Recent Marvel comic makes him the Seymour Skinner of 40k

>recent Marvel comic makes him the Seymour Skinner of 40k
How hard are 40kfags seething?

Attached: Marneus_Calgar_by_Karl_Kopinski.jpg (600x795, 143.99K)

Don't give a fuck about Marvel.

That comic is really good so far to be honest, better than the Star Wars ones.

>recent Marvel comic makes him the Seymour Skinner of 40k
But he is though.
And I, the most esteemed Cato Sicarius, and the main character, Bartholomew Simpson, and as such, the most fit and destined to take over as Chapter Master!

Attached: 1B90A56A-D8F5-4667-8D4A-ADB37C362962.jpg (600x777, 60.65K)

Anyway. Not interested in fluff.

I thought that this would be a good thing though. I remember when he was first brought back the fans were seething that they just treated him as a do no wrong Jesus figure with an excuse to give his tabletop faction even more figures while they still neglect 80% of the old line.

Dude was literally destined to takeover Imperium of Man, so sort of like father returned. Also who play who it's personal preferences. I play for Salamanders or Wolves. But see no problem with Ultramarines. This hate for them isn't healthy. Criticisms OK and welcome. But it's very quick turned to some hate shitfest, where any newfag felt like he obliged to shit on blue dudes. Inside joke became hate machine for faggots whom has little to no knowledge about wh 40k universe.

>the Seymour Skinner of 40k
What the fuck does this even mean?

This. Is he the old Skinner, who was an out of touch and anal retentive stick-in-the-mud, but still ultimately morally upright and well meaning authority figure? Or is the Flanderized Skinner who isn’t even actually Skinner?

>"Leave your body, Marneus... Leave your body..."