Remember Alf?! He's back, in Pog form.
Remember Alf?! He's back, in Pog form
Man, I had so many pogs. My slammer was feared by many.
My school laid down pog-rules, that it was not allowed to take away the winnings. Too many older kids (us) would win younger kids pogs and I guess they complained to their parents that complained to the school, so it took the fun out of playing. Shortly after dracco heads became popular and pog died out.
Is he a Gem 10 flawless pristine perfect immaculate pog?
Could Pogs become popular again because of the meme?
only as an app
remember "remember alf? he's back in pog form?"? it's back, in spam form!
>Look up inventor of the pog
>apparently it's was a Hawaiian woman
damn why did the simpsons white wash and genderwash the ultimate pog?