Besides France of course why are they mostly incapable of making good animation/comics with such a large population...

Besides France of course why are they mostly incapable of making good animation/comics with such a large population? Even Canada pumps out more good cartoons somehow.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Europe.svg.png (1200x800, 26.16K)

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They slobber America's media cock but pretend that they don't like it, France is the only country in the EU that genuinely doesn't enjoy American media which is why they produce their own shit. They're based like that.

Is Europe so far behind the ball on entertainment because they spent so much of the 20th century blowing each other up?

they make fantastic comics, much better than USA. They don't make good animation because they can't afford it, but Cartoon Saloon and a few other studios are still doing good work.

They did until like the 90's

My guess would be that animation is expensive and most EU countries don't have laws that mandate a percentage of programming to be made in the state like Canada and France do. Sometimes nice cartoons are made though.

I'd say the two sides of the Atlantic are more or less on par regarding the production and quality of comic books in general. If we're only talking DC/Marvel most European productions blow those out of the water.

The work required to work in an animation studio violates EU labor laws.

Cartoon Saloon isn't the only one but is certainly the best.
Pic related, a recent Italian animated movie

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Because Germs devote all of their energy and sub-par imagination to destroying Europe and expanding their diplomatic and economic hegemony; cultural victory is for nerds.

I notice only europoors say this and only on Zig Forums at that. I've read a few european comics myself and "blow those out of the water" is an exaggeration of a lifetime. I'd say they're just more consistently good, while US comics have lower lows and higher highs in terms of quality due to the nature of the revolving US comics industry as opposed to Europe's more static industry.

Unironically yes. With the exception of the UK (because they won) and France (because they are eternally self-absorbed cunts), Europe's spirit was broken by the two world wars and what was left of it was pulverized by the US and USSR.
Nobody here really has an identity or any real culture. All that's left are completely neutered pre-war leftovers. People can't tell imaginative stories, because there's no genuine background to base them on. The few people that actually wanted to make something got drowned by the sheer output of the US and the niches got filled by Franco-Belgian stuff, so nobody ever bothered to create a culture or industry for it.

UK comics are WAY better than US comics

Germans suck at Zig Forums content though, dunno why they are so bad at it

I hope you guys know that France is the one making all those terrible Illumination films desu.

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>Europe's spirit was broken and its culture is just a shadow of itself, so it can't really produce novel things anymore.
>That one culture that still produces novel things? Self-absorbed cunts.
Pretty telling about the mindset honestly.

They are genuine assholes.
Belgians and the UK also produce stuff and they aren't even half as dickish.

You're right Germany is piss-poor. I'm not sure why UK, France and Italy have done good comics, but for Germany it's like nothing.

I was using a hyperbole and of course personal taste is involved, but I still feel that we could open a random superhero comic and a random European commeecial comic and I'd get more from the European equivalent. If anything there would usually be at least one complete story and not only a fraction.

>the nature of the revolving US comics industry as opposed to Europe's more static industry.
Are we speaking of industry or authors? Because if it's the latter I agree the American way sees more authors behind the wheel of a series, but if itvs the former then I'd have to disagree.
Like I said if we're talking superheroes it's basically been Marvel/DC ever since the '60s with only some newcomers kinda recently (like Image in the' 90s) while Europe's comic book market has radically changed since the 60's and is still changing

>Nobody here really has an identity or any real culture.
Stopped reading there
Switch your computer off and please go outside

There's a reason Frogs are stereotyped as being incredible arrogant arseholes.

Italy pumped out fantastic comics in the last 60 years. Our cartoons, however, are quite lacking. It's just more convenient for us to request France to make cartoons for us (the Lupo Alberto cartoon being the most known example). If you want some good italian cartoons, however, Bruno Bozzetto work is fantastic, and Stranemani is our biggest studio, made some nice gems.

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Holy fuck do you want to know how I know you’re a lonely neckbeard?

Nearly nonexistent market. Comic / animation is either kiddie fare, or degenerate bourgeois nonsense. Old commie-era habits die hard.

Even translated works barely earn enough to warrant the effort, doing a production from scratch just isn't viable.

Comics has it a little better, with one specialized publisher (mostly translates manga or the more popular western comics), handful of specialized shops and at least a shelf at most booksellers, but still no

>Nobody here really has an identity or any real culture.
do you live in an urban city or something? Those tend to be the most globalized areas. That is, if you're actually european. I don't like to play "oh we are so much better than americans", but we do have our strong identities.

Because nobody gives a fuck about comics. Also, Italy makes better comics.

Poland's cartoons were mostly for little kids (a stigma still present nowadays), and produced when they didn't have to bring profit
Nowadays the TV stations don't need to do anything other than licence shows, and those few people that are good would rather join a Western studio than struggle here. (Helltaker being an exception, for now)

I'm from way out in the sticks originally. When I was a kid, people already didn't really give a shit about tradition or genuine culture beyond having public occasions to drink and it's only gotten worse. The traditions that haven't died are complete husks with people mostly going through the motions and any sort of media that carries a genuine, original spirit is completely nonexistant. This isn't just a thing around here either, since I work a lot of people from both western and eastern European countries and get to visit them often enough.
Maybe it's better in Skandinavia, though.

Because cartoons and comics are for losers

Language barrier

This anons correct. A constant barrage on American media and modern teachings have shrivelled up western culture. That you can have people that openly say that caring about your native culture is racist in your own fucking country is a sign of how bad things have gotten.

No offense user but I seriously don't believe you. I live in south Italy and cultural identity here is insanely strong. We're even retaking abandoned traditions and bringing them back, thanks to ethical tourism kicking in and encouraging it.

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Most Italian artists work for French productions thought

Because we are slaves to the American entertainment empire or we're too busy getting ran over by trucks.

>all the amerimutts in this thread