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Comics #1189
Worldbuilding is Fun
Tfw I fell asleep watching The Fox and the Hound and my thread died
[adult swim]
It's Nativember Zig Forums
I still feel bad for her
So, if she and Adora had kid, and Noelle said she was the one that carried the child...
Not even shitposting. Comic Peter is weighed down with too much cringe shit like Spider Totems...
Who is Red X Zig Forums?
Tales of Alethrion
Was Garfield based?
RWBY/RT General 1901: Waiting for Whitley Edition
Watch cartoon in 2020
ITT: universally-agreed-upon funny Family Guy moments
By Crom, that's based
Ducktales 2017 thread
Characters that are canonically great in bed
Meanwhile, at the Titans Tower
Randy Lawrence has spent the better part of his 60 years putting together a legendary collection of high-grade...
Pages and Panels
Kelly thread
Weekend Zig Forums boys thread
Nooooo you can't use Fritz the Cat to make fun of leftists!!!
How in the holy mother of earth an orangutan wishing to be like humans "enforced the notion that African Americans were...
Can you find it in your heart to forgive her, Zig Forums?
Who is the best Batgirl Zig Forums?
Has there ever been a western harem series?
In Planet Sheen he was always getting licked inappropriately
ITT: Cursed images
This game is set up to be a major success. The “losses” were just the setup costs to get the game running...
How would he fare in Marvel?
Can you think of any slightly chubby Zig Forums girls? I feel that most Zig Forums women are either slim, muscular...
Happy THOTurday, Zig Forumsnrads
Who would win in a fight, Goofus or Gallant?
RWBY/RT General 1900: Give him back Edition
Character is black
Aloha Zig Forumshana!
Post artists who are actually attractive
What would you do if you had Mxy’s powers Zig Forums?
Spongebob faces
Never won an emmy
Blue team is probably winning right?
What's your ideal Justice League roster?
Remember when comics were allowed to have sexy women on the cover?
ITT: Characters who are never coming back
André Franquin's Die Laughing Storytime (CONTINUED)
Hazbin will never be like SU
Now that the dust has settled we can all agree this was a fun event
Wendy and dipper thread
Hawkeye Set To Lose Hearing In Disney+ Series
Everything this character has ever been in has been an abject failure
Did girls really dress like this in 2001?
Dark And Edgy DENNIS THE MENACE Live-Action Series In The Works
Has Zig Forums heard of a cartoon in the making called Kaiju dayz?
When did you stop watching Spongebob Zig Forums?
Is she a good lawyer in the comics or just generic lawyer? Is she better than Daredevil?
You told me this was going to be an edgy horror movie, Zig Forums
Tfw my sister logged onto my Disney+ to see what I've been watching
Benjamin the Blessed
Immortal Hulk - Overrated trash or legit masterpiece?
Why won't more villains just... rape their foes and their loved ones?
You haven´t forgotten him, have you, Zig Forums?
Emmy the Robot - Official Comic
Is Disney going to recast Buzz soon?
I was gone for awhile. Who won Mr. and Ms. Zig Forums this year?
Official Win-O'-Thread
The brains is also the muscle
Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD
Must There Be a Martian Manhunter?
Cosmo! Wanda! I wish child pornography was legal!
Reaction gifs
Steven Jewniverse says racism bad!
Funbag Friday
Is Growing Around, the last hope for western animation?
I really don't get how this show became a Spongebob-level phenomenon
Which one was best?
Voice Actors using the same voice for their entire career
Sifting through the archives and see pic related
Did Hal go too far?
RWBY/RT General 1899: Even More Hugs Edition
Watch anything new recently?
How do you feel about Foxy Loxy being doomed into becoming a public toilet for a morbidly obese pig?
Moore versus Morrison
Jon M. Chu to Direct ‘Lilo & Stitch’ Live-Action Movie
Rick and Morty
Did you let daren down?
Franklin is Namor's son
When does the ATHF panel start?
Cartoon about seahorses
Godzilla: The Series
Noelle is still making art about the show. Does this mean there's a chance for a continuation?
ITT: shows that you only remember
Has Zig Forums heard of a cartoon in the making called Kaiju dayz?
Did the people behind the DCAU have a electrocution fetish...
Are you hyped for the new Trinity?
Looking forward to the new Simpsons episode, Zig Forums? :)
Do you think that Sonic and Rouge could be the best cartoon couple?
Are there any examples of klasky cuspo's style coming through into the simpsons?
Venture Bros getting uncanceled
Bo Katan
What would you have done differently?
We are supposed to help PEOPLE, Bob!
Literally nothing is better the Earth Girls
André Franquin's Die Laughing Storytime
The Amazing Spider-man 53 Preview/Kindred discussion Thread
Just when you thought Zombie Simpsons had reached the worst it could get, it continues to disprove you
It's my birthday today and I was diagnosed with covid
Miles Morales Thread
Can we have a peaceful Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss thread? Please?
Onyx Equinox
Shut up! It’s my style ok!
Alright I'll do anything you like, just help me find my daughter please
Why did Supergirl's personality change so much post-crisis?
When is the exact point you think it fell off?
Looking at all the female characters from recent years, Miko looks so out of place for some reason
Anyone remember grojband?
Darkwing Duck reboot in the works...
Is yiff.party officially dead?
Why aren't real sisters brotherfucking freaks like in my western cartoons?
If Jhonen gave the series a proper ending, do you think he'd kill Zim?
FINALLY got to watch this 2 year old movie. What did we think of it
Alpha Bitch Thread
Why is Sandy so underrated
Barbara Gordon
Marvel editor calling out King on Twitter, who are you rooting on?
Nothing can stop the Juggerna-
Why doesn't it hold up on a rewatch
Would you user?
Zig Forums everytime a woman appears in any form of media without showing her cleavage
Thoughts on Craig of the creek?
Meanwhile in arlen texas
I think I have a new waifu
Keanu Reeves’ Constantine 2 Is Happening, Says Star
Why do people worship that potato-nosed lilo and stitch reject when the sequel introduces the better girl?
Do you agree with this?
Don't you hate it when anti-heroes and sympathetic morally grey villains suddenly become edgelord unambiguously evil...
Abducted blob creature
Imagine this being your mother
RWBY/RT General 1898: More Hugs Edition
What a trash episode
Thoughts on this movie?
Is Star Wars: The Clone Wars actually any good?
What did Jay mean by this?
DC Comics February 2021 Solicitations
Maybe we should call him JERKules
How accurate is this scale?
How did they know he was black?
Are other people just completely uninterested in CGI animated films anymore? They just look so samey and dull to me...
Adveenture Time: Obsidian
Jokes you didn't understand
2020... I am forgotten
Why cant Batman have a tv show?
ITT: One-time characters you want to return
It’s ok to bully and beat people for being born different
Average nerdy white person
Is Garfield a good webcomic?
"How did Vader never find Luke when he was hidden on his home planet?"
She dead (not really) 2.0
What's the point in buying and paying for comics anymore when they aren't even written well?
The Breadwinner
Anyone else think mandalorian women look hotter with the helmet on?
What the fuck is going on with him?
Gunnerkrigg Court
Now they just need to stop making Mile’s father a cop and I’ll be happy
I feel like Marvel's whole woke progressive image rings hollow when the CEO is best friends with Donald Trump and one...
How they designed the actual Addams Family themselves was a bit iffy, but fairly well-based on the original comics
I can say after beating this game in 4 hours. Mikes is now the better Spiderman than Peter...
Why is this run so praised on here? Was it really that good and is it worth a read?
Bluey Thread
Zig Forums boys
What species of primate is this
Miles is so lucky bros
Happy Flyday, lads!
Remember when Linkara was on Kim Possible?
