So I just caught up to the latest Savage Dragon and I just have to ask, who even still reads this anymore?

So I just caught up to the latest Savage Dragon and I just have to ask, who even still reads this anymore?
It seems like it's just devolved into Larsen drawing pointless fights with no set up or payoff, softcore pornography, inserting his shitty opinions about politics, and as of the last year talking about Covid every other page.
I remember when this used to be about a super powered cop fighting mutant freaks and mobsters, what the hell happened?

Attached: savage_dragon__1992_1st_series.jpg (823x1280, 201K)

Jizz rocket.

At some point he decided the book happens in "real time." Ergo, every year that passes in the real world, a year has passed in the comic. As a result characters age up and dynamics change. It's not a book I want to read, but I appreciate him constantly changing the status quo. Takes balls.

>who even still reads this anymore?
10,000 people give or take. How little does a comic have to sell to be unprofitable?

I've never read all of Savage Dragon. I've read odd issues from the first 150, and then am largely caught up from 200, with no real interest in crossovers and stuff, so I'm about two degrees above a total ignorant.

My question is this: Is a nigh-uncancellable Jack Kirby-styled procedural cop porno not infinitely more interesting than just "normal cop but a Dragon guy?"

Facts. I 100% agree.

I feel like every creator does this once they go into auto pilot on a long running series. It becomes a diary for the author.

Imo Larson does this better than others, such as Dan Slott or the Cerabus creator

>It seems like it's just devolved into Larsen drawing pointless fights with no set up or payoff, softcore pornography, inserting his shitty opinions about politics, and as of the last year talking about Covid every other page.
And so long as he's allowed to keep doing this, Larsen singlehandedly keeps Image running out of his own pocket.

I think an Image creator said that with the Image pay split, he made money if it was 5,000 units sold.

>Larsen singlehandedly keeps Image running out of his own pocket.
