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Comics #1166
ITT: Shitty writer OC's
Marilyn Manson wants to either voice or play Batman Who Laughs. This character really blew up, didn't he?
Why don't more cartoons use reality as a gag? I particularly liked it when CHOWDER did it with the VA's
Why does peppa pig not get more recognition on Zig Forums?
Post a bigger failure when IT comes to character that bombed harder than gwenpool
Which show do you think did the most damage to the American animation industry
Zap to the extreme!
The hate Riri Williams gets is an obvious case of misogynoir...
Space Jam 2 rumors are making it appear that the film will feature many WB characters, and not just Looney Tunes...
Any other traumatising animated movies with talking animals I haven't seen yet?
What did you think of the first chapter?
DCeased #2 storytime
King of the Hill was ahead of its time
I am tired of animated sitcoms...
I wish Steven was corrupted
So pretty much every story in this was like a two page nothing-fest...
Superman's villains
Redpill me on Heathers
Tuesday Carolthread
Extreme Ghostbusters were extremely good
Genuine question. I'm a casual fan of comics who mainly reads manga, but just want to know...
Western Isekai
Skyla thread
We need a /vrpg/ equivalent for Zig Forums
Batman #96 (Joker War) Storytime
Remember Alf?! He's back, in Pog form
Official Win-O'-Thread
What's his fucking deal?
Why does canon matter? It's just fiction by the end of the day
Got beaten up by a tranny at a Magic the Gathering tournament
I miss her, bros
Relatable comics
I wish lesbians didn't exist
Makes me sad they're completely shifting focus to the gay couple only in the spinoff
How much tech is too much tech for Batman?
Is there a DC character who could defeat him?
I want to like this, why am I not liking this?
According to McCracken...
I made a comic about a trans girl
Funky winkerbean
Give me cartoons and comics that will distract me from my depression please
The Time runs out+ Original sin era of marvel was the most interesting the verse has ever been
Let's draw Numbuh 3
Binge watching FOP
Elric - Weird of the White Wolf
Pregnant female heroes
Bryan Singer's Traumatic X-MEN Set: The Movie "Created a Monster"
Why didn’t they kill this bitch?
Why doesn't she walk around as She-ra instead of getting gimped every time someone swipes the sword or ambushes her?
Kind of sad that this has been western animation’s most successful adult animated movie
Its "everyone gets mad and loses their trust in a character because of a misunderstanding caused by hearing someone...
Madness combat thread
Post comics like this
OK real talk does ANYONE like Willow? And I don't mean "oh shes' fine I guess" kind of like...
The better Banner/Hulk?
Good night, sweet prince
Fuck, Marry, Kill
What is Kingdom Hearts even all about anyway?
Robot girl thread
Superman Thread!
Magic >>>>>>>>>> Science
So who's the GOAT?
Star Trek
DC=Deathmetal Comics
Amazing Spider-Man (1962 - 2020) Storytime
Better protagonist
So, what was his problem
It's been a while
Watcha watching there son?
Alright, Zig Forums. I'm done with the HQ panel and the Doom Patrol panel. Ask away...
Zombie Simpsons Cringe
List of people Superman could never beat
Find an artist that makes good shit that appeals to my autism
What does Zig Forums think about this? Is he right? Is Superman outdated?
What's your favorite kind of stop motion animation?
Salami thread
Will it ever be a thing?
Would Shera have been better if she was a trans girl?
Why do many Cartoon critics dislike Family Guy for being mean-spirited, edgy...
How can fans humiliate GW so much with their projects
Are these comics worth the price tag, even after having read the comic online proper...
Why was Mabel such a virgin with rage?
April O'Neil
Animations last hope
Total Drama Rama
Who wins this battle?
The fate of all superheroines
Now that her cartoon is getting canned, can we agree animated biopics are cancer?
Got mine today, bros
Dizzy Tizzy... Always Busy!
Post your favorite obscure Simpsons characters
Which type makes the best female bodies?
So this is the power of capeshit artists
DC Illuminati
ITT: characters that got done dirty in the MCU
Is this true? How come no one in the industry talks about this? I thought Sony only controller film rights
Fall asleep
Ron Stoppable and His New Pets
Spider-Man to be a playstation exclusive to the upcoming Avengers game (different take on the character NOT...
Is Angel the sexiest disney character of all time?
Remember when the X-Men were, y'know, heroes? And not bad guys?
What is Shrek to you Zig Forums?
The Owl House
You’re Glenn Quagmire for the next 24 hours. How do you spend that time?
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb
Why do gays have to ruin everything?
Captain Planet
Who wins this?
