I just can't stop winning.
Why do you fags keep talking about this game. Do you like it or something?
>first shop has a Charon fight
>i'm using base sword
>get too impatient waiting for openings and just die
sword fucking sucks
Post YFW first using the Adamant Rail
why are you floating so much darkness with only 2 extra lives?
I thought it was mediocre at first.
And then I realized what the Special was.
My thumbs are sore from playing this game.
Why am I so bad at this game? I got to the surface once, promptly died, and that was after a good 20 tries. Was using Aegis in that run but I can't get passed Elysium with anything else because shield boy and his bull fuck me too hard.
>on my 35th run
>has only beaten the stone snek once
I'm so fucking bad at videogame.
no u
Sword is the best weapon in the game.
I have 32 runs with 5 clears
I have never once died to a fury or the hydra
I've only seen a little footage, and, like a proper denizen of Zig Forums, I base my opinions around what you fags think.
Tell me what's neato about Hades, plox.
>Spear has the darkness bonus
>Been playing with higher heat to spice things up, already escaped with all the other weapons
>Lose all my DDs before even setting foot in Elysium
The Rail isn't a Rifle with a Grenade Attatchment.
It's a Grenade Launcher with a Rifle Attachment
I had a God run using Aphrodite and Dionysus Boons.
Very underwhelmed until I got the 5 clusterbomb upgrade
>12 victories
>Got the credits
>Achilles still won't let me get Guan Yu even tho I maxed the Zagreus aspect
Fuck you Achilles ifyou don't give it to me soon I'll tell Patroclus you're fucking Hypnos.
fun roguelite with persona relationship mechanics and a good story.
>Do you like it or something?
I got the 1.0 release that shadow dropped on the Switch just a couple of weeks ago. It's been my most played game since. And I am still playing it.
I love it.
It's a roguelite with Persona social links that plays like Bastion, but faster paced.
>I love it.
What are you spending your darkness on?
Are you using Privileged Status correctly? And your other mirror perks?
Are you prioritizing boons and using them correctly?
20 tries is normal when you're playing for the first time.
...It's one of the better melee weapons in the game, user.
>Longish melee range
>AOE on normal strike
>Special can backstab almost gaurenteed
>Dash strike is incredible, among the best
And then you have the variants:
>Hades lets you slap down extra damage for Big Number
>Achilles lets you rush to where the spear is for damage buff
>Hidden aspect has natural lifesteal
Did you accidentally turn off God Mode?
It's the devs shilling their shit game every hour every day.
>Poseidon/Dio duo boon in first Asphodel room
>No! No, not positivity on my Zig Forums! Stop, the light, it burns!
for spear I just got the hammer boon to make your special bounce along with a bunch of zeus boons. fucking easy you just stand around and spam special.
I like the game but I'm really bad at it
the core of the game is strong. the weapons are mostly fun, the combat is mostly great. if they are to add to the game in the future, they should add additional areas past styx (perhaps an olympus-themed final area where you fight against one of the gods. the story justification can be that olympus finally is going to war with hades and zag is the only one who can stop it by speaking to the gods himself. something like that). they should add one or two additional boon givers. also make the grind for titan's blood less a pain in the ass. and try to add some more enemies and room types so the game can feel more varied on average. all of this could be done in a 2.0 update or something.
There actually was some weird forced spam about how the game was the hardest game out this decade the other day.
Is it just me or is Aspect of Lucifer not great? The bonus damage from standing in your explosions seems to be by far the best gun
are you a High Confidence CHAD or thick skin virgin
>The bonus damage from standing in your explosions seems to be by far the best gun
It even lets you take the big bomb hammer up with no downside.
I see my brother in law playing this alot as we're switch friends
Is it fun?
I need more input.
is it worth doing those high heat bounties?
Im on the 16 one now and if it just keeps giving me cosmetic statues ill probably wait until my shit is higher level and whatnot
father, I've decided to cease my attempts to escape the underworld on the condition that dusa be made my concubine
It has moments where you're struggling to get ANYTHING to work properly, and then you get runs like this
As an aside, looking in the codex and how Legendary and Duo boons work, it's pretty clear that the game is trying its damndest to be generous, but things don't always line up.
I fucking love support fire
I know you're lying, boy. I saw you try to shove her down your toga before your last attempt. You just want to take her with you.
I already really fancy the genre. These types of top down action games with clear visibility of the environments and what you're dealing with are neat.
There is a lot to react to and tons of different approaches for how you can approach things.
And there is a consistency to the RNG elements of the game, that keeps things different yet consistent. And even then there are options to manipulate the RNG in your favour.
The game is also pretty good at applying thematic contexts to whatever you're doing. It doesn't really affect the gameplay, but it's neat polish.
Does this game hold up when pirated? Are there any online things that make it more worthy?
>that fucking feel when you step into styx with a bunch of poseidon boons and the wall slam bonus damage boon
I am become death, destroyer of rats
>one of the better melee weapons
Definitely in the top four melee weapons. Right behind sword, shield, and fists.
i was avoiding the bow because i thought it was shit, but then i stumbled into this crazy build. the special just melted everything
the hydra heads where dead in one spurt. The Minotaur barely got a chance to attack. Hades died before I even got the chance to use my Call
Bow is one of those weapons that's either shit or completely broken depending on who you luck in to.
I'm pretty sure there's no online component at all
>win with sword
>don't use it
then you get to the boss after styx and the poseidon boons arent worth shit but the extra damage on them because of the way knockback doesnt do shit to bosses
>get knockback attack from poseidon on fist weapon
>get duo from zeus to make all knockback attacks strike lightning
zippity zap motherfuckas
The fact that the crystal doesn't inflict chill as a baseline is fucking stupid. It would be bad even if it did do that.
so why doest the mum just come back down to hades instead of having her son climb all the way back up just to talk for 5 minutes before dying of natural causes
what a cunt
>get the boon that gives knock-back effects extra damage against bosses
>get the boon that adds rupture to your knock-back effects
Poseidon boons are always worth stacking.
Keep playing nigger
It's meh normally but it's nice on bosses since you can just focus on dodging, Hades in particular was pretty easy, still had two revives left
Mommy no, please dont cuck me with uncle Ares.
>Adamant Rail
>Get the Zeus chain lightning on attack buff
>Get the hammer buff that makes your attacks bounce
>Do fucking ungodly amounts of damage
>Get to Hades
>Die because there's so much lightning everywhere I can't see anything else