It's Nativember Zig Forums

It's Nativember Zig Forums.
Post your favourite native, indigenous, aboriginal, first nation Zig Forums related characters.
Or post art of non-natives character being racebent in natives.

Attached: Ojibwe Elsa.jpg (1108x1920, 286.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: EmfsSv5WEAYVGvv.jpg (1664x1200, 219.28K)

Every one born in the USA is a native American

Attached: 1604328698636.jpg (1440x1080, 977.5K)

Attached: Crow.jpg (1564x2000, 1.85M)

This guy, also Nativember is a thing?

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 108.13K)

Attached: Crow 2.jpg (840x1042, 107.09K)

If a native American wears blakcface do they get the same backlash as a white American?

More appropriate to use the word indigenous or aborigine

Interesting video on the subject.

Why did you post a picture of a native character being racebent into a non-native character?