Rescue Rangers concept art before Chip and Dale were shoehorned in
The Adventure Zone
PBS is still making cartoons?
Who watches this shit?
Filename Thread
White Spawn
Zig Forums related pets
Why doesn't Zig Forums like the way he looks I think he looks badass...
Lets settle this. Who was the better show runner and why?
Spider-Man Thread
Star vs. The Forces of Evil
Where did the soul go?
Are they sisters?
Lego Media Thread
They got away with literally everything
Disney is sick
He's right, you know - fuck Endgame
Do you think splitting the sisters apart opens up the door to a greater arrange of possibilities in regards to the...
Is there any character in fiction that's been ruined more than Brian was?
What's in the bag?
Wonder what Steven’s up to on his trip
Not long now, lads. Is it going to be shit?
Golden Bat (& Other Stone-Age Superheroes)
ATLA has worse choreography and animation than Legend of Kor-
What went wrong?
Cinemas are open
Why do people seem to generally dislike this episode?
Admit it - it's one of the best and most ambitious animation projects of the past couple decades
Yo. What's a series or movie that's pure fucking gold, start to finish?
Glitch Techs Season 2 Trailer
Gunnershit FUCK
What are Black Wally's politics if we know White Wally's?
Are you ready for their return?
Zig Forums will defend this
This is the most amazing comic I've ever read. This has gotta be the modern day equivelant of Watchmen, right? Honestly...
Remember that time when the main character of a primetime TV show was almost raped to death?
Should mutants be paid reparation for the injustice that they endure at the hands of humans...
Im like five episodes into Umbrella academy
No wonder Madame Foster only makes them once a year
Does Zig Forums still care about Star Wars?
Elric - Sailor on the Seas of Fate
So on the matter of whitewashing historical figures the early Simpsons writers were in support of hiding/ignoring the...
Rick and Morty storytime
Is John Byrne's Doom Patrol worth a read? I see the omnibus is only like 50 on IST
Why was Xanatos so obsessed with Goliath? Spying on him, making robots of him, cloning him. What gives?
Greek gods are back and waging war across the the galaxy
Becomes a master water bender in like 2 days
Which super-heroes are circumcised? Superman probably isn't
Stargirl Talkback Thread "Man of Your Dreams Edition"
Total Drama All-Stars
I've noticed that while most Teen Titans in general fans ship Cyborg with Bumblebee...
Adult swim is airing smiling friends and bushworld twice tonight
This was allowed to happen
Whatever happened to the Zig Forums essentials and recommended lists? Zig Forums and /lit/ has theirs still up...
If you're so rich why can't you come up with a way to stop Superman?
Why isn't Tales From The Crypt on HBO Max?
”im putting together a team”
Wikihow thread
WB Animation's newest show
The Fire Lord needs his bodyguard
/HYW/ How's Your Webcomic #673
Marvel's Spider-Man Maximum Venom
Rewatching it now. No wonder it got cancelled, this show is IMPOSSIBLY good. Still a shame
Cheetah in wonder woman #761 coming this august
The secret to fixing Superman
Damn! Hayley looks like that?
Does Zig Forums still like Martha?
What are the worst attempts at synergy in comics?
VAs you want to fuck
Why don't western cartoons draw women like this anymore?
Zig Forums reaction images
Holy crap lois
Time for Elric - Sailor on the Seas of Fate. These issues doesn't have P Craig Russell, but he'll be back again
The Snyder Cut is probably going to be just as boring as Whedon’s vision
Create a superhero team made up of characters from any franchise you desire
How would you fix her character's arch?
We can all agree Clayface was in the right here, right?
IDW Being Based
Why doesn’t he just take meds so he’s not insane...
Shipping archetypes
What flaws did Steven Universe have as a show other than "These characters are not the exact same height all the time!"?
Naruto DVD cover drawn by comic book artist
Total Drama
Realistically, how would a Family Guy parody of Steven Universe go?
Bomb Queen: Queen of Hearts Storytime
Itt Zig Forums approved OTPs
Hazbin Hotel is over-designed
Is this accurate portrayal of a 14 yo girl?
I love her
Cursed fanart thread?
How come Zig Forums is full of misogynists and stormfags and this board is full of gays and trannies
Retro Zig Forums thread
I never thought I could shoot down a German plane. But last year, I proved myself wrong
ITT-characters we're meant to find ugly, unappealing, or unattractive that you still manage to find cute/hot
What was his problem?
Batman Three Jokers
Good day, people. I can confirm that Harley Quinn hasn't been renewed for Season 3
Sunday Morning edition of the Chronological Mignolaverse storytime
Say hello to the world's first Super Hero (1931)
At the Hall of Justice
Weekly Zig Forums creation thread
Why do people act like Arthur’s punishment was too extreme? HE PUNCHED A FOUR-YEAR-OLD OVER A BROKEN TOY!
