Toonami General #5

Toonami Drinking Game

Naruto story

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Toonami Hours Update

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Best girl

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Best girl

Goddamn, I love me some funk.

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Well, let us see how this goes.

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Best Woman

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How does Sasuke deal with Naruto and Sakura as teammates?

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reminder that neji was right about destiny because kishimoto is a hack.

What a cruel fate. New Fire Force gives me just enough interest to hang on. I'll never be free.

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He becomes a deserting piece of shit that loses any shred of reason, that's how.

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Oh, Neji, you sweet summer ninja. If only you knew.

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I posted this with the wrong context last thread because I'm hammered
Anyway I got this Isane commission done recently and it's probably my second favorite commission ever even though the artist is relatively small
I contacted my favorite artist for another commission but he's busy, anybody got another artist they'd like to shill?

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Now we reach the end

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Seagulls, poke your knees!

Best girl

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I know this is some paid Craigslist chick dressed up as someone who she doesnt even know who she is dressed as at a con trying to sell some meat to fat fucks passing by but she is always in my thoughts every week around this time

>he even socks Sakura on the head
I love Guy so much

One more time. 2weeks

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Why the fuck does Ino and Shikamaru looked like their 9 or 10?

Titties are great

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>Its the same thing with Harry Potter, really.
>A mediocre to bad series somehow becomes beloved because it hit a generation at exactly the right moment.
I almost challenged you on that but no I can't think of anything from Harry Potter that was legitimately interesting or memorable either.
I'm not sure if mediocre is even a good way to describe it. I'd call MHA a bit mediocre but it's still way better than Naruto despite being inspired by it.

There's nothing in or about Naruto to hold my interest over the years

Mark Hamill showed Carrie Fisher that before she died. Not the moment right before, but some time before she OD'd on the plane.

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breasts > ass
Goodnight /tg/, see you next week

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"Hinata this is a nice story but like...did you have to relay all of that to me in the middle of the battlefield?"

Come one, come all, and rate this episode of Naruto Shippuden!

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I don't think Neji really deserves any credit at all. Like it's his own inabilities as a teacher that led to her injuries, and he didn't even succeed at the grand gesture that was a substitute for the apology he never delivered.

Hinata's patience is possibly the biggest payoff in anime history

Hinata is just a breeding sow

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We didn’t need another thread retard

There wasn't even funny moments in this one. Red.

Shut your mouth.

Cry about it.

Really? I always thought this was on her birthday or kinsenyeta or however you spell Mexican bar mitzva.

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Why would a store have three rows full of onlt nacho doritos.


>tfw no cosplaying grillmaster waifu to watch anime and eat barbecue with

More like did she have to tell it at all? Neji was there and already knew what he did back then. She could've achieved the same result by saying
>Naruto and Sakura told me what you did for me when my eyes were broken
Would've taken ten seconds.

>That one where she tits fuck the shota from the back in the alley.

Yeah it kinda seems bad now
But we were moving so abnormally fast during Naruto, it seemed prudent

Oh boy, 3am!

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>I can think of worse shows, but only those that are outrageously bad.
>I can think of more bland shows, but even those typically have a higher baseline of quality and are merely not very entertaining.
>For me, Naruto occupies a unique niche of being the perfect intersection of worst and blandest anime, at least for 99% of its episodes. It's generally not bad enough to be entertaining, and it's generally not entertaining enough to be good.
>I just don't understand why someone would watch it unironically aside from looking up a few fight highlights on Youtube or whatever. There's just so much desert of fucking nothing happening between characters who are almost all uninteresting, that the few instances of cool fights and such can't possibly make up for it.
>When someone says Naruto is one of their favorite anime, it honestly hurts my opinion of them.
thats the perfect way to describe it thank you user

Plenty of stores I've been to have like 2 fucking snack aisles

West Coast, best coast!

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wow she's so amazing we need more women like herrrr

Posting this again even though we got a new thread when Toonami's done.

