Benjamin the Blessed

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Does Ben Garrison have a job? Does he make money off this?


i genuinely like his art style

You can't put a price on a simp

Probably. He caters to far right boomers and they'll throw money at anything.

People make pilgrimages to his temple in Montana and bring food in exchange for his wisdom.

Would unironically read an action comic in his style

wtf he used my likeness for the camel

I guess you didn't hear about the mass exodus from Fox News.

Is this the new Stonetoss?

there was a point where he needed to stop and ben clearly passed it

>He caters to far right
You're thinking of the meme version.


How long will republicans keep pretending they didn't take a massive loss at the election?

No matter who wins, Israel will still get billions worth of aid money from the US to buy military equipment from the US.

So, are these still edits or what?
Wasn't Garrison just some libertarian anti-government-in-general dude?

Nobody actually believes the election wasn't fraudulent. That's why the entire media and social media are engaging in the largest gaslighting campaign ever seen.

The lawyers got work to do, they better hurry.

I've got four years in the betting pool.

And your bitter tears are hilarious, Garrison.

Just check his official website. He's been a Trump fanboi for a while.

This level of cope and denial is usually only found in trannies.

>Ben admits that Biden is just a false hope, while we remain trapped in the exact same barren, hopeless political wasteland we've had to deal with so far
Wow, I didn't expect him to bash the trump administration - and possibly the entire political system of the united states - this hard, but maybe he has a point.

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>Nobody actually believes the election wasn't fraudulent
don't bother yourself user, I'm gonna accuse myself of being a paid shill on my own. You don't need to type anything.

Awww, sweetie. What's it like to be that gullible?

Even Trump's lawyers are admitting they have no evidence of fraud and that this is a lost cause as case after case is lost or outright thrown out.

user, trumptards have vastly exceeded trannies in the amount of delusion they're engaging in a long time ago.
It's truly an arms race with these people.

I mean, it doesn't overly matter which senile retard is in office, but if we've set the precedent that our CCP vote-boxes can just choose the winner regardless of whoever people vote for, then you're really going to see some shit.

I liked when they had to present what fraud they saw during counting, they had nothing but "the guy looked at me with a glare" and "I saw a big guy"

It's said most Americans just think Trump out of office will fix everything. 2022 is going to have the Senate AND the house run by republicans. They made huge steps this month to gain seats.

It also doesn't help that Americans who voted for Biden are retarded. Not for voting for him but there are have several articles saying a lot of the ballot tickets most people just voted Biden and left everything else blank. Again, forgetting that Senate and House exist.

You mean that it was always shit, and will continue to be shit forever no matter which elderly cunt buys the presidency while Americans struggle to even acknowledge that a two-party system can't work and that they've never been a real democracy despite pretending to bring it to other nations through war which has only resulted in ruining the world through aggressive capitalist psy-ops that ultimately only served to extend the power and wealth of the US arms industry?

>linking to a website
don't you know that the internet is owned by (((media elites))) and every website is full of lies created specifically to besmirch Donald Christ Trump, the only man to never tell a single lie?

Clinton did it for a couple of months then she got tired and so the democratic electors.
Something tells me the retarded trumpians will never stop seething though.

weird double negative. you are definitely on the right track and everyone in the world is conspiring to make your opinions seem dumb. stick to them, you'll show them all

>They made huge steps this month to gain seats.
Not really, they're close to losing the senate and still a house minority.


I mean, _I_ didn't say that personally, but that's clearly the intended reading of the OP picture, isn't it?
Ben's a smart man. He knows what's up.

If I voted for Biden, would you die?

White House is more important than both senate and house CHUD.

>a lot of the ballot tickets most people just voted Biden and left everything else blank
That's because those were fraudulent ballots.

Why wouldn't they forge the house and senate vote too?

They gained a decent number of seats and the Dems lost a decent number. The Census is redrawing the lines and most are predicting it will make the GOP gets a lot more seats.
Good luck getting anything done ever with a Senate and House voting everything you do down.

>Democrats, who held a 35-seat advantage in the House, will see their majority nearly evaporate, losing 10 to 15 seats

Yeah no the Dems are fucked for 2022.

Tards can't accept Trump lost

The funniest thing I can say about current US politics is all these people on Twitter and Reddit who think AOC has a future in anything but the house. They legit think she can run and win in 2028.

That's still a minority and the senate is up for grabs.

>Why wouldn't they forge the house and senate vote too?
That's what makes it even more suspicious.
There is no universe in which a whopping 1/3 of Democrat voters only vote for Biden, and absolutely nothing else, not even third party.

>thinking the Democratic party would even give her the nomination

Pretty much only Dem seats are up next election. That's why democrats have been freaking out so much, because they did nothing but lose seats when they were expecting massive gains.

Ok, so why would they intentionally make fake ballots that look suspicious because they don't have a house or senate vote, when they could have just written one to make it look normal?

Or, a lot of 1st time/infrequent voters (as many expected) who maybe didn't know how important voting down-ballot is.

There's also just weird shit that happens. Here in NH, Biden won and Dems were re-elected to the Senate and the House. But Republican Sununu was re-elected governor and Repubs won the state senate.

I'm chalking it up to dimwits not voting all the way down-ballot.
As I said, people love her just because she is "young" and has attitude. She really isn't that smart in terms of politics and it's just scary to see how much Twitter and people love her.

You overestimate the IQ of leftists, user.

>That's what makes it even more suspicious.
No, it's what makes your conspiracy retarded.
You're telling me the Democrats fixed the race and forgot to elect themselves to Congress?

If they're so stupid, how did they steal the election?

Probably because they underestimated the turnout Trump was getting (because all the polls said le drumpf was finished), so quickly had to fill out 90,000 extra ones on the spot. It's a lot faster to fill out one bubble a couple thousand times instead of an entire ballot.
No, 1/3 of people who take the time to vote do not either forget or not bother with filling out the rest of the ballot.

People had a record turnout simply to vote Trump out of office. It spells out plenty of people who don’t pay attention to politics normally turned up simply to make sure Trump was gone after January.

We aren't paying you to post on Zig Forums.
Get your asses back to the battlegrounds, comrades.

You're fucking stupid.

>Or, a lot of 1st time/infrequent voters (as many expected) who maybe didn't know how important voting down-ballot is.

As I said before. Americans are fucking idiots. They just assume White House=100% victory. They don't know how much legit power the Senate and House have. If the White House no matter what party has the Senate and House against them they are getting nothing done for 4 years.

I guess we'll see, since the U.S. military just seized the servers in Germany where Dominion was storing all its election data.

it's all a fucking theater, all just for show to fool and distract the audience
I can fucking see them shaking hands behind the scenes, "okay guys, this year you get the presidency, but we gain seats in the senate. We'll put some incompetent retards into the supreme court so that you have an excuse for violating the constitution. And don't forget, next week we're out for BBQ at Trudeou's to discuss how you can forcefully castrate the undesirables while promoting cultural inclusivity. The Kochs are bringing their famous dolphin salad"

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They did not steal it yet - only the court will decide.
And if you take into account that the nation was gaslighted for 60 fucking years and McCarthy was right about everything, US is keeping really great against the red menace.

Not even you believe that.
1/3 of Biden voters do not spend the amount of time it takes to vote only to vote for Biden, and write down literally nothing else for anyone else.

>McCarthy was right about everything

Especially with an outright obstructionist like McConnell in the way.

Seriously, if Democrats rigged the fucking election:
McConnel would've lost
Graham would've lost
Susan Collins would've lost
That Q cunt (Qunt?) wouldn't have been elected
Georgia Senate wouldn't be heading to a run-off