It's up

it's up

Attached: black-oppression-comic.png (1500x500, 57.74K)

What a fucking nigger.

Tranny jannies will silence this

This retard is acting like giving someone a platform is the same as reparations. Please, someone think of the white man! We’re not in as many commercials anymore!


We aren't obligated to make black people's lives better.

>This retard is acting like giving someone a platform is the same as reparations. Please, someone think of the white man! We’re not in as many commercials anymore!

Attached: itsup.png (640x591, 18.19K)

Kill yourself nigger, maybe stop being violent apes and you wouldn't need a "platform" to cry about muh oppression

Attached: 1.png (1500x500, 160.05K)