Amazing Spider-Man

Been reading ASM for the first time since the start and reached "The Night Gwen Stacy Died", it lived up to the hype for sure but this moment caught me completely off guard.

Peter here pretty much reverts to his Ditko-self for an instant and lets his friendship die due to his anger, in what may as well be a reflection of the first time he and Harry bonded. I'm surprised I don't see this panel brought up more.

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The friendship doesn't die here but it is a tipping point for harry, though can you really blame peter for his behavior here?

speaking of the bond between harry and peter where are the spoilers for the new asm

buried in the archive somewhere, just a few more hours user and the full issue will be posted


no fuck that I need spoilers now I was at work

Can someone do the whole issue

can you give me a quick rundown of spoilers for the new one

It also parallels the ending really well.

Fuck Spidey comics could be good at one point.

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