Why can't we have female characters wearing leotards or short skirts without bike shorts anymore in cartoons...

Why can't we have female characters wearing leotards or short skirts without bike shorts anymore in cartoons, Zig Forums? It pisses me off.

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>reeeeeee why are they making it so hard for me to look at little girl crotches

Not even just little girls, retard. I'm talking about women too.

>that porn flash of her

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Because it’s considered misogynistic for both females and men who pretend to be females
Unless it’s barb, little bitch almost have the troll pubes out

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because bitter feminists hate coomers.

You don't find me attractive because I'm fat, ugly with a retarded haircut and a nasty personnality to boot. therefore I'm going to destroy all your fictionnal waifus and make them uncoomable.

that's how feminists are. Bitter and evil.

Angry letters from stupid parents.
You're own fault for being retards.

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Girls still wear skirts in toddler cartoons.

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Coomers are worse to be with than feminists tho

feminsits are cockrach, they aren't even humans anymore.
they are just miserable parasites with a goal to destroy families and joy in cultural products.
They are satan.

>because I'm fat, ugly with a retarded haircut and a nasty personality to boot.
Aren't YOU all of these things user?

Because upskirts are an outdated concept ever since they invented leggings old man! Watch some Aika Zero and jerk off before posting next time.

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This sure seems like exactly what you are doing tho...

you are though. Or worse you're one of those pathetic low test uggo men who are desperate to want to fuck those nasty creatures.

Yes, that is the question being asked.

> OP hasn't realized his pervert ass is the reason

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>you are own fault
Also, using that image as a reaction pic. Jfc...

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user everyone knows that feminists are nasty women no one decent want to touch. that's why they are so bichy and nasty. Because they are lonely. and it's a vicious circle, the more they feel sidelined by fuckable men the more bitter they become, the more people are avoiding them because they are bitter and miserable and being in their company is going to be depressing and painful.

Do you need a minute?

I want to know how in the fuck the navel became taboo all over again like it's the 60s. What the fuck happened there?

I know right? imagine how much better this scene would have been...

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In the past it was anti conformist taboo. Now it's just taboo for a human being to be skinny.

>implying animators in the past weren't pervs themselves

you're a terrible human being with shitty ideals.

You took 30 min. to collect yourself for "that?"

you guys are all stupid
it's a conspiracy. A CONSPIRACY
the people who work on shows nowadays were fanartists before they went professional and got in the biz
so, they make all the stuff you want to see of characters not in the show, so you have to get it from fan art.
they're making sure the next gen of animators have business

>People who make art want other people to make art for them

Wow, brilliant deduction Guy Fawkes.

>media that promotes healthy sexual development for young people
These are supposed to be the same thing, aren't they? But the shit-worshippers are only "sex positive" about genital mutilation and black penis; they can avoid promoting anything healthy by censoring it and blaming whitey