Literal how. She had sex TWICE. She's blind how does that happen. Blind people don't really have sex right. It's basically rape with fewer steps.
She had sex
Brayden Parker
Matthew Cooper
She might be blind but she can still see who’s got a big dick
Benjamin Jackson
Op are you autistic????
William Bell
You do realize she was just...blind...right, user? Still fully functional faculties. Probably smarter than whoever the lucky bastard was that got to knock her up.
Liam Bennett
Watch the show before you post
Cooper Moore
God i wish that had been me.
Adam Jones
Or don't. Most people here haven't.
Jason Campbell
you sure about that?
Mason Anderson
toph has no choice but to perceive the dicks of everybody around her. she would know how small your dick is
Kayden Miller
Real nice pal