S.W.O.R.D. #1 Storytime

FYI I haven't been keeping up with the new X-books.

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finally! I was worried there wouldn't be an x-men story time today.

>breaking up Abigail and Carol for x-shit
Fuck you ewing

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Carol as for Karl Manvers?

Carol left Alpha Flight like 2 years ago though.

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filthy flatscan scum, keep the muties in the mutie books

Finally, I missed her in something decent

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I like how the chart outright skips over Fabian Cortez in the chain of command. He's just "executive producer."


Hickman and his fetish for charts

Who's the Psionic Analyst?

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Does young Cable still participate in time-travelling shenanigans?


Ugly fucking haircut

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>short hair

I'm mad about this

was Brand always a mutie or that new

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She was revealed to be a mutant in one of the Avengers vs X-Men tie-ins.

Always has been

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fortunately this allows Frenzy to fuck Abigail

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Seriously, who exactly are Gyrich's "friends in high places"? He keeps being given jobs he keeps fucking up in multiple departments in multiple administrations.

based Mags
>I came here to move ships and chew bubble gum

Frenzy is for Cyclops. He's into poly now, she has a chance.

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Was Brand even in Carol's book anymore?

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Paibok seems like a terrible choice for a diplomat, especially one for Earth.

Get fucked, Abigel never worked as part of Carol supporting cast

what are the circled X side of some characters?

So I guess this is the closest we will get to a sequel to Ewing's ultimate

In Whedon's X-men she tells them that the green hair is due to being half alien, the fire hand (ie: why she's called brand) is mutant.

>Fabien as the doctor
oh god no, I don't want this
no, it was actually in Whedon's run, she's a half alien half human mutant.

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What the fuck is wrong with Magneto's face?

Wiz Kid grew up hot

What do you mean? The characters with a circled X next to them?

They are assigned to redacted.

>no Carol
>no Monica
Why even bother?

He looks pretty fucking good for a WW2 vet in 2020

AHAHAHAHA, muties already screwed up their intergalactic relationships because of Wanda

>Mags can chew bubble gum
suspension of disbelief broken!

maybe some hank mcoy shenanigans as well? i'd settle for him watching frenzy & brand going at it