What went wrong? These are superior to floppies.
DC's Walmart Giants
floppies and the direct market are cancer
the same issue with floppies look at the price 5 American Euros? seriously????
how much do you think 100 pages should cost?
I suspect covid killed the line, either directly or indirectly. It ended right around when DC started dumping the wal mart stories as digital firsts as filler while the things were shut down.
did wal mart ever shut down because of covid? or was it because dc's printers shut down? seems odd that walmart would just kill the deal if a pandemic messed up printing
no more than 3$ but low quality paper.
>American Euros
why do you think people want to pay for "low quality paper"?
They should've been the Marvel Adventures comics for DC. I understand why they did it because Walmart had all sorts of stuff like this. Parents and grandparents would pass by an aisle and vaguely remember what the kids were into and buy something to make them happy. Then there was that Superman issue of Lois getting shot in the head by Lex. Overall they were fine and funny enough Bendis wrote some good Batman issues and King wrote good Superman comics. Kind of makes you wonder what would have happened if they worked on those titles for the main comics.