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Hello! I am your old blue furry buddy, Grover! And now, I will demonstrate Near and Far! OK? Here I go!
Isaac Cruz
Ryan White
So you choking on your own saliva yet?
Elijah Hernandez
>b-but muh comic adaptations tho
No. Either get our own board for this cancerous garbage, of fucking kill yourself.
Matthew Mitchell
>of fucking kill yourself
Looks like someone needs to watch sesame street to learn some basic english.
Jason Myers
Here vs There is 1000x hotter
Grayson Barnes
Oh look everyone, edgy magee is back.
All those dark crystal threads say otherwise, faggot. Take the stick out of your ass.
Christian Gomez
Henry Price
Says the retard who can't be arsed to capitalize proper nouns. Glass houses, fuckwit.
>All those dark crystal threads say otherwise, faggot
Dark Crystal doesn't belong on Zig Forums either.
>Take the stick out of your ass.
Actually discuss comics and cartoons for once. Fucking piece of shit.
Evan Morris
You mouth breather.
Oliver Cooper
>people talking about comic and cartoons on Zig Forums
The edits thread and the tits thread are sure Zig Forums.