person of golor?
Remember Alf?! He's back, in Pog form
Remember Chuck? He's back, in Sneed form!
I had an entire collection of Pokemon pogs and one time my cousin came to my house when I wasn't there and stole all that were missing from his collection. We've never talked about this but I know it was him
>damn why did the simpsons white wash and genderwash the ultimate pog?
Because everybody loves Steve Allen and he invented everything.
Remember Alf?! He's back, in Game form.
I remember pogs and I’m pretty sure pogs were a thing when I was alive, but I would’ve been a toddler that was too young for them. So I forget, what were pogs for?
I’m certain kids collected and traded them, but were they also used as big tiddly winks? I think I remember there being a game with them but I don’t know if I’m remembering wrong.
>So I forget, what were pogs for?
Playground games like marbles.
Remember batman v superman? It's back!
>Trading cards had Yu-Gi-Oh
>Spinning tops had Bayblades
>Marbles had Bakugan
>Tamagotchi had Digimon
Why did pogs never get their own Anime?