So I just caught up to the latest Savage Dragon and I just have to ask, who even still reads this anymore?

So I just caught up to the latest Savage Dragon and I just have to ask, who even still reads this anymore?
It seems like it's just devolved into Larsen drawing pointless fights with no set up or payoff, softcore pornography, inserting his shitty opinions about politics, and as of the last year talking about Covid every other page.
I remember when this used to be about a super powered cop fighting mutant freaks and mobsters, what the hell happened?

Attached: savage_dragon__1992_1st_series.jpg (823x1280, 201K)

Jizz rocket.

At some point he decided the book happens in "real time." Ergo, every year that passes in the real world, a year has passed in the comic. As a result characters age up and dynamics change. It's not a book I want to read, but I appreciate him constantly changing the status quo. Takes balls.

>who even still reads this anymore?
10,000 people give or take. How little does a comic have to sell to be unprofitable?

I've never read all of Savage Dragon. I've read odd issues from the first 150, and then am largely caught up from 200, with no real interest in crossovers and stuff, so I'm about two degrees above a total ignorant.

My question is this: Is a nigh-uncancellable Jack Kirby-styled procedural cop porno not infinitely more interesting than just "normal cop but a Dragon guy?"

Facts. I 100% agree.

I feel like every creator does this once they go into auto pilot on a long running series. It becomes a diary for the author.

Imo Larson does this better than others, such as Dan Slott or the Cerabus creator

>It seems like it's just devolved into Larsen drawing pointless fights with no set up or payoff, softcore pornography, inserting his shitty opinions about politics, and as of the last year talking about Covid every other page.
And so long as he's allowed to keep doing this, Larsen singlehandedly keeps Image running out of his own pocket.

I think an Image creator said that with the Image pay split, he made money if it was 5,000 units sold.

>Larsen singlehandedly keeps Image running out of his own pocket.


Malcolm's wife has got to have a legit case of nymphomania. In issue 253 or 254 she's straight up talking about fucking her own mother and brother in law, pawing at their genitals at her kids birthday party.

There is something to be said for maintaining a steadily advancing timeline instead of the comic doing the whole sliding timeline thing the Big 2 do.

Interesting in the same way a trainwreck is, I suppose. If Larsen wanted to do porn he could just make porn, why let the series he'll be remembered for devolve this much?

Erik was easily the best of the original Image guys. Savage Dragon was fun for a long time but really Larsen just kind of ran out of juice. I think at this point he just wants to do more than 300 issues and beat Dave Sim's cerebus run.

Dragon was like the comics we would all draw in school and use characters from other companies but change them enough so they didn't seem like total rip offs.
>this isn't wolverine! its my original character The Furious Fishercat !!!
So it had that youthful energy of hot sexy females and hyper violence. That's cool and all but Larsen never grew as a writer (or didn't really want to try) so it just ended up getting samey no matter how much he ages the characters.
Should have ended with the TRUE ORIGIN of Savage Dragon issue (where he's a jerk alien king)

>At some point
You mean issue 1, retard?

Why is having sex inherently wrong? You've been conditioned by too many years of puerile capeshit. It's a natural human activity.

Cope. Larsen said in the last issue that the last few issues have been selling out and needing extra printings and that the series is doing better than it had in years.

What the fuck are you smoking? Kill-Cat has nothing to do with Logan. He's the butt of every joke and a failure in life.
Liefeld and McFarlane are dudebros who never grew up or read a book - Larsen did 100 issues of a post-apocalyptic earth because he loves Kirby that much. How the fuck is it samey?

>is having sex inherently wrong?
It isn't.
However, the level of perversion on display is. Sex is natural, but so is taking a shit and I don't want to see that on every page of a comic.

What an incoherent post. Not only is your second sentence unrelated to the first and contradicting it, but there's no perversion in the comic. There's no fucked up kink, only promiscuity. Also, this is Zig Forums. Not sure what's the point in pretending people don't have fetishes.

This comic seemed at home during the 90s where they were really throwing shit at the wall at image.
But as time went, not only did it's sensibilities start to feel dated, it just started getting really weird too.

Nothing was incoherent there. Go fuck your own mother and brother in law then if it's so normal nigga

>no perversion in the comic
Jizz rocket.

Again, this is Zig Forums. People advocate for that very thing in every cartoon thread. Why are you acting high and mighty?

>who even still reads this anymore?
Obviously no one here, since we had former FOTM Horridus' canon exposed tits and no one cared.

I do.

Former FOTMfag here, I'm suddenly interested again. When did that happen?

Nothing was incoherent or contradictory. Sex is a natural and necessary process, yes. But depicting a woman trying to arrange a four way between herself, her mother, her brother in law and her husband while at the birthday party of her young children is perverse. Showing a woman fucked to death by a demon is perverse, someone getting launched across the room by the force of an ejaculation is perverse, there are plenty of examples spread throughout the series that are without a doubt perverse.
Sex can be depicted in a perfectly healthy and artistic way, but what Larsen does is pornography bordering on obscenity. It's characteristic of a damaged mind and it in itself damages the minds of those exposed to it. The least he could do is limit it to a publication that advertises itself as such and not one that will find its way onto the shelf alongside a regular comic.

>Showing a woman fucked to death by a demon is perverse
People still don't get this was supposed to be disturbing and horrifying?
>what Larsen does is pornography
Yes. Porn. The same thing everybody looks at every day. Stop acting like a fucking soccer mom on Zig Forums.
>limit it to a publication that advertises itself as such
It does advertise itself as such.

Issue 240. There's also I think a bit of vag and possibly butthole, but it's too low detail for me to be 100% sure.

>The same thing everybody looks at every day.
Yeah, that's a problem. And the fact that it's been normalized to the point that it has is also a problem.

It's a problem why? Would society be better if nobody had an outlet for the things they desired and went on the streets raping everybody?

That is a ridiculous bit of false equivalency, the limiting of pornography and sexualized imagery in society won't suddenly turn every man on earth into some kind of rape maniac.

You never answered my question. Okay.