Where the FUCK can I download this game? I can't find torrents or anything else for this. Anons HELP FUCK
Content you already paid for is removed to make room for more content to consoom
Do gamer girls really exist?
Game is rated M
Have exclusively only ever owned Sony consoles
You are playing the greatest multiplayer game of the past decade and a half, right, user?
How does Dragon's Dogma manage to have actually fun quests for a game so lacking in the RPG aspect of it being an ARPG?
What are some examples of games people pretend to have played but never have?
What will it take for Leftists and Chinks to leave the industry?
Carl Carlson: Hey Homer, you look like you're having one of your trademark adventures
What are some high testosterone level games
The absolute GOAT grindan game
This is like 3.5 controversy all over again. How one company fuck up so bad. lmao
Have you guys noticed the pattern?
Metro Exodus
Character can get a custom tattoo
Miku thread
Tails gets trolled part 3
What vidya characters would be the most likely to post here?
Microsoft in negotiations to buy out capcom to increase presence in japan
What are the best lesser-known games on the Xbox Game Pass right now?
Coming exclusively to
Should video games provide more of a challenge for players or nah?
How come most of you don't like black people in gaming?
This is the best controller for PC gaming. No drivers, nothing
ITT: Embarrassing moments in video game history
Sell me this
Mario 64 is a well made ga-
Finish 13 Sentinels
Game spends a huge chunk of the story in trying to make you feel empathy for the villain
Bing Bing Wahoo
The eternal debate
I fell for the 1440p 144hz meme :( everything is so tiny and fast now
How do I get good at this game's shitty combat?
Name one (1) good game released this year
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
I think I need a new pc
Breath of the Waifu
Is HDR actually worth it for gaming?
Genshin Impact
Name (1) ONE game that you're looking forward to
"I will set you free from Sony's tyranny, user."
What are you looking forward to?
6 years
IGN Poll AFTER Xbox Buys Bethesda
Hear she's got a dick
Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?
Is that true?
Best 4 player coop games?
Ah, a loli social link
Something just arrived in the mail today
What kind of man could sastify her?
There are more people who have masturbated to SFMs of her fucking dogs...
Call me a shill but I think it's dumb that people arae whining about the power difference between Xbox Series X and PS5...
Play Trails in the Sky
Just beat this game again, what a beautiful and emotional ending...
This is actually really damn good
Wife goes to bed at midnight
What was the worst way you wasted money on video games?
The great debate
Holy shit this was such a failure
Why is the Smash community so disliked?
Steam Keys
Microsoft just spent $7.5 billion to crush Sony. Snoys actually believe Microsoft wont deprive them of games
What makes Forza Horizon 3 better than 4?
Are there any mysteries left in video games?
I'm still mad
We just can’t stop winning
ITT: That one area that just gives you an indescribable comfy feeling
What's your favourite Touhou Project game?
Will the Nvidia RTX 3070 launch be better?
Saying you're excited for an upcoming video game on Zig Forums is harder than saying you're a conservative on Twitter
Shantae for Smash Bros Ultimate DLC
I think the Series S is going to be a real winner...
Never touched a Dreamcast in my life. Redpill me on this
Okay Zig Forums, you’re allowed to revive one dead video game series on whatever consoles you want. HOWEVER...
Ecco the Dolphin
Cheap handhelds
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Why did it filter so many people?
Monke is enemy but doesnt deal HP damage
Smash players
I see threads about this game all the time on whether it's good, bad, etc
Is there a Spider-Man game with more soul...
The empire of burger has decreed that sex bad gore good
Games where the prophet was right and was ignored?
You're 8 years old again
Party member it's useless
Tourettes and Gaming
Halo,fable,fallout,elder scrolls,gears of war,doom,prey.dishonored,wolfenstein
He doesn't use the quick-fix because it doesn't have 8 seconds of invincibility that's only useful for offensive pushing
Genshin Impact
Ps2 is the best console ever
I love the snoys coping, seething and dilating in the comments
Why do you play gatchas
Are you enjoying the Genshin Impact launch, Zig Forums?
Alice: Asylum
Sex doesn't sel-
Among Us Lobby Thread
Should I kill myself?
Why is Balrog's son white?
Do you know why we stopped the car?
I have never played a mass effect game
Was the PS3 a good console?
I'm so damn excited for this game
Why did they even bother changing Link’s design past this? It was perfection
Comes with three of Nintendo's best games ever made
Tomb Raider PS1 is literally unplayable
Thoughts on YIIK?
Wait, no, hold on
Genshin Impact
When did you turn on him Zig Forums?
Why does Zig Forums love this cat ?
Xenogears is bad
Why aren't you playing Castlevania?
Girl gamer here O.o
GTX 1050ti
Why is this allowed?
ITT: Video game characters that are somewhat literally you
So are you getting an xbox series x or the PS5, user?
Pops up weeks after people start noticing more and more bots in tf2
How do we go from this?
Most people on this board are around 18 years old
Creepy stuff in non-creepy games
Watch Dogs: Legion will be the best cyberpunk hacking game ever
Hogwarts Legacy thread
What’s with link and fish?
Walk into Solitude
Zig Forums the musical
Kill a female enemy
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
I’m playing genshin impact on my iPad Pro 2
Even the most nintendo dick suckers diss the 3d collection
Diskless versions are beyond retarded
Play this shit for 2 hours
What went wrong???
Games art design gets worse with each new release
2020 I am... forgotten
Do you put stickers on your PC case?
7 Days to Die
Kill fuck marry
Zig Forums says a game is shit
Why wasnt the RTX 20 series more popular?
Gamepass is a scam
Is it worth the $65 price? I've played SH1 and 2 and loved both
Melee is better than ultimate
Want to build a new pc
Genshin Impact
Great game is ruined by shit final boss
Zig Forumsr Bread
Is Tom Clancy the most prolific game developer of all time?
Final Fantasy
Oh god I just saw that this was a thing
How did we go from this
So this... is the power... of the switch
Why did Sonic CD was treated as "the best 2D Sonic" for such a long time...
Anime profile pic
Atlus shamefully copied the greatest shonen villain of all time and no one said anything
Is the Pet companion system in Fallout even necessary?
Why was MW2 multiplayer so fun?
Game has
Why hasn't this happened yet?
ITT: Games with depressing endings
There was no indication you needed to catch the rabbit, let alone twice
Umm...dude wtf do you seriously pirate your games? Think about the devs bro
You swap bodies with the last female[spoiler/] vidya character you played as
Don't just look at them user... eat them
Yep, still the worst Mario level
Tails gets trolled thread pt 2
Party Van
Would this be the ideal Smash Bros dream characters lineup?
What does Zig Forums think about yuri in video games?
Is there a game series with more SOUL than the two (yes, two) Lunar games?
What's your go to gaming snack?
Indie game
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine