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Comics #1195
Zig Forums Tag Team Tourney: Nominations Part 1
What's the appeal? Am I just too old for this shit?
ITT: shows only you watched
Is Zig Forums media the highest form of art?
Everyone has this theory that the MCU's Fantastic Four will come from the 60's and jump to the present. Thing is...
Will this finally address who's the gay guardian?
ITT: Shameful Zig Forums faps
Need comic recommendations
She has BOOBA
When is he going to release a collection of his fetish drawings?
How did these 3 become the most popular group of waifus of all time?
Did you know Zig Forums?
Apparently Ben Hurst would have us believe this is what love looks like
Post based animators
Sandra And Woo
Doug TenNapel's Gear: 20th Anniversary Edition Storytime
God is black
Why is she such a boring and bland character?
Duck Thread
Spider-Gwen Thread
Okay, so legit question/poll I guess
Zig Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #13
"You know, no man's ever been this nice to me without, you know, wanting something in return."
Zig Forums Superheroes - Dreamlike December Edition
Why did we let it happen bros?
I know none of you have ever heard of this show, but does anyone know why this isn't on Disney+?
Is he right?
Spider-Man is Peter Parker
Is criticism of animation no longer allowed?
What's Gustav planning?
Yea, I can't really enjoy this movie anymore...
Drawfag ITT
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb
Favorite Aquaman's costume
RWBY/RT General #1980: Sleepy Edition
New Ice Age movie on Disney+ in 2022
Recent Marvel comic makes him the Seymour Skinner of 40k
ITT: Fixing South Park
Behold The Next Batman. He is much cooler and far less problematic than Bruce Wayne...
He lost everything
How's Your Webcomic? #704: The End of Lewdness
Bros... I'm going home
Would queer parents cause more of an uproar than an MC coming out as gay...
Reminder that in 2020, creating good art is actively discouraged
Hello Zig Forums, I'm your new waifu
Post characters that are only popular because people are jerking off to them
FP meets Marceline episode idea
Toonami is saved. DeMarco has the whole Crunchy library at his fingertips
I think it's safe to say he was right
Nobody challenged his ideology or refuted him
Why did this cause so much controvery when it came out?
Suicide Squad General!
Why did they have to ruin her movie design by giving her red hair in the series?
Clown image thread
Write the crossover
Prison Pit Vol. 4
Killing Joke Mosaic Thread (Cont'd)
What drives a woman to dress in a skimpy outfit when she gets superpowers?
Jack Chick
Chadwick Boseman will not be recast in Black Panther 2
The only good thing about animaniacs ever
I don't care what anyone else says, Rose quartz in the perfect waifu and I'm heartbroken she's not real
Raya and the last dragon
I love this guy's comics, but haven't read Mari-Sue yet
An idea I had a little while ago that my husband encouraged. I can't believe I took so long to actually finish it
Does Zig Forums like MySillyComics? I saw a few and now I really like them
He's still got it
In honour of the late great Richard Corben, let's storytime one of the absolute best Hellboy short stories!
Gunnerkrigg Court
Why can't we have female characters wearing leotards or short skirts without bike shorts anymore in cartoons...
No refutations? Wow, Zig Forums
Is this the one of the biggest WE WUZ KANGZ kinda shit that was announced recently?
Does he deserve it?
Characters with god tier VAs
Immortal Hulk 41 Preview
Uses penance stare on galactus to one-hit ko him
Lilo and stitch original storytime
Happy Flyday, lads!
You can only have sex with one
What’s your favorite Hulk personality?
So Steve Rogers grew about a foot and added 30 inches to his chest when exposed to the super soldiers serum
I think that has alcohol in it Peggy. Unless you wanna be the designated driver
Disney+'s MS. MARVEL Full Cast And Sizzle Reel
Tiana is the interesting project to me. A full-length series unlike most of them...
You will never see a solo Peter Parker adventure outside of comics ever again
People keep talking about all the new MCU shit today
Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania
Lumberjanes storytime
Would they be good parents?
John lasseter leaving Pixar/Disney animation was a mistake
Get art degree
Mandalorian tomboy is pretty cute
Why would you like TNG because of fucking Geordi of all people? Like I love the dude...
Regular Show
ITT: Easily misinterpreted panels
Supervillainess' entire motivation for being evil is that the protagonist won't fuck her
Bros, is the DCEU dead?
