>sifting through the archives and see pic related
what the fuck is this
we're just making fanart for autistic anons willy nilly now
also what are some other autistic anons that you see cropping up in threads consistently that post their own brand of autism?
Attached: ifitaintcrimsafetheresacockinyourass.jpg (1273x1337, 177.54K)
Sharktalefag. I don't get that guy.
Let’s see if I can summon him.
Ben 10 is so strong.
I always thought the greenlantern thing was a board wide meme
I guess i shouldn't be surprised its one user sperging out
>Ben 10
What a wet fart
Attached: Green Lantern.jpg (474x724, 63.37K)
That guy who made that waifu chart with 60+ waifus with Wonder Woman in the center. He posts in waifu threads.
Now that I think about it, there's a lot of autists in waifu threads
This guy is harmless
This guy in the other hand is a cancerous and autistic company war marveltard.
>2 minutes to show up
are you happy with your life user?
Attached: 1603649014016.png (118x125, 39.06K)
There's no way more than 2 or 3 people give enough of a fuck.
I think it’s semi board wide but started from
I gotta say, the commitment is surprising