Surprisingly dark capeshit moments
Umbrella Academy S2
What does Batman add to the Justice League?
He did nothing wrong
Netflix makes the show more popular among normies
Bomb Queen Vol. 1 Storytime
Who would have known The Owl House is a badly constructed show and has a lgbt ship? Who would have guessed?
Tales of Arcadia: Wizards comes out on the 7th
How do they keep this show the funniest on TV for 21 years straight?
Why hasn't Quagmire been removed from Family Guy?
99% upvoted
Why wasn’t Steven gay? Would have been great representation
Clam eaters get two cartoons about clam eating
Ships creator support and respect
Would it work as a tv series?
The Owl House
Why is Optimus only written as a bland stoic figure now...
References you can’t believe got into kids’ shows
Posting some Swords because I can
Zig Forums General Drawthread
ITT: Mary sues/gary stus in comics/cartoons
Do I storytime
Are they lesbians?
What is her appeal ?
Toonami General #5
Why hasn't Moon Girl cured cancer? I thought she was the smartest
Toonami General #4
So what does Zig Forums think about this? It’s about Ellen Degenerate as a kid going kid adventures...
Jock Popular Character
So is he Reed Richards time-displaced father from an alternate universer or what?
Toonami General #3
Batman Beyond VS Batman
I thought it was pretty good, but I already feel bad for Sarah
Mr freeze in a nutshell
Reminder that Kitty Pryde can say the N-word whenever she wants and nobody can stop her
Post comics like this
Would Elric work as a cartoon? Are any of his comics worth reading?
Toonami General #2
What's the right choice Zig Forums?
This is the only way to save Superman's movie franchise
How do you fix an outdated character?
Huh? this is the first time I saw a kiss between two girls in a cartoon that ends in disgust for both of them
New shelf/buy/haul thread
Questionable Content
Sagwa has better handwriting with her tail than you do with your fingers
Did Legend of Korra have any actual flaws other than "it's not the same as ATLA!" or "Korra is hotheaded!"?
Frozen storytime
Who is the most attractive green lantern?
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Is this show getting better?
Duck Thread
Does it count as Zig Forums?
Out of context comics
What was Zig Forums's reaction to the Spinel reveal scene?
Still waiting on that End of Star Vs movie
Can I hug your face until my next mutation?
Spider-Man: The Kindred Conspiracy
Toonami General #1
Clarissa Explains It All Animated Reboot In Works
Did you like it?
Irken Empire vs. Furon Empire
Hellonearth iii thread
So all memes aside what is the actual canon Krakoa degeneracy?
Ed Edd n Eddy
Anne... it's too late...
Star Trek
I remember seeing this and thinking that maybe it was the start of a new age...
Which would you pick?
(EXCLUSIVE) Disney Pushes Back Multiple Films
She was a bitch
Kill Six Billion Demons
Theres nothing wrong with being a contrarian
Why hasn't anyone complained about Meg Abuse?
ITT: Comics that kind of suck but also rule
ITT chad moments
Marvel mural
The Owl House
If his dick is so big, why does he have such a hard time getting a girlfriend?
Who is Zig Forums's favourite redhead character?
Is Zig Forums a fan of Black Canary?
I miss when Superman was written well
The Giving Tree Rewrite Storytime
Battletoads and other videogames with a heavy cartoon aesthetic
Tune into Cartoon Network again
Batman Three Jokers
What is your favorite disney short
It's barely been out for 2 days and Doug has already watched the entire series ???
What do femanons think of Bruce Wayne ?
Remember us, Zig Forums?
Here's your new martian queen bro
Starfire is reunited with the resurrected but mentally unstable Nightwing, whom she cuddles close
New promo from DVE for ROTTMNT
Dad walks in
ITT: Mentally Ill cartoon characters
Marvel should push the reset button...
Emmy new Comic
Just finished this
Why don’t zoomers like webcomics...
Let's get a fuck telepaths thread going
It's that time again! Weekend chronological Mignolaverse Storytime!!!
The Lumity House
Does anyone else here have a violent hatred of fictional lesbians?
New episodes are up
Amphibia Thread:
Gwenpool confesses her genuine, undying love for you
Where do you personally draw the line between homage, reference, and stealing?
Why do american bigots think sexually explicit art hinders artists from being financially and socially successfully...
They did it again
Stella and the Metal Men
You dont fear powerful women, right Zig Forums?
What do incels have against lesbians anyhow?
