Flight or Invisibility?

Which one would you pick Zig Forums?

Nothing else about you changes except for gaining one of those two powers and they cost no energy to use.

We'll go with Invisibility being able to cover up your clothes and pockets (but not a bag) and Flight giving you cold and air resistance (but you can't go faster than 50mph)

Attached: 39799125-man-in-suit-flying.jpg (1300x1204, 132.1K)

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Flight. I feel like invisibility would just contribute in making me a worse person


Flight is more practical and useful

Consider: youtube.com/watch?v=t7YdvkSJUjM

I'm probably a contrarian, but I'm going for invisibility as described. I don't have any interest in doing anything pervy with it. Rather, I'd spend my nights going into business criminal's houses, stealing their passwords and cleaning them out, and making them think they're being haunted to the point of suicidal insanity.

Think of what Patrick Swayze did in Ghost, but malicious.

You couldn't even get on a plane if you're invisible vs flying all over the globe whenever you want

Invisibility has career applications. You could actually improve your life with it and then buy all the flights you want. Flight seems like it would just be fun for a day and a good way to kill yourself.

The thing that everyone who answers seems to forget is that a locked door is still a locked door no matter how visible you are.

There's also the short range to think about. You never have to follow the flightless mortal's streets to get anywhere. Just up and over.

Remaining unnoticed while invisible would be difficult in the seating area because it's so cramped, but you probably could jump in with the cargo. Plus invisibility lets you easily steal money so you could just buy a ticket.

invisibility sounds like it only has uses in espionage and covert operations, which is dangerous at least and deadly in extreme cases

with flight, there are more opportunities in fields that don't require you to risk your life