Who will win?

Who will win?

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Who’s on the right?

Leaning towards Beerus
Sailor Galaxia, almost final boss of Sailor Moon

Why? I want beer is to win but sailor moon characters have been fanwanked to be nigh unbeatable

A lot of wank is just that, wank. Beerus definitely has more concrete power feats. Threatening universes and shit

Fuck you, I hate that I know the answer to this.

Beerus. Galaxia's power, like all Sailor Scouts, comes from her Sailor Crystal. Its a physical object located within her that houses her soul and can be extracted, its the main plot of the final season that she's going around ripping it out. When removed, she's essentially dead.

Beerus has one move that can overcome her power, Hakai. If he uses his superior speed to get close to her and casts it, she will literally disintegrate on a universal scale. This doesn't JUST kill her, its specifically designed to wipe someone, and everything with them, out of existence. To the point where they theorized it would reach across alternate universes to undo changes made to time, even though that proved untrue. Its the same technique the god of that universes uses to turn a universe into an empty void, only smaller scale.

Galaxia's various abilities would normally make this a challenge, but she has nothing that can stop or even delay a Hakai, and with Beerus insane speed on his side he'd have her wiped out before she even heard the word "Hakai".

Various sailors have resisted being erased and she might actually be faster

my dick vs your asshole

Why do we have so many Sailor Moon threads lately?
Is it some kind of ad by Cartoon Network employees for when they eventually rerun it?

Attached: SAILOR GALAXIA.jpg (709x718, 113.46K)

Don't worry Galaxia got killed by the power of love.
Usagi didn't even need to land a single punch for Galaxia to die.