Tfw no Azula gf
Why did Nefcy rip off Dai Mahou Touge so hard?
13 avatar threads right now
Still shits on any televised cartoon before and after
Is this true? Does Wolverine regenerate normally, or does his regenerated tissue come from another dimension?
Give me your cute boys!
With Warren Ellis getting cancelled, what would you change about the Castlevania cartoon? For me...
Avatar the Last Airbender Netflix
New comic by Christopher Priest. Sacred Six, spin-off of his Vampirella
ITT: We post oneoff/retired Disney characters
There still isn't a Moore's Swamp Thing Level Doctor Strange run
I need a laugh Zig Forums. Post your funniest comic panels in any interpretation of the word
League cartoon
White washing thread?
Don't mind me...
Disney spend the last 7-8 years bending over backwards to pander to the Chinese market (and the CCP censorship board)...
Is Sins Past retconned yet?
Hope everyone enjoys the Steven Universe of the 2020s!
So she's trans, right?
Yes as we all know, elementary schools have students do serious political debates
REPORT: Marvel Comics Has No Future Plans With Jason Latour
It's worse than the 2015 show
Joan of Arc or Cleopatra?
If you were to nominate a black character and turn them white, who would you select?
New Amphibia thread previous thread hit post limit
You've got ten seconds to say something bad about your waifu before I cave your skull in, so TALK!
Why do literal autists hate Family Guy so much? They keep making shitty lists over how much they dislike it
The End of 12 Oz Mouse
She had sex
So, the Looney Tunes Twitter page posted an image of every State’s favorite toon character...
It is going to be great
Matthew Vaughn's original plans for the X-MEN film series
Post that Kelly comic that you completely, unironically agree with
*ruins Pixar's best franchise*
How could it have been better
What does Zig Forums expect of Zootopia 2?
Post Toph
Is this any good?
Good night Zig Forums
Warren Ellis Gets Taken Off Netflixvania
This is my boyfriend, Ace Ambling from The Leptons. Say something nice about him!
Joel Jurion is a french comicbook artist. I like his art so I'm going to dump some...
You wake up as Ozai at the start of Part 3 in the series. How do you proceed...
The Owl House
Oooh, What Episode of Teen Titans Go is this?
How did Kibblesmith's New Warriors blow up to this extent?
ITT: character design changes
We can talk about perhaps the only family firendly series of the Second World War, and how we can see it
How would they fare in the last Zig Forums you watched/read?
This is where the show’s je ne sais quoi peaked, prove me wrong
Why Hilda x David?
Batman Adventures Continue Storytime
[Lewd desire]
I love her
I was deep frying onions recently and my brother in his infinite wisdom knocked the hot oil all over my thigh and leg...
People still doing High Quality NSFW art of one episode character that is 26 years old
Recommend me Simpsons episodes with kino segments
Does he HAVE to act like SUCH a little FAGGOT?!
Jason Todd did nothing wrong
What the fuck is going on in modern spongebon
ITT: Terrible Zig Forumsstumes
Straight girls are disgusted by all this disgusting dykery so why do they keep doing it ??
So how's the COVID crap going to affect cartoons and comics after it's over?
Why didn't Ursa wake up Azula before she left, to tell her that she loved her and always would?
Why does Marvel still refuse to listen to black creative voices?
With him shitting on Jae Lee and winning Eisner after Eisner, is there anyone that can actually stop him?
ITT: Images that make you laugh uncontrollably
What’s the creepiest use for animation you’ve ever seen?
How did vanheist fuck up so bad?
ITT: Zig Forums in Bikini Bottom
Frozen storytime
Obscure waifus
Why does Avatar have such shitty protagonists?
Harry Potter and the School shooting
Can an American explain to me why is every Zig Forums police woman LATINAS ??
Marvel Studios wants Giancarlo Esposito as Doctor Doom
Scorsese Fish. That's all
Post cute mixed couples
Scar thread! The Lion King (1994)
Why do you hate cal arts?
Previously, On Avatar
It's over
[adult swim] thread
Does Gus grow up to become a school shooter or rapist?
I just wanted to grill for God's sake
What was his problem?
I made my first comic
Star Wars
Why did Seth make Peter overpowered?
Zig Forums funbag Friday
If Marvel or DC used a hero ranking system similar to One-Punch Man, what ranks would different heroes be in...
What's your opinion on creators using their shows as a medium to let out their psychological distress instead of...
If i cry and scream loud enough people will begin to think like i think
Was it a personal grudge?
Screw the haters, I love this show and i'm happy that it's getting a season 3...
Who you choose and why?
Is this show supposed to take place in Jamaica ?
