It's up

it's up

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What a fucking nigger.

Tranny jannies will silence this

This retard is acting like giving someone a platform is the same as reparations. Please, someone think of the white man! We’re not in as many commercials anymore!


We aren't obligated to make black people's lives better.

>This retard is acting like giving someone a platform is the same as reparations. Please, someone think of the white man! We’re not in as many commercials anymore!

Attached: itsup.png (640x591, 18.19K)

Kill yourself nigger, maybe stop being violent apes and you wouldn't need a "platform" to cry about muh oppression

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You are not obligated, but clearly morally questionable.
Kill yourself, whitey. Maybe stop sending your badged nigger-watchers into my community to either keep me “in line” or kill me and I won’t burn down your precious Target lol
Have sex

Maybe don't be a retarded race of monkeys that need to be kept "in line"

Black people shouldn't be the ones talking about morality, Maurice.

>Have sex

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I am not going to pay reparations for slavery.

Why do black people need these lol

But I can't.

It would be more fitting if the people kneeling as stairs would be white women, begging for the leftovers.

>pink, white and blue
lol basedjack confirmed trans

Will you and your lineage give reparations back to the innocent white people you oppresed based solely on the color of their skin/the actions of other people, rather than by the content of their character in the not too distant future?
I will not allow myself to be judged based on any actions that were not my own.

There’s no arguing with boldfaced racism. Consider being a better person I guess.
Have sex

>muh affirmative action
Get a life lol

>Have sex
I can't.

>consider being a better person
>coming from the race that is an active hazard to everyone around them wherever they go

You're more likely to be killed by a nigger than a cop

Wait how do you know that user is Chinese?

i can't wait till mexicans get rid of all whites and blacks in the US

This is what some white people actually believe. They think the world stop at meme and clickbait article posted on internet.

Chinks are stupid assholes but at least they aren't violent.

I don’t think there’s anyone in this thread that’s actually non-white.

Nice try chang. You really are asian jews.

Learn english

I'm 1/4th Cherokee.

My favorite thing about Biden is that he throw BLM under the bus and mainstream letting him get way with it. BLM twitter already start to hate Biden more than Trump. This is without bringing up Portland and the chaz returning in Seattle

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Do mutts count?

Doesn't make it less true.

having /tumblr/ites on Zig Forums make tossposting so much better

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have sneed

You really need to let go the hate you have for this guy. it's just not healthy.

>BLM twitter already start to hate Biden more than Trump
Black twitter at a whole mad because trump would’ve at least gave 500 billion in reparations. They realize Biden not giving them free shit.

I’m gonna toss your salad if you keep up that attitude

Do you prefer syrup or jelly? I prefer syrup.

wtf I like biden now

>American """"politics"""""

Hi #Bobmob how do you feel about Lindsay Ellis warning AOC that bob is trying to stalk her?

I agree. They’ve done a great job triggering Zig Forums.


There wouldn't be a problem with racism if all the niggers in the world collectively offed themselves, simple as

>You are not obligated, but clearly morally questionable.
No, taking from one group to improve the lot of another is morally questionable asshole.
You might as well just go all in and start calling your entire ideology the White Man's Burden.
Fuck, know what? Don't. At least the White Man's Burden-ers wanted to actually improve the lives of the 'lesser races', you just want to enable the worst of them to hold the rest down for short term feeling good at the expense of those you claim to be helping.
You're such a buncha cunts.


>Y u keep sending cops my way?
>Imma burn a target lol

If they did that then Zig Forums would lose half of it’s population

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do people really hang around Zig Forums but never actually enjoy anything because you’re too politically charged to enjoy stuff anymore

>niggers beat peace
>nazis beat niggers
>peace beats nazis
Nazis and niggers being raging beasts confirmed.

I only enjoy Stonetoss, Ben Garrison, and Bentoss.

Attached: ben-garrison-comic.png (1500x500, 84.76K)

I only came back to Zig Forums for hilda, finally got