RWBY/RT General #1979: Golden Fleece edition
MCU is saved
What the FUCK was her problem?
Best Spongebob quotes
Pixar presents CG beanmouth
Marvel is true kino now
What's next for JaidenAnimations?
Post ITT if you're happy MCU ended with Endgame
Diary of a Wimpy Kid animated movie first look
Press F
Miles Morales has a movie and a spinoff game
Guy who ruined Spider-Man is getting the FF
ARK: The Animated Series
Why was Frankie so perfect?
Why and how did Cartoon Network kill this show so brutally?
This is the best cartoon of the 2010s
Guess whose back!
Rule 63 thread
ITT: Worst canon couples
Disney Investor Day 2020 Thread 3
/zoot/ chads, we won
Disney Investor Day 2020 Thread 2
Star Wars: The Bad Batch
The Dawn of X era of Hickman's X-Men has concluded, lets catch up
Cartoons with anime-ish feel
Happy Hanukkah from Cartoon Network
SPIDER-MAN 3 Cast Additions Will Reportedly Just Have Cameo Roles
How did this show last as long as it did
Are the tamaraneans right?
What new characters are going to appear in satina?
Black Cauldron
“You made this cake Jane?”
People will defend this episode and the big tobacco lobby and megacorporations
Troll Physics thread
Well Zig Forums?
Disney Investor Day 2020 Thread
The Dawn of X era of Hickman's X-Men has concluded, lets catch up
HBO Max's GREEN LANTERN Character Descriptions
If Anything Happens I Love You
That's right Steven! A black guy invented the lightbulb! (don't look it up)
Why did bruce wayne have a robot girlfriend?
Zig Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #12
Yaaaaaaas! Finally Batman is diverse!
We may have laughed at the Satanic Panic in the '80s
Legit Concern
Was this show for kids or adults?
Is given a date who is a newly made character each series
I don't know why but it's still sorta weird to me that Luke Skywalker ended up being one of the most prolific voice...
Does she deserve forgiveness?
Does anyone here like Kate Bishop?
RWBY/RT General 1978: Age of Calamity Edition
She made them for you, user
Redpill me on Shadman
About the new Sonic cartoon
Post characters who you imagine as black
Hobo luz
Marvel and Shonen Jump
I've fucking had it
Now that the comic is going to focus primarily on the kids...
It's up
Meet Tim Fox
What do you think of the new justice league?
ITT: Zig Forums images
R.I.P Richard Corben
Is there a reason of why they can't be together again?
Netflix Live Action Winx Trailer
What's the most spiritually violent Zig Forums material?
Star Trek
Are fear toxins possible? I wanna be like the scarecrow
Why is this cartoon so timeless? I watched it when I was a kid, I watched it as a teen...
Does Jackie give anyone else the warm fuzzies?
TMNT #112
When the fuck are we getting season 2?
Let my people go user!
Pitch your Scooby-Doo reboot
The SU PSAs are doing better than new episodes of Helluva Boss
Why are so few CN originals completely available on DVD in America...
Bluey thread
Prison Pit 3
ITT: Should have been finales
Bart and Lisa
No Evil
RWBY/RT General 1977: Legend of Weiss Edition
Randomly found this comic strip online
ITT: anything Spider-Man
Whitewash thread
This was great. What is the ideal way to enjoy this run so far?
Scott Tenorman Must Die
When will Zig Forums be brave enough to empower every female superhero regardless of their body type?
Look, here's the long and short of it
So Asgardians aren't even superhuman anymore and can be hurt by a normal punch from an old man
Star Wars Rebels
Do you agree?
Is she three girls or one girl times 3?
I am obsessed with this image...
Official Win-O'-Thread
Monster High/ Ever After High/ Enchantimals/ Cave Club
Dumbing of Age
It was pretty good actually, prove me wrong
Usagi Yojimbo thread
I want episode 2 so bad, bros
There was a time when this board loved Jackie. I want us to go back to those times
you’re an American waiter
Apparently Teen Titans was hated on back in the day. People considered it to be "kiddy" compared to Batman: TAS. Now...
Operation N.O.V.E.L. Announcement
Was Milo gay? I mean he only hung out with girls...
'Ave you ever thought about, like, why there are so many streaming services? Do we even really need them?
Horse girl
Would you watch this show?
Delusional Filmmakers
Disney's Encanto
Questionable Content
Is Courage the only kids show to actually be classified as horror...