It’s out. What did I think of it
How the fuck does one unironically believe that rooms clean themselves?
Was it too far?
The absolute state of modern animated sitcoms
What does it mean, bros...
Post comics or artists you miss
ITT: post characters whose dick you wanna suck
They're alseep, lets talk about Zig Forums celebs
"I was shocked when I heard that Bill Watterson was attending a convention and announced beforehand that he would not...
Post actual good short webcomics
How would you write the ATLA sequel?
Gunnerkrigg Court
Unironically a much better show than Amphibia or the Owl House or most cartoons people talk about on here but it...
This is queen Glimmer, aka (Un)slimmer, aka the Brightmoon Black-hole...
She killed south park
Zone-tan confesses her genuine, undying love for you
When is the last time Constantine has been written so fucking good? Delano's last run? Cause this is better than Ennis
Post the exact panel you dropped a comic
Does anyone actually understand what the fuck he is saying or is everyone just pretending? literally undecipherable
Post worst girls only
Meanwhile on rule 63 Zig Forums
Who will win?
Without anyone to explain to him what’s going on or what a stand is...
Storytime Mirka Andolfo's Mercy 4
Happy Flyday, lads!
What the fuck were they thinking?
The sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with earth...
What happened to Homestuck? It hasn't updated for two full months now, the stated update frequency is twice a month
Itt: gay male mcs. i'll start
The Boys:Dear Becky #1-3 storytime
Where are they going?
Why The Boys TV show is so fucking bad and why do normies love it?
How would you cope with being a mutant in marvel?
I miss it, bros
Ha ha ha ha, so true
Characters you just know are into pegging
Good times
Say sorry
Immortal Hulk Thread
Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey Batman Comic Dropped By DC
Is he a simp?
You have been accepted into the KND!
Steve Rogers: Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?
Would he have refused to teach Aang if he were a girl?
Did herny's style get simpler?
Was this really necessary? Felt edgy for the sake of edginess
A lot of Zig Forums tards here today
I wanted to fuck them to death
JSA Storytime: Astro City
Villain is evil because...he’s evil
Left or right?
New Batman Adventures Continue
The Problem With Spider-Woman
Given that the Splash Mountain revamp wasn't approved or fully thought out internally and the social media handlers...
How would he work in a fighting game?
Why COOL WORLD really flopped
If Marvel/DC are the top superhero companies...
Disney Switcharoo
Infinity Train Book 3 preview
What is the purpose of this show
Did ATLA have any actual flaws? I can think of numerous for Legend of Korra but ATLA seems like the perfect show
I watched this for the first time today and it was amazing. Why is it hated?
Cool books that that Big 2 randomly published
Don't you find it a bit sad that these channels will likely die unceremoniously for how many enjoyed them over the...
See this
DC Super Hero Girls
DC Babes
I will now watch your series
Is it really that bad?
Fuck the Spiderverse. For me, it's the Peterverse
Watch RBUK
Pixar's Luca
Why did at least 4 characters have a thing for Jane?
"iconic" duos
Cartoon network's schedule December of 1999
Beach episode
Why are only aliens allowed to expose skin at Marvel?
Venture Brothers
What went wrong
Even Hannah Daigle shits on Viv
Why did she die?
Depressing gritty reboot about giant robots that go pew pew
What kind of faggot can't fight off a woman?
He killed infinite amounts of people just so he could go home
This is what they took from us
Let's do this shit
Lmao RIP Kamp Koral
Storytime of DEEP HURTING: Ditko's self-published work: Bonus material
Political comics thread: Water Edition
Why did incest shipping become so popular among Zig Forums communities in the last decade? I know it always had fans...
There's only one SheZow!
He did nothing wrong. In fact, he did everything right
Netflix RUINED Transformers
I was looking for the latest 'background noise' show to put on and I thought I would give King of the Hill a shot...
Filename Thread
ITT: Shows that make Zig Forums seethe
Top 10 reasons why Family Guy is the worst cartoon of all time
Animaniacs 2020 design leaked
What other character will join the impending anti-mutant collision?
I hope Lenore sticks around
What went wrong
Solomon Grundy
You may not like it but this is peak 2D Sonic. We need a TV cartoon using this Sonic design
Can we talk about the fact that Archie Sonic accidentally killed an infinite number of people when he fucked up and...
ITT Animator's Fetish
No argument, the best cartoons in this thread
Grey DeLisle-Griffin is Kinky
You are now Rick for 24 hours. How do you spend your day?
Men of Zig Forums thread
Your favorite Zig Forums character goes on Joe Rogan. What's it like?
Storytime of DEEP HURTING: Ditko's self-published work: 10s part 3
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
Zig Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies