Are there any examples of klasky cuspo's style coming through into the simpsons?

are there any examples of klasky cuspo's style coming through into the simpsons?

Attached: [2x_SHARP_ANIME_V1]_vlcsnap-2020-11-13-18h34m49s820_tile-00.png (1024x768, 992.32K)

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Attached: vlcsnap-2020-11-13-18h40m40s502.png (1024x768, 932.87K)

holy fuck
the breakfeast scene here looks so much better than the final

>klasky cuspo's style
what's that?

Realtalk: I seem to recall watching some commentary on an episode of Superman TAS. They said something about how to give Supes a realistic crutch in a fight but also get past 'standards and practices'. Lightning/electricity seemed good because it's not a weapon and you can't use Kyrptonite on non-kyrponians.

This is before Martian Manhunter came in the picture and they figured out to use 'psychic pain' as a way to hurt them.

that art style a bunch of nick shows used, along with duckman and the first few seasons of the simpsons

Attached: 08af46f7316c268f40a2c9dc17eaa513.jpg (660x340, 33.21K)

no, you're supposed to be repulsed by how rubbery and not flawlessly on-model at all times it is

>they are so rubbery
>they dont even obey the laws of physics
why did these fucks get into cartoons again

>ugh yikes this is... I can't even... ugh look at how cartoony this is... wow I can't.. I can't believe it... ugh..
What a bunch of fucking faggots.