Yeah, it'll probably have horrible story full of toxic feminism and SJW nonsense...
Summer Camp Island
Cartoonist Kayfabe
IDK why people buy this fucking gross shit
"If God is real, why would he make you ugly and give you a fat ass...
Say something nice about ChalkZone
Does Zig Forums like Mera?
Was it good?
Which one is best girl?
So Alex Hirsch is getting Metoo'd
ICarly Revival Ordered at Paramount+ Streaming Service
A friendly reminder
Illumination's chance to redeem themselves
Which is the better of the two?
We need a Boomer Comic thread
RWBY/RT General 1976: Limbo Edition
ITT: Pitch your ideas for a third Helluva Boss episode
Will western cartoons ever be this kino?
Why did Gaz allow Zim to take one of her organs when she easily could have stopped him?
She-Hulk appreciation thread
How is Scooby Doo still a thing? Let's be honest with ourselves, it makes no sense that this IP has lasted so long
Remember Nguyen cartoons used to be fun and we’re a good escapism? I miss those times
What's the worst Zig Forums fandom?
These are the Marvel Netflix characters that Kevin Feige is apparently bringing into the MCU
Joe Manganiello Reveals More About Ben Affleck's Abandoned THE BATMAN Film
Broly vs Hulk @Death Battle
Which franchise/property got ruined more by their specific Netflix adaption
Civil War II Storytime of Pain
Marvin Monroe removed because the creators hated him and Harry Shearer hurt his voice when having to voice him
How did he pull it off?
I have one question for you Zig Forums
Pitch your ideas for a Kingdom Hearts cartoon
Watched Men
Helluva Boss:
No one's ever really disabled as long as he has courage!
Explain to me how the Air Bender Genocide in Avatar the Last Airbender could have possibly happened
Is Guy Incognito related to Homer?
Does Zig Forums like mermaids?
Why is satina so cute and valid?
Strange Academy #6 storytime
Disney Italy Storytime - Christmas selection
Zig Forums Duo Drag Racers
Star vs the Forces of Evil
What's with this new influx of what I could only describe as "meme animators"...
Why was one of the main segments of Animaniacs just a parody of old mafia movies...
You are Bart Simpson for the next 24 hours. What do you do?
So, is Candace waifu material?
Legit the most comfy preschool show on the planet
Avengers Game
DC's Walmart Giants
Venom #31 Storytime
Transformers #25 Storytime
North Korean Anime?
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb
RWBY/RT General 1975: Jaws Edition
Star Wars #9 Storytime
Marauders #16 - Storytime:
Why didn’t the crystal gems stop slavery?
S.W.O.R.D. #1 Storytime
The new suit for CW's Superman has finally been revealed
Why does a rabbit need fuck me eyes?
Rosebuds is excellent
Slavery is canon in Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems just let it happen
The Killing Joke mosaic project
Abrams Spider-Man Storytime
Daredevil Spiderman
How would you fix Jackie?
Race swap thread
ITT: Cursed Zig Forums images
Guardians of the Galaxy #9 Storytime
Why are Disney villains so fucking good?
Okay, I'll tell ya
Avengers #39 storytime
Amazing Spider-Man #54 Storytime
This girl gaslighted an emotionally unstable kid to fulfil her dreams to be in a fantasy adventure
Who would win in a catfight for dick?
What type of stories/characters do men like?
Homer's Enemy
Reminder that these were the most successful comic pros in 2020
The hairstyle that ruined goth and punk girls forever
Story Time: Prison Pitt Vol. 2
Quit it
ITT: Strong female characters done right
Jannies, right?
Here’s your new Hawkeye bro
Star Wars Rebels
You missed the shot? DIE
Who's your favorite male cartoon showrunner?
Home Sick Pilots #1 Storytime
I can't believe they literally wasted 1/3 of the final clone wars season on this embarrassingly bad filler arc
Middle-era South Park
What are your favorite superhero leotards? Wonder woman's is the absolute classic to me
Bob the angry flower
We continue discussing Modern Daredevil's billy clubs regressed with these retarded jumping ropes?
Did you wish the best Zig Forums creator of the past 5 decades a happy birthday
What was his problem?
Who was this character made for again?
Episode 2 comes out today!
Which show was more influential?
ITT: Best Zig Forums duos
RWBY/RT General 1974: Blake Needs to Be Re Educated
Is it racist to find old caricatures of black people attractive?
