It's up

You are not obligated, but clearly morally questionable.
Kill yourself, whitey. Maybe stop sending your badged nigger-watchers into my community to either keep me “in line” or kill me and I won’t burn down your precious Target lol
Have sex

Maybe don't be a retarded race of monkeys that need to be kept "in line"

Black people shouldn't be the ones talking about morality, Maurice.

>Have sex

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I am not going to pay reparations for slavery.

Why do black people need these lol

But I can't.

It would be more fitting if the people kneeling as stairs would be white women, begging for the leftovers.

>pink, white and blue
lol basedjack confirmed trans

Will you and your lineage give reparations back to the innocent white people you oppresed based solely on the color of their skin/the actions of other people, rather than by the content of their character in the not too distant future?
I will not allow myself to be judged based on any actions that were not my own.