North Korean Anime?

Saw this on twitter, looks like fan art from the North Korean tv show "Squirrel and Hedgehog" I think it's kinda cute.

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It's North Korean propaganda, it literally has no value. No consistency or plot. Only got popular because of furfags. It's not worth the animation it's made from. Only watch it if you're a furry or wanna see the back watered mind of a North Korean t.v

Bit late to the party friend.

I love how furfags are unironically shilling a country that arrest literal infants to be slaves with their 3 generations sentences.

Mostly tankies and political furries that think because North Korea has "free" healthcare and social services. Even though the lists are reserved mostly for the elities.

Don't kid yourself. Zig Forums made it popular because of a certain fox girl and how badass the villains accidentally were.

Furfags only picked it up after Zig Forums did all the digging. Proof is that there are plenty of other furry shows in North Korea but furfags don't even know the name

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>Implying Zig Forums isn't made up of furries and communists

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>This is your brain in amerimutt propaganda
Because South Korea wagecuck slavery, pedophile Kpoop culture and animators contributing to the Calartification of american industry is any better right?

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Despite the name, Zig Forums isn't communist. They're too horny.

Nobody thinks North Korea is good because of an animal cartoon, what are you talking about?

>amerimutt propaganda
That shit's coming from defectors who are running cross country across the border, even as they're getting shot

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>Zig Forumsmrades
Come on. now you're just lying.

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>literal slavery
>People risking it all just to leave
>Everything we know is from defectors
Shut the fuck up tankie.

No because porn is exchanged freely. In communist states, decent porn is an alternate currency. Like cigarettes and american dollars

Speak for yourself, Zig Forums is a left leaning board and Communists are here.

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>literal slavery
People are encouraged to work and be productive or getting shot. Its how a country should be.
>People risking it all just to leave
Mostly people who fucked their shit up heavily or ripped off posters from hotels thinking it was a nice idea.
>Everything we know is from defectors
South Koreans are even worse puppets of amerimutts than Nips, of course they will make the "defectors" follow the script.

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The fuck are you on about?

The fox is the American villain that the west masturbates to as the main character. North Korea is getting no money from the interest either.

Its like if North Koreans started to waifu the Other Mother as the collectivist hero of Coraline, and all they did was swap porn and memes of her.

Uh huh says different. You're just too young to understand the difference between commie and horny

Being anti-right isn’t leftist.

Back in my day, Zig Forums was either contrarian or anarchist. Never actually for things.

The last time someone called someone else Zig Forumsmrade, people still said "Zig Forums is love" unironically.

Why are tankies so fucking retarded. If you can't leave your country without running across a minefield it's slavery.

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That's a lot of buzzwords and in the end of the day you are the one defending a country that openly and legally arrest little children to be slaves forever.

>the state of this thread


That's...that's Communist user.

>Zig Forums is a left leaning board
that's a lie. Zig Forums is whatever the opposite of mainstream is, just like the rest of this fish-boning forum

I found it interesting because of how violent and self righteous it is, despite being intended for children.
I'm surprised that American children's shows are so shy to depict just that, even though the USA is so militaristic and trigger happy. You'd think both the government and parents would be psyched about raising the kids as hardened defenders of their homes and borders.

>literal slavery and death camps is better than shitty pop songs and mediocre animation.

>Anarchism == Communism
Let's not pretend there was ever a state of communism that wasn't anathema to anarchism.

What did you expect? 5 minutes of Vixen lewds before mods nuke the thread?

>Fallout Gauss Rifle and New Vegas AMR

No, archaism is a political idea that proposes a govermentless state. It doesn't have to do with communism. And calling North Korea communist in the first place is profoundly stupid. It's essentially an old-world extreme monarchy running on more modern technology. There aren't any communist states, just mixed oligarchies.

Because the interests of politicans and the military-industrial complex do not align with 99% of Americans. The average American is centre-right with a moderate amount of patriotism and sensibility. They would not want violent propaganda for their kids. North Koreans can't protest or have a channel to change to. If PBS started airing some sort of American army propaganda it wouldn't last because of the loud minority of leftists and the majority of normal people silently leaving it.
>He doesn't know about Ancoms or Anarcho-Syndies


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>He doesn't know about Ancoms or Anarcho-Syndies
In other words, you agree with me.

>Miminum Vixen lewds
>Maxium dicussion of North Korean Commumism.

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Why did you say that anarchism = communism then, if you know that isn't necessarily true? Kind of retarded of you desu.


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Sorry, didn't mean to (you), you. But uh...fuck tankies amirite?
Because the thread became a discussion of politics and Anarchism in a political sense is closely related to Communism.

Zig Forums is still contrarian, the only thing that changed was everything else. this place just kept being contrarian.


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