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30 minutes left before Toonami ends. You guys hanging in there? Not too tired for THE SAMURAI?

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Ah yes, time for Samurai Jack, which just finished on regular AS the other day.

How many years have passed? Does that guy age?

post bellies

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Wonder how the game will change the ending. Would be cool if it had multiple, like one where Jack weighs the options and decides to stay in the future.

see if you didn't already.

black dont crack my guy

I wanna punch it

Going pretty strong. Though that's mainly due to my sleep cycle remaining in a state of insanity. Woke up at 2pm or so today after waking up at like 11 last night, and going to sleep again at 6 am....

I wouldn't have been able to back it up anyway.
I think I was 13 or so when the first book came out, read it, thought it was nothing special, and paid the rest of the series no direct attention.

Though, I suppose I should say I had read the entirety of the Lord of the Rings a few years before that.

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Hanging in there. It helps these nights are so short. A few shows in and you can already see the end of the block on the guide.

time for Jack

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I stand by I think the first arc of Naruto is pretty good. The problem is after that the show just starts piling on the bullshit and never really stops.

Doing pretty well. Tonight was a good night compared to the last couple weeks

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Squid Girl never ever

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Well, there is one in this image, so...

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God, the threads during the episode premiers were a wild ride.
I miss being that excited for Toonami. It feels like it's been so long since we've had some hype in here.

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Ehhhhh, really not my best night. Doesn't help I out pretty late last night and got up far earlier than thought I would. Still here though

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Not that guy, but I felt it was pretty good up until the end of the exam/invasion arc. Then it got all focused on Orochimaru's bullshit, and then of course the whole shit with Saucegay's edginess.

the faggityman definitely hates cute and funny shows.

Thought that was a myth.

I have no image like this image in my 'Toonami' folder so i had to go digging in my Zig Forums folder for this. In the aprox 8 years toonami has been back this is the first time I needed something of this caliber to properly convey my feeling without a lot of text

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I'm really surprised that the Hidden Leaf has a "Live and let live" policy with the morlocks, and didn't, like, genocide the shit out of them decades ago for more land/to try to steal their techniques/just for weirding them out.

Though I guess it's possible that they actually tried, and those mist-dwelling freaks are strong enough that even Gai and Kakashi don't want to press their luck?

Not even close
Unfortunately I wish I could sleep as soon as this ended but I fucking stupidly ordered food that won't show up for another 45 minutes probably

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Hanging on, will probably crank one out in a bit, then play some Ghost of Tsushima before heading to bed.

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Their cumming what?

Jack went through way too much just to lose his big love at the marriage walk and then just looking up to the sky with "yea everythings gonna be good" watcha

dead tired and worse is I always wake up at 7am in the morning, no matter what and I don't have to get ready for work until 11am.

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That scene was so good when I first saw it

I said this in the last thread, but Why Neji Why? Blue is the best rating for this episode.

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>That one blowjob animation of Ashi blowing Jack

Oga is cute and pudgy!

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I know it's just part of the artstyle, but I can't help but imagine that Jack's blood being bright and visible in the darkness means it's bioluminescent like a Predator.

You know that isn't such a bad body type. She's just need to maintain herself and not get any fatter and it's all good for me.

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The last great episode of the series. Though I did enjoy the scottsman and scaramouche antics.

The exam wasn't terrible, but the moment where the shark starts jumping is when Orochimaru brings back the first 1st and 2nd hokage to fight the 3rd. It was such an absurd jump in power level.

Fear not, Jack. I am your spirit guide.

Somewhat unfortunate answers, but I'm sure you guys will be alright. Good rest can help a lot.

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Yea, a bit of chub is alright if it's distributed just right.

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Yeah it was a fine enough series that really lost direction after Sasuke defected. It gained back some steam during the Leaf Invansion because there was an actual goal and stakes, but then it went right back to Sasuke bullshit right after.

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