So realistically, she'd probably be a podcaster instead of a radio personality now
Spider-Man PS5
You sure did, Patty, you sure did
How's alfie when considered from a webcomic perspective? is it a good read?
The Clone Wars - Ahsoka Tano
What were people afraid of again?
The Walt Disney Company Reports First Financial Annual Loss in Over 40 Years
Dumb Zig Forums ideas
Why did Harper Row fail? (You know, besides being created and written by Scott Snyder). Could one salvage Bluebird...
ITT-shit reboots/remakes
Lady hiss thread
Why did they hire a 12 year old to write this?
KH Animated Series on Disney+
Why does he hate Genndy's Clone Wars so much that he had to retcon everything about it...
Viv worked so hard for Hazbin! She’s someone to look up to!
Crossovers? Post em
Comics literally only you have read
Shark Tale
/eeeg/- Ed, Edd, n' Eddy General
What cartoon character made you go BOOBA as kid?
ITT: We are /sup/ - Superheroes
Zig Forums General Drawthread
"No Optimus! On this planet the humans have something called the Geneva Conven-"
Zig Forums‘s Screenshot Edit Thread
Bots bought all the PS5s again, so let's have a thinly veiled Sony Animation thread for the next couple hours
Is Zig Forums hype?
Satina thread
RWBY/RT General #1897: Tender Hugs Edition
Takes up more screentime than anyone else
Mabill is the best ship
Are you ready for Freakazoid, Zig Forums?
Star Trek Lower Decks
Gossip: DC Comics, abandoning Comic Shops and Comic Cons?
Jesus Christ, why is this show so soulless?
Why doesn't Ghost Rider sell? He's got the look, the gimmick, and a vast supernatural material to explore...
What About Mimi?
Mighty Nein
Could eddy beat Kevin in a fight?
Place your bets!
Danny how could you
It could of been great
King of the Hill
Which would you rather have? Complex and interesting narratives or girls in skimpy outfits? Your choice
A few days ago i made a thread about what i should do with the comics i inherited...
Time for a cartoon idea thread
This better be good after so much cock-teasing over the years
Charlize Theron reportedly passed on playing Clea in "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness"
Watch like three episodes of a cartoon series
Would you give Korra a half-sibling if she asked?
How accurate is this?
Baby Yoda
Full series when?
Boomer comics
Iron Man
New mutants movie
Called greedy by everyone
So Zig Forums
What's the term for this again? Is it predictive programming?
Once again, evil was defeat
Please recommend me some enjoyable cartoon series. Something simple but yet very enjoyable
Aqua Teen Panel announced for Adult Swim Festival
Who's the comic book equivalent of pic related?
Never forget Catra is canonically Adora's sister
Are comic book companies more forgiving on their employees than say AAA game developers?
Which is better: Moore's Swamp Thing or Gaiman's Sandman?
"dipper, the smile dip all went to my belly"
Arlo the Alligator Boy (Movie & Series) Announced for Netflix
Tara strong
/hyw/ - How's Your Webcomic? #698
It's a man
Oldfag Zig Forums
Why did this show become libtard fuel?
Noelle: I feel like I said last week that Adora had never thought of kissing anybody before...
Do you go to your local lcs store or do you order your comic books online?
Let’s have a good old redesign thread
CarolChads, I kneel
Crossover thread
>Kamala is getting her own TV show
With Disney+ turning one year old, so does Legend of the Three Caballeros being available stateside...
Disney+ is one year old today
So did Gwen Stacy really think Peter would be ok being a cuck?
Why are stupid girls so delightfully sexy?
Is it good?
Fuck Redemption Arcs
Defying gender stereotypes. Men can cry too
ITT we post the first superhero comic book we ever read
Who are you voting for Zig Forums?
DC's Continuity
Haha so relatable
He should have gone full evil
Reaction image thread
Who wins
Still say she wanted to molest Steven
She killed trillions!
When I was a kid I bought a kids magazine at the grocery store and it had a bit of a Justice League comic in it...