What the fuck was her problem?
The Avengers as Characters
Questionable Content
Please spew all your shitposts here
Why isn't there more Pacific Islander representation in cartoons and other media? The only one I can think of is Moana
Built for pegging and femdom
I miss cons bros
Kill Six Billion Demons - Breaker of Infinities 1-17
Can Zig Forums do lgbt better?
Darkseid is about to sit in your favorite chair
ITT: Twerking
Why is the 80s cartoon so popular?
I am a Yakko-Fag. Ask Me Anything!
Infinity Train
Why is incest so loved here?
Let's talk
Describe yourself
JSA thread
Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?
Knull just BTFO Sentry with Sentry's own finishing ,move !!!
CN in 2020
Zig Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #11
ITT: We're in an alternate universe
Obscure/unpopular/underrated 3d animated media, even if they're shit
Amazing Spider-Man
Hoops Cancelled
The Dawn of X era of Hickman's X-Men has concluded, lets catch up
Everyone's upset Mink and Nurse got the boot
So when The DGA, SAG, and WGA eventually boycott Wanner Bros for a few months...
Just finished it, how does Zig Forums feel about it
Kate Bishop released today
Smiling Friends
I like this movie but the fact it was made in the 2000s shows
Toonami Ratings for 12/5/20
What's the difference between entertainment aimed at females and entertainment aimed at males...
Why is Bruce Wayne such a great character Zig Forums?
It should’ve won instead of Inside Out
Here's your Kate
What if Aquaman was black?
I just remembered this show for some reason
This doesn't make sense. Star is an empath, if her daughter was having problems they would talk about it
Is there a worse kids "show" than this?
What a shit ending
How's your day going Zig Forums?
Short cartoons
Zig Forums General Drawthread
Why is it so hard to adapt this iconic story line into film?
Soon every new cartoon in the US will become animeified. France, Korea...
Fun fact: Out of all his """""friends""""""" only Peppermint Patty and Marcie went to visit him when he was in the E.R...
Camp Camp
How do you feel about Western culture being an American/Anglo monopoly?
PBS Kids
Hey new Zig Forums, what’s your power?
RWBY/RT General 1973: Ship horn goes Brrr Edition
Do you think a James Bond cartoon could work?
What is wrong with modern writers ?
Slylock Fox
Which is better?
Creator of Homestuck bullied off of twitter
I might be a genocidal colonist, but what about the black knights?
You're doing this all wrong
How angry will Zig Forums be when it's nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars?
Frozen II
Zig Forums reaction image thread
Detective Comics #1032 Storytime
Why is it so fucking good?
Who was the target audience for this character?
I Am Not Starfire Preview
Post Zig Forums characters masturbating
Zig Forums puppet thread
Opinion on best girl?
Mao Mao
2020 Animation
Henchman Thread
ITT: things that ruin cartoons in modern age
Let's make a project Zig Forums
Jannies mad????
Cartoons/comics about "adulting"
Jackie is pure
Hilda s2 official posts
Reminder: if people say Zig Forums doesn’t have any unified projects it’s not because we tried stuff and actually...
DC's Merry Multiverse #1 Storytime
Bat Pope
Why are western animators so scared and threatened by aesthetically pleasing female character designs...
Do you have any hopes for the Ms. Marvel show?
Which one is going to be lgbt, we all know one will be
For the last time Zig Forums
We know Hulk can beat the shit out of Superman but can he beat Broly?
Clone Wars
All Of DC Comics' Announced – Or Semi-Announced – For March 2021
So if Timmy turns into a trap would Tootie become hyper masculine to counter balance him? Also trap thread
Let's have a thread for the girls of Looney Tunes
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting December 2, 2020
Power Girl
Why are DC heroines magnets for boys?
Endless Winter 2-3 Storytime thread: Flash, Superman
Shelf lives of cartoons
What was he thinking moments before he died?
Tuesday Carolthread
Is he the Frank Frazetta of our generation?
Tales from The Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint Storytime
Miraculous fucking nothing
What does Zig Forums think of fluffy from Johnny bravo?
Thoughts on Over The Moon?
What does Zig Forums think of the Owl House vidya game?
Dark Nights Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe Storytime
Thoughts? I have HBO Max
Do you like your Zig Forums boys rough and tumble or sweet and soft...
Is her popularity deserved?
Dialogue in comics
How mad do you think Don Bluth is right now?
