Star Wars

Doctor Aphra is cute!

Attached: Doctor Aphra - Doctor Aphra Issue #9 - 1.jpg (1332x2048, 700.29K)

It'd be a fun Disney+ series.

I'd prefer it as a cartoon series over live action, but I'm sure parents would put it on for their kids and then complain about Aphra being a murderer and everyone around her suffering horrible fates.

Sure she’s cute. But she’s definitely a symptom of a problem with Star Wars writing that’s been occurring for awhile.

She's honestly a better character than any of the new trilogy folks

They had potential, but that potentially was thoroughly choked to death over the course of three wildly mood swingy movies

My eyes can only roll so far user

>Star Wars writing that’s been occurring for awhile.
the recolors?

She looks like she fucks wookies

I enjoy her in theory. Just hope the new author doesn't try to redeem her and let's her stay as a backstabbing opportunist who then feels bad after throwing everyone else under the bus before doing it all over again.

Sadly, Disney is the main reason people in the West associate cartoons as exclusively for children.