Why? It doesn't signify anything meaningful. Ask their names or something. Don't forget large populations of "indigenous" peoples actively hate each other.
It's Nativember Zig Forums
I like Bishop.
An indegenous or aboriginal australian.
It's sad that in Days Of Future Past he was portrayed by an african black man.
Elsa isn't a sami.
This screams nostalgia on a personal level. I miss my Rez days...
>If a native American wears blakcface do they get the same backlash as a white American?
This blog explains it. vox.com
And? She's still a native. Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, and Sami are all native to Scandinavia.
And she doesn't look like ANY of them in that picture.
>Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, and Sami are all native to Scandinavia
But the use of the term indigenous is for the original inhabitants of the land that got removed in favor of others.
Sami are indigenous as they're a tribal population that inhabitated the not colonized zones before the swedes came.
But thats for Japanese though.
Blackface was always just the spice of good content. It was condemned by pussies because it's too virile for them.
And I'm not using the term "Indigenous" (which would still apply since it has nothing to do with anyone being removed/replaced). I'm using the term native, just like OP. OP's picture is of a native Scandinavian, having been racebent into a non-native.