Why did this show become libtard fuel?

why did this show become libtard fuel?

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why are there some many Zig Forums threads here ?

Idk today there are more tumblerfags and woman than usual. It's weird since yesterday there was a thread about how nice this board is

Because Zig Forums is a bigger shithole then usual and it's spilling out

idk like season 5 or 6

>how nice this board is
It isn't.

The show is apolitical centrist. It doesn't push an agenda beyond trying to be entertaining. If you perceive it as otherwise, you're a retarded ideologue.

You ever tried flushing a clogged toilet multiple times?

This. I'm actually surprised no anons have made lewd comments about Gumball's mom yet. Good god, this board is trash.

Then why do they make a character to insult trump but not Obama?