Every new cartoon IP premiering next year will be used as a FOTM temporary distraction at best and forgotten

>every new cartoon IP premiering next year will be used as a FOTM temporary distraction at best and forgotten
>meanwhile John K.'s creation will remain fondly remembered and enjoyed by young and old alike for years to come
>and it's reboot will be the best cartoon of the year no contest
How will you Zig Forumspe?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The anti-reboot people are right for the wrong reasons. Nu-R&S will be a glib facsimile of the real deal.

Reminder that the reboot was confirmed happening on twitter by the people working on it:

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Nobody actually cares about Ren and Stimpy and nobody ever did. The only reason these threads get made is to shitfling over John K.

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I care about R&S and I always did.

>it's another "guy the schizo rushes to defend John K like anyone gives a shit" thread

Attached: toot.jpg (457x412, 86.97K)

The industry sure cares about him, he's where the animation quality comes from in TV animation. Otherwise you're left with The Fungies.

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R&S will mark the end of twitter having full control of animation
They already tried to cancel this, and in masse; Viacom gave zero fucks and just went underground for a bit going full steam ahead
This reboot will do whatever it wants

R&S has constantly been listed as one of the best cartoons ever, even after all the John K. accusations came out.

This is a lie.
Find a job, leech.

This guy is a fucking zoomer. Born in 2002.

The various big studios might think that the era of John K's legacy plussing their projects is coming to a decline, but nobody's going to be nostalgic for the animation quality of The Fungies or Adventure Time. They'll still have to go back to the well of Ren & Stimpy if they don't want to die off in favor of Fortnite. I know I'll be making work for probably some decades.

>having a stick buried deep up your ass for coming online and insulting anonymous people
>being so empty and meaningless you have nothing better to do with your time and attention and nothing better to talk about
You're basically a background NPC trying to offend just to make you feel better and important. And I will no longer reply to these low quality tourist posts.

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>I know I'll be making work for probably some decades.
Post your art or GTFO, schizo. And get some new images while you're at it, you just cycle through the same five over and over.

It's not a surprise that the idea that John K is an "evil predator" resonates with many of today's cartoon producers trying to make them somewhat better drawn, he must constantly lurk as a presence on many of their productions in their psyches. Like he's hiding somewhere as they try to make things more expressive and more cartoony. He lifted the industry out of beady-eyed filmation, holdin' it on his shoulders.

Shut the fuck up

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they're legit autistic probably

>doesn't post his art
Classic retard guy, pissing and moaning because he knows he'll become a lolcow.

Nah, the best cartoon will still be the Loud House

The Loud House was made by a Spumco guy, and i'm pretty sure that's literally the only reason why it was made. Same with his Dexter continuation (executives saw him as some celebrity?)
This is a dude who made an incest comic and seems to have very little going on in his head, but he learned to draw on Ren & Stimpy. Truly a case study in all the animation industry nonsense.

Attached: ren_stimpy_.jpg (1280x600, 178.44K)

Post your art.

can't, too busy sucking cocks.

Get a job, guy.
> insulting anonymous people
I would be if you didn’t insist on giving yourself a sad identity here.

Cute Betty Boop.

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Yeah, and it’s still better than Rem and Stimpy

You have to ignore the people who sound like they're howling in their own minds, i've seen them for over a decade. The fact that John Kricfalusi didn't pass away into the wind after causing the "Animation Renaissance" is too much for them. They don't like that he has a legacy - even though they try to exploit it.

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Post your art, faggot. I'm not dropping this.

The funny thing is that the Coronavirus thing probably made them revert back to their 00's internet personas, because i haven't seen bad posts exactly like these since then. They're out of work or working from home and nervous. Their brains turn back the clock from their empty 10's lives.

Truly some worthless people, who exist only to make a loud noise in the animation community. It's also important to note that the Animaniacs announcement attracted them and they were really active for a couple days. Basically they're people who feel very insecure about their jobs.

Imagine attacking John K in a community that's full of people like these! Of course they don't make an impression like he does, they're just background details in the community. John K takes fire because he seems like a real man and a real human.

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You can act aloof and above it all as much as you want, but you're still a pussy faggot acting tough behind a keyboard. Post your art if you're so sure you're better than industry people.

John K should've been the next Chuck Jones or Tex Avery. Too bad history didn't turn out that way

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John K should be looked up for being a filthy pedo pervert.

Stop trying to demonize everything that John K made. He's still a more talented animator than those leftist and socialist hacks that run the industry now ( Alex Hirsch, Dana Terrace, Noelle Stevenson, etc )

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>John K should be locked up for being a filthy pedo pervert.
True, but sadly it'll never happen. Even though he is guilty in the court of public opinion, John will never be tried in a court of law. He still has his connections.

Fuck off, Steve Worth

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He's "guilty" because they resent him.

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More like fuck off, Shark Tale fag

I'm a big John K supporter. I liked all of his works, even APC

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Yeah, leave the poor child diddler alone... the gays and transgender represented characters are the real problem. I know where you're going with this, fuck off bigot

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>he's not a pedophile because people who made cartoons i don't like think he is
the absolute delusion