Gunnerkrigg Court

>Chapter 78: Page 11
>Not much weather.

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>wheeeelp, time to go jack off, see ya courtnie

Do you think he uses his real hand or his fake puppet hand? Do you think he masturbates to Surma?

>>I think I... Something

God even her own father can't stand her. The silences must be fucking awkward. Why can't she talk to anybody, even her friends? What's wrong, why don't the people close to her want to hang out with her? What is she doing wrong? Do you think she screams at herself in the mirror, or randomly vocalizes her hatred of herself? Do you think her skin itches just because she can't stand her own existence? Do you think the concept of her own awkwardness burns her? Do you think she's be agonizingly aware of how HORRID she is to be around, but is completely unable to change her behavior? Do you think she's constantly gripped by the desire to ask people what they truly think of her? Do you think she wants to see a therapist, but is afraid that even THEY can't fix whatever's wrong with her?

>I think I... something.
I swear this line is a direct call back, but I can't be arsed to look through the whole thing and check.

So how long until the Annies try to sneak a peak at Tony's computer? Password is probably something stupid.

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Courtnie is so dull. Where's Frannie?

Tony dies in this chapter.

Courtesy of Zimmy.

His password is either "password" or some 80 character math problem that only 3 people in the world can answer, there is no in between.

Fannie, not Frannie. Jesus, get it right dude? How else am I going to masturbate if you don't get it right?


Oblivion dialogue

I'm sorry but it's Frannie. I could take care of that for you though uwu.

>Tony dies in this chapter.
Tony will die.

But his soul will chose to go back in time, the the time when he was happiest, and he will be at chapter 1 page 1.

Courtnie who loves Tony want to be with him too and want to be in a time when Tony'd love her, but since he already loves Surma she'll go back in time before Tony is born, and became his mother.

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maybe the Brinnie situation?

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You can taste the favoritism...

So how come he can open up to forest Annie but not court Annie?

He doesn't recognize forrest annie as his daughter.

>"A smoking hot valkyrie girl is trying to get in my pants. OH GOD, WAT DO????????"

I would question why Brinnie didn't just ask him out her damn self, but Norse myth is apparently predicated on everyone being crazy for no reason.

Interesting. I never considered that. It makes sense while also being very...depressing if he does see it that way.

forest annie is some copy that came along months later not his daughter

>quickly atl+f4 the porn while she doesn't look at the screen

I still say we should've had one more chapter of the Annies hating eachother before they made up

What's his fucking problem?

>gets iced by her own dad

Forest Annie is the true self. Court Annie is a rude ripoff

Aw. Still no skinny on why Zimmy is screaming her head off?

>I still say we should've had one more chapter of the Annies hating eachother before they made out

I like how Tom subtly snuck in some development here that has nothing to do with the plot at hand, showing how accurate Tony is by now with his new hand.