Why isn't Tales From The Crypt on HBO Max?

Why isn't Tales From The Crypt on HBO Max?

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Is this on Zig Forums because it has 1 (one) puppet in it?

Well it has puppetry, it had an animated spin-off and it’s based on EC Comics

Well, it did start out as a comic book series

Attached: Tales_from_the_Crypt_Vol_1_35.jpg (1050x1554, 1.22M)

And was also based on a comic series?

Because the show is too hardcore for the modern pansies that have infected today's society

Apparently it’s due to complicated Copyrights same reason nothing happened with the TNT reboot

Why does copyright have to suck so much

They were gonna get rid of the Crypt Keeper and it was helmed by M Night Shamalamadingdong
Thank fuck it never happened.

Oh, how the fuck could anyone think that's a good idea