Are other people just completely uninterested in CGI animated films anymore? They just look so samey and dull to me, like a screenshot from Pixar's latest film could easily be from Minions 3: Escape to Africa or whatever.
And people are impressed by them from a technical aspect, like people would gush about how the snow in Frozen looks like real snow, but I don't go to movies to see snow that looks like real snow. When I see impressive textures like that I don't think "Wow, the artist who created that was a real genius", instead I think "Wow, the technology behind that is really advanced." These CGI movies don't feel like a creation of someone's artistic vision, they feel totally un-special, like they were made by some guys on a computer.
I don't know if this is a common sentiment among normies, but we're lucky if we get one good non-CGI film a year in the west, and they aren't coming from the biggest studios. Klaus was the only animated film I was interested in last year and Wolfwalkers is the only one I'm interested in this year.
we will never get something as kino and over the top exagurated animation in cgi
Hunter Peterson
Yeah, they largely feel like tech demos with a story attached nowadays, and the rigidness and lack of creativity potential means they might as well have been live action.
Justin Collins
Thanks for putting my feelings into words.
I don't hate CGI films, some are enjoyable or look genuinely beautiful. But they are soulless. They do not contain true artistic merit, they're an example of what a computer can do, not a human.
>they're an example of what a computer can do, not a human. But who's controlling the computer? Is a skyscraper not impressive because construction machines built it? It takes humans and tools working together to make this kind of art.
Angel Kelly
I too enjoy eating boogers.
Jack Murphy
pixar needs to make their own home on the range to finally kill theatrical cgi
Jack Collins
Medium doesn't mean anything if the concepts for the movies and characters are shit.