This doesn't make sense. Star is an empath, if her daughter was having problems they would talk about it

This doesn't make sense. Star is an empath, if her daughter was having problems they would talk about it.
Also presumable grandfather didn’t even finish high school, why does she feel bad about not going to college, like who the fuck would care.

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Sometimes it’s hard to be emotionally open

I'd be there to comfort her with delicious snacks.

Starfire's whole character is about being emotionally open

Why don't you ask in the thread that's already up?

Talking about it requires two parties. Even if Starfire wants to, the daughter has to be receptive to opening up, which she clearly is not.
Gonna be a shit book either way.

Kids aren't their parents

Yeah but if she LITTERALLY knows how her daughter feels there's no reason not to talk with her.

Starfire is not the one who's emotionally closed off her daughter is. Starfire wants to talk to her daughter about it her daughter doesn't want it cuz she's Le edgy goth "you don't understand mom"

This would have worked better if it was about Donna.