Kill Six Billion Demons

>I've deliberated on this but I'm going to swing a little different with these next few updates. Instead of doing them separately, I'm going to update four pages at once, likely next week some time

Oooooooooooooooooh I can't stand it bros

Attached: wc.png (504x362, 273.65K)

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I think he's made the right decision, because the next pages take place during the hyper-time of a single Ki Rata breath. It'd be anticlimatic to read their stopped-time fight little by little, Abaddon wants us to experience it at the right pace.

Gettin blue balls over here abby

im sure our suffering will be worth it
go abby GO

I was just thinking it would be best to hold back so we can get the whole action scene at once, wait is unbearable though.

the thread's going to be insane

Attached: Principle Art of Cutting.jpg (600x848, 118.41K)


it's one punch man

Hopefully the art will be better than usual.

So this clenches White Chain having a big epic moment then.