Namor by Busiek. Why are we not excited?
Modern Daredevil's billy clubs regressed in these retarded jumping ropes?
RWBY/RT General 1972: Simple Soul Edition
Tfw UltiChad
Tfw no Cats animated movie ever
Wow, i didn't believe this but it is true
What were they trying to say with this ending? Change won't happen? You can't fight trends...
Christopher Nolan Rips HBO Max As Worst Streaming Service, Denounces Warner Bros' Plan
Today I will remind them
I am forgotten
Ex who was also a fuckbuddy remains friend and even has a professional relationship with BoJack afterwards
L O L ?
You want monkeys? Oh, okay. I'll give you monkeys...
Post kino webcomics
What alien would Ben use when he wants his sex to be kinkier?
Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia
Imagine her being your dog
If you were to lay out all your favorite Zig Forums characters, would you notice a pattern? If so, what is it...
Replace one of the words of the carton you watched with fag or faggot
Based Slott
ITT: fappable Zig Forums screenshots
How do you respond?
Good film?
Questionable Content
I would like to watch something good. What should I watch?
GILF Pacifica just dropped
Would Elliot Page be a good Robin? Pattinson and Elliot would be a cool duo
Ed Edd n Eddy is a much better LGBT cartoon than She-Ra or The Owl House...
Intro says the warner bros escaped the water tower
ITT pretend Zig Forums existed in 1993
Guess Galactus was wrong about Franklin Richards
Alegría y Sofía
Enough with the gay character shit
Characters with undeserved fates
Flight or Invisibility?
Make a show about puberty
Who is the worst professional artist in your opinion?
Zig Forums images you relate to
Cheesecake Thread
Arnold deserved it
It's that time of the year again. Post some Christmas kino
JSA Storytime: GO JOE
Now that the dust has settled, what went right with the animated Hercules movie?
ITT: Characters who are considered hot in-universe, but are actually ugly looking
ITT Zig Forums goth girls
Hilda season 2 will be better than anything anyone has ever created
Credit cards are bad
What can I do to make Timmy like me, Zig Forums?
Old Onyx Equinox thread archived. Post Izel getting bullied
Why are modern cartoons so unappealing to children nowadays? is it the calarts style?
What went right?
So, Zig Forums, how do you feel about Teen Titans Academy? And making Red X part of it?
Who's group of friends would you hang out with?
I'm blue da ba dee ba bo dai
What Zig Forums characters fit this description?
Is there a capeshit character who's only power is invincibility?
The Dawn of X era of Hickman's X-Men has concluded, lets catch up
Official Win-O'-Thread
Glasses girl
RWBY/RT General 1971: Jaune With A Cute Boyfriend Edition
WONDER WOMAN 1984 Clip: "Desert Chase"
Is saving Donald Blake from that super retarded and cringey "happy dream" bullshit the best thing Cates ever did in his...
Duck Thread
Why did he choke Zig Forums?
Space Jam 2
Society is collapsing
Marvel unveils new Alien series
Zig Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #10
Superheroes who would support anti-lockdown protests
Future State: Bat Family previews
Dawn o X Storytime
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb
Beaner or Burger?
Reminder the adventure time comic is the definitive version of the series
The Animaniacs reboot is done by it's original crew led by Tom Ruegger; What changes?
Ahsoka's clonetroopers are painted orange because her skin color is orange...
Post iconic covers from the last 10 years
I fucking miss her
Why are all comicsgate comics so bad?
Story time Afraid of monsters
It's been a whole year, Zig Forums. What's the final Zig Forumsnsensus?
RWBY/RT General 1970: Sleepy Happy Huntresses Edition
Unironically a better written character then Dib
Dude what if we made Wonder Woman a big booty Brazilian babe?
Same director, same studio
What was her problem?
Normies killed off 2D animation and rendered the second-to-last good Disney Princess movie to the backburner because...
How do we kick out and eradicate feminism from the comic and animation industries?
Which Zig Forums character cold beat him?
Eternals Toy Leak
Give it to me straight Zig Forums, is 2D animation really more expensive than 3D animation...
The more I think about it the more I feel this show coming back was a Monkey's Paw wish
Is there a more boring movie?
Starts out as a nice adult themed pet story
Kiss the Goblin
Pre-Damon Lindelhof HBO watchmen
What are your thoughts on Brandy and Mr Whiskers?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine
Zig Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies