The hairstyle that ruined goth and punk girls forever

The hairstyle that ruined goth and punk girls forever

Attached: fuckskrillex.png (500x400, 263.61K)

If you can't have normal human hair, just go bald instead of this shit.

this, it looks ugly as fuck

Attractive people look attractive no matter what they do.

Attractive people generally don't need to get attention with this dumb shit.
You might've noticed that they only do it if they need to signal either wokeness or something similar.

I know that when you're a child, you have a very short period of experiences to pull from, but I want you to consider a thing that happened before you were born but I'm sure you've heard of:
Mullets. They didn't last forever. No hair trend does. Not the Farah Fawcett look, not the big poofy perms from the 80's, and not this. They tend to stick around for about a decade, define that decade, and then go out of style and everyone who had one looks back and goes "god I was stupid back then"

It was cool that Marceline got a new hairstyle every once in a while for no reason

Not him, but im wondering when the fuck this is going to quit being a thing, it has been popular for 13 years now.
Also mullets are coming back, which is cool

Attached: 24a3de71544ecae4453c72e0313a41ad.jpg (1073x1073, 97.21K)

And yet, it's the hairstyle that 90% of NPC's in Cyberpunk 2077 has (in blue, of course) and that is set 50 years from now.
The sidecut is never going away BAYBEE!!

they have had hair styles like that for longer than OP has been alive