It's barely been out for 2 days and Doug has already watched the entire series ???
It's barely been out for 2 days and Doug has already watched the entire series ???
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user there's one fucking episode out
He looks like Mike Ehrmantraut's manchild brother.
Dude looks dead inside. What the fuck happened? At least he used to be a lively irritating autistic prick, not whatever the fuck egg ass looking nigga he is there
Why are you watching Doug after The Wall "review"?
The same reason the ex- CA contributors also do, to see if he'll do another review like the Wall review.
I didn't even know this was a thing. Is it pozzed?
He got Old. Nigga's pushing 50.
>syn: (current year)
its not lookin good my dude
No. He's 38, but he looks like he's a cancer patient.
The hell does that mean?
You would be too if pop culture internet reviews were your full time job
as in "HIV positive". it implies something's gay
Bald > Balding
Don't think Doug understands why some shows are cancelled after 7-ish years.
Audiences like seeing some young hip 20 something having fun doing wacky antics on screen for an audience. They really don't like seeing a sad, depressed 40 something being awkward on screen all that much. It's time for Doug to start writing/directing and quit with the comedy stuff before it looks like nothing more than a creepy cry for help.
Well, that and he has no friends or much of a network any more. He kind of is a sad lonely guy still longing for those fun days of his youth.
>It's time for Doug to start writing/directing
Didn't he try that and everyone hated it?
Everyone hates what hew is doing now. And he is only getting worse at this. He better learn some actual professional production or get his old janitor job back.
I sucks because I think he's actually a decent film critic. Some of his aside videos where he's more Doug than NC are some of his best, he understands what makes for a coherent film and an emotionally enjoyable one. He's just caught in the gimmick of his character and can't leave
you wanna see autism about as dangerous as Chernobyl? check out Channel Awesome's reddit
Why were you watching him before the wall.
Also, the wall review is shite, but the wall is also shite.
RuPaul is one of four guest stars in the first episode but other than that nothing is overtly gay about the show.
Lindsay is a New York Times bestselling author now. Doug is still doing the same thing he did in 2007.
>not taking finasteride
Wait that's actually a pretty interesting premise. I never knew she was writing actual books.
gay slang
Has any CA member Ex or otherwise become more successful than her? Only person I can think is Stuckman, especially if his movie script actually does get made
>becoming a slave to medication
Get a load of this insecure faggot
its an even nastier way of calling something 'gay' based on the myth of bugchasers. Usually by altright tards scared of gay people.