Would racism towards gems be justified?

they are literally dangerous and unstable, even the one who is supposed to be just a buffoon

they have dangerous technology

and they need to consume worlds to reproduce

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well I do not deny anything you say

I don't care, they are sexy


I’m so glad she and Steven don’t end up together, she was so unhealthy for him

everyone knows that

Based. Steven only belongs between the arms (and legs) of some burly bear trucker in a gas station bathroom outside of New Albuquerque in West Texafornia.

Rational fear of a state is not racism. It's not racist to hate the CCP, or the American Government for instance. But it is racist to assume that a state's ethnic groups are bad because the state is bad.

How can you be racist against gems? They are literally rocks.
Indeed. Now Steven can finally be together with his one true love.

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They’re a species

get a job

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It’s only the truth

This meme is awful

my counterpoint
sexy aliens

Only Lapises

That wasn't the statement. Get a job.

user, I know it upsets you but Connverse wasn’t meant to be

You could have replied to me and saged, thereby getting the last word in. But you didn't. You wanted someone to continue to argue with you.


I don’t sage things

Racism would imply that gems and humans are of the same species but different race.
You want speciecism.

Which is much more logical and acceptable.

>they are sexy
no they aren't. Outside of the original cast, Becky and the team pushed on to make gem variations more and more gender neutral and ugly to appeal to woke bullshit


What about Pearls

ALL gems intruduced in SUF are ugly as pugs.

There's a reason why Pearl-Human interbreeding was such a huge thing back in the postbellum days is that Pearls, even Corrupted, are sexy as fuck. And even though the blood might wear thin through the lineages, they can be strengthened by two bloodlines terminating in a single child.

How else could you explain what Connie did?

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I always figured it was Steven juice

>be racist towards gems
>they beat the shit out of you or worse because they're essentially gods, especially compared to a shitty human
really thought that one through huh

If racism was based off winning a fight, the Blind Side wouldn’t have happened

Hippie Rose