Netflix RUINED Transformers

>makes Optimus Prime a insane crusader that hates women and listens to no one and would rather trust Megatron than his own in a suicide crusade
>make Megatron good actually
>make Prowl gay
>do nothing with Starscream
>make Elita a feminazi
>make Prowl gay
>make Prowl a fucking homo that takes it onscreen from Jetfire
Why did Hasbro let Netflix ruin Transformers? WHY did they do it? This raped the brand more than Bayformers and there are two more chapters coming... God have mercy...

Attached: Transformers_KA_MAIN_Vertical_EN_US.jpg (1400x2074, 576.16K)

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>insane crusader that hates women and listens to no one
Finally, Prime manned up.

Sounds pretty based besides gay prowl

Yeah, PROWL is GAY

Attached: 1596128948223.jpg (4096x1940, 2.09M)

Literally none of this is actually from the show, 100% OP's fantasy.

But I just watched it and OP is 100% right. Why lie user?

I hate kikeflix so much


You're OP and you're here to push an agenda.

Prowl is gay

No I'm not faggot. Kys netflixshill