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Immortal Hulk - Overrated trash or legit masterpiece?
Nolan Howard
Nolan Collins
Carter Evans
Middle opinion
Gavin Hernandez
Easily the best thing the Big Two put out in a while, for whatever that's worth.
It might not be the pinnacle of Zig Forumsmics, but i personally enjoyed every issue.
Brayden Moore
It's good but overhyped.
Mason Walker
I mean, it's pretty goddamn good. Still not as good as say, Sage of the Swamp Thing but it's still far FAR above most big two fare of today. It feels derivative but then most works are nowadays and it still drips with effort and style and class. 8.5/10, it's great. I wonder where Marvel is taking Hulk from here, he's definitely not gonna stay this way forever.
Cooper Phillips
It's a pretty good run, hands down the best capeshit ongoing in years.
Matthew Diaz
Hunter Flores
just more white men hating sjw shit.
it's funny how the comic said that "angry white men never get punished for being angry" while black people went on to riot and burn down cities for months while police only arrest white people that were trying to defend their lives and their property.
Kayden James
It's shit.