FYI I haven't been keeping up with the new X-books.
S.W.O.R.D. #1 Storytime
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finally! I was worried there wouldn't be an x-men story time today.
>breaking up Abigail and Carol for x-shit
Fuck you ewing
Carol as for Karl Manvers?
Carol left Alpha Flight like 2 years ago though.
filthy flatscan scum, keep the muties in the mutie books
Finally, I missed her in something decent
I like how the chart outright skips over Fabian Cortez in the chain of command. He's just "executive producer."
Hickman and his fetish for charts
Who's the Psionic Analyst?
Does young Cable still participate in time-travelling shenanigans?
Ugly fucking haircut
>short hair
I'm mad about this
was Brand always a mutie or that new
She was revealed to be a mutant in one of the Avengers vs X-Men tie-ins.
Always has been
fortunately this allows Frenzy to fuck Abigail
Seriously, who exactly are Gyrich's "friends in high places"? He keeps being given jobs he keeps fucking up in multiple departments in multiple administrations.
based Mags
>I came here to move ships and chew bubble gum
Frenzy is for Cyclops. He's into poly now, she has a chance.
Was Brand even in Carol's book anymore?
Paibok seems like a terrible choice for a diplomat, especially one for Earth.
Get fucked, Abigel never worked as part of Carol supporting cast
what are the circled X side of some characters?
So I guess this is the closest we will get to a sequel to Ewing's ultimate
In Whedon's X-men she tells them that the green hair is due to being half alien, the fire hand (ie: why she's called brand) is mutant.
>Fabien as the doctor
oh god no, I don't want this
no, it was actually in Whedon's run, she's a half alien half human mutant.
What the fuck is wrong with Magneto's face?
Wiz Kid grew up hot
What do you mean? The characters with a circled X next to them?
They are assigned to redacted.
>no Carol
>no Monica
Why even bother?
He looks pretty fucking good for a WW2 vet in 2020
AHAHAHAHA, muties already screwed up their intergalactic relationships because of Wanda
>Mags can chew bubble gum
suspension of disbelief broken!
maybe some hank mcoy shenanigans as well? i'd settle for him watching frenzy & brand going at it