Kick Buttowski
She deserves redemption
I love Eleanor
Sponge? It's OK... Sponge?
Shock value for the sake of shock value
Why modern cartoonists' shows feel more like a fanfiction than an actual production?
What made this dumb bitch worthy again?
Confess your Zig Forums sins
Cartoons with these feels?
ITT: Zig Forums references in Zig Forums media
This is Frankie Foster
Pocahontas: Unfair Treatment?
Why does this episode feel so fucking fetish-y? I'm certain someone has this saved as jack off material
Why wasn't Riri Williams more popular?
What is the worst artstyle?
Star Wars
Confess your Zig Forums sins
Which was more influential?
Dae ye think humans 'n' elves kin... Mak' babies?
Questionable Content
Normalfags learn about your favorite comics & cartoons franchise and ruins the fanbase
Is the new ducktales actually any good?
Shameless plagiarism lmao
I fucking tried to warn you all about X of Swords!
Reminder that Grievous has a soft spot
In fact of course
Season 1-starting out
Alright guys
Thoughts on the redesigns?
Fuck it
RWBY/RT General #1896: I Came Here To Smug At You Edition
Character slips on a banana peel
ITT: Zig Forums's favorite female creators
Another round of layoffs at WarnerMedia
OTHER Comics General!
Hey Zig Forums, can you give me a good guide to reading Archie Sonic? Thanks in advance!
You will never have a /shelf/ as good as Tynion's
Let's settle this once and for all
Looking for sci fi comics
Hello! I am your old blue furry buddy, Grover! And now, I will demonstrate Near and Far! OK? Here I go!
I just wanna Marco Diaz thread
Did it deserve to be such a box office flop back in 2009 ? How would you fix it or improve it ?
Welp, this is a after all a Bad Idea
Youtube's broken
But Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction... Chemical XXX
Superpowers are a Shit Concept for Shit People
Last Remains- post storytime thread
So Samurai Jack's katana was forged by three gods, specifically Odin, Ra, and Rama. So a Norse god, an Egyptian god...
Zig Forums tropes you've never seen happen in real life
Jackie Ha Ha Graphic Novel
Taskmaster #1 Story Time Thread
Characters you hate but everyone loves
S4 fucking when???
There will never be an incredibly racist and offensive show like Drawn Together
ITT: Most evil Zig Forums content creators
How come he sexually attracts so many black girls?
Savage Avengers #14 storytime
People who used shattered gem remains as weapons would’ve been a cool idea to include
X of Swords discussion part 2
Happy Veteran's Day
Sex with Jackie!
Official Win-O'-Thread
Shows Long Island as part of New Jersey
Is he going to overthrow Lucifer?
ITT: Shows with inexplicable international fanbases
The dark side is strong in me, for i am sith
Punchline is canonically referred to as, and I quote, "big tiddy goth gf"...
Live Action Gravity Falls Riverdale approach
Would you agree Zig Forums?
Transformers #24 Storytime
RWBY/RT General #1895: Happy Boy Edition
616 Peter is now dead. How long will this last? When is the next movie out?
Why was bubblegum such a bad character?
This was a terrible idea
Star Wars: Darth Vader #7 Storytime
Spider-Man Insomniac Universe
Anyone else find it bizarre and morbid that it's now mandatory for Spider-Man to be followed everywhere by reminders of...
Rule 63 thread
Champions #2 2020
*rapes your husbando*
Who could have seen this coming?
Zig Forums‘s screenshot Edit thread
It’s a tf episode
That time General Erich Ludendorff was a Wonder Woman villain
Are we ready to admit this is the best lesbian ship in a cartoon ever?
Why doesnt he akumatize a serial killer or a mental patient?
Reminder that not only did Gwen cheated on Peter...
Which Zig Forums girl would win a twerk off?
Splendid > Flippy
We Only Find Them When They're Dead #003 Storytime
What's wrong with Lisa?
Iron Man #003 Storytime
Will we ever see these two out of their costumes? What do you think they look like?
Are comic book stores toxic environment?
When even Family Guy is starting to back off the gay jokes, you know how bad this show is regarding harmful stereotypes
Who would he have voted for?
How do we feel about s1 simpsons' world
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #04
Female characters and female led comic series should only be written by female authors
X of Swords 14-16 Storytime Thread: Marauders, Excalibur & Wolverine
Oh shit Scrooge is actually going to be in the next Ducktales episode...
How long till his metoo?
What's the best Zig Forumsuple of 2020?
Amazing Spider-Man #52 & 52.LR Storytime
This is the coolest live action superheroine we ever got, rite?
Why is the Boondocks not considered 'woke' or 'SJW'?
IDW Sonic 34 Storytime
What exactly is it about the character that's garnered such an awful fanbase?
Fuck your waifu!
Gunnerkrigg Court
He doesn't worship this sexy black goddess
$63 million lost so far
Serious question here. Why is it always lesbians? Why aren't gay men used more in shows/movies etc...
Frank Cho is based
Is there any episode in which her head gets stuck in something?
How come they never did any animated movies?
Which fetish would make the best cartoon?
I must admit, it's sadly anti-climactic...
Parents banned Teen Titans because Raven dressed like a slut
Lesbians in cartoons
Reminder she is literally played by a stoner
I think Horde Prime might be the best Big Bad villain we've had in years
Do you regret?
RWBY/RT General #1894: Doomer Ironwood
Dark Nights: Death Metal Infinite Hour Exxxtreme! #1 Storytime
Emo chicks in cartoons > Goth chicks in cartoons
Madonna was supposed to be a love interest for Sonic the Hedgehog during the early development of Sonic the Hedgehog...
He did nothing wrong
Afro Samurai
What will happen to MJ in "Last Remains" Zig Forums?
Batgirls thread? Batgirls thread!
What the fuck was that ending. How come the only character with any balls died yet all the indecisive pussys lived?
Why did the original concept for Gems have them resemble human women at first...
No one outside the US cares about this show
Who was the beard?
At what point did South Park start to go downhill?
Red hood & Artemis thread
Name ONE comic that's gayer than ElfQuest
Well Zig Forums?
The Flash #765 storytime
How do you even reboot this
Gaston (Gomer Goof) Storytime: Issue #1
Hand drawn animation is too expensive to ma-
What do weebs think about Japanese dubs of American cartoons?
Shits on its source material...
Who was worse: Connie or Mabel?
Why didn't the Eds just beat her up?
Ren & Stimpy
What the fuck was his problem?
Will there ever be another on his level?
Are ATLA comics even worth it?
So, whatever happened to Daisy? And why did she get replaced by Abby in the series?
I love The Secret of NIMH. It is one of the best 80s animated films and a high watermark in traditional animation
Here is a challenge Zig Forums, give this humble family man a redemption arc
She wants the D and she wants it bad
OK K.O. had such great character designs
Every new cartoon IP premiering next year will be used as a FOTM temporary distraction at best and forgotten
Tfw Constantine's best villain wasn't even supernatural
Why do artists intentionally draw ugly female characters? Is it to avoid traditional beauty standards...
Which ship is better written in your opinion?
Loki will be bisexual and have both male and female love interests in new Disney+ series
The Green Lantern Season Two #9 Storytime
THREE JOKERS Comic Getting Sequel
Why is modern day children's animation becoming political?
How did Frozen end up as Disney's biggest IP since The Lion King? What did it have that the other movies lacked?
Why do you like Shego, user?
Would racism towards gems be justified?
Lets talk Steven Universe
Why is she so hated?
RWBY/RT General #1893: Don't trust yourself edition
What would have been the best way to stop Palpatine's plans?
Post wholesome Zig Forums moments
Hilda thread
Helluva Boss : Ep 1 - 10 MILLION VIEWS
Were people really surprised that Maggie shot Mr Burns?
Final thoughts on the Arrowverse?
Best show since Steven Universe
Why would they recast Bumblebee man after 19 years?
Just finished rewatching this. Does Zig Forums like the show? And am i the only one who tears up every finale?
X-Men: Legends
New wandavision shit came out today
Freakazoid on Teen Titans Go confirmed
Why are the Simpsons shaded like this in promo art? It looks so ugly and wrong. They're simple characters...
Kick hit vs ass girl
Star Wars:The High Republic
"Couldn't be me. I never wear boots."
Why did she age while the Warners didn't despite the latter being brought to life in 1929?
Punchline #01 Storytime
So is this series horseshit or what?
GL Storytime
Power Girl thread?
Even the game flopped
Reaction image thread
Kill Your Avengers Game
Tuesday Carolthread
ITT: Blatant continuity errors that trigger you
Boss Monkey I’m telling ya, if you wanna end the war ya gotta rape Megatron an make his purple dinosaur anus soar
Thanks Cartoon Network, very cool!
Detective Comics #1030 Storytime
Crowdfunding pilots
Meanwhile at Titans Tower
I honestly think the most mature thing Steven Universe could of ended on should of been Steven being committed to a...
Why is every story involving a black character in the main role about "muh racism?" How about some diversity?
What is your favorite Disney song?
They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. If that's true, then cartoons are soulless abominations
Why do femcels want him to be paired with Katara so bad?
Mr. Enter BTFO
Why are Netflix cartoons doomed to go downhill
I wonder what are these two up to nowadays
Why doesn't Disney make more movies about working class people with realistic body proportions?
How do we make Wonder Woman's rogue gallery relevant?
I wish animatronics never went out of style
Why was Pink so abusive?
I thought you were a guardian angel come to answer our prayers...but Lucifer was an angel too wasn't he
ITT: We write a script for this episode
Was Korra really that bad?
"Adrien's bed!"
He's right you know
How did he managed to find success in the animation industry and why didn't the other sleepy gang reach the same...
Just read all this weeks X of swords early
Questionable Content
Old family guy consisted mostly of witty jokes and play on words
Spongebob is starting to sound a little more like the Mayor of Townsville in this film, is Kenny losing it?
How would you have redeemed him?
We are the lurkers who don't post anything
What's The Most Disturbing Comic You've Read?
Mother Gothel is apparently an anti-semetic charicature
RWBY/RT General #1892: Delicious Chocolate edition
ITT:Kino Title Cards
Is female sexuality considered taboo in comics and cartoons...
ITT we make new Disney COMING THIS SUMMMER movies using only one word
Stephen Hillenburg approved of Kamp Koral
Story Time: Batman #360 (1983)
JSA Storytime: Astro City
Guy Gardner Thread
Cosmo! Wanda! I wish Trixie was a nudist!
Disney still plans to remake ALL THE THINGS
Belladonna storytime
Power rangers
ITT: Moments in your childhood that dictate your current search history
Luthor with hair
You've got the devil in your eyes
Vocaroo Thread
Fuck, marry, get killed by
Stephen Amell "Fucking Pissed" That The Arrowverse Was Rebranded The CW-Verse
Olaf's Frozen Adventure
What the fuck was their problem
Why are people suddenly pretending Elmyra was a good character after decades of universally agreed upon hatred...
What was her fucking problem?
ITT: Crossdressing
She never felt any sort of attraction towards the cat until the end, according to the creator...
Cry like a bitch for one minute
Characters swap bodies
RWBY/RT General #1891: This Won’t End Well Edition
I'm watching the latest Simpsons episode
Former SUPERMAN & LOIS Writer Accuses Show Of Firing Her For Racist And Sexist Reasons
Big Hero 6: The Series
What are your thoughts about the Alt-Hero comics?
Why don't they have kids?
Do you think the director tried too hard to make a sympathetic character out of a slave owner?
Why do so many people hate the PPG reboot?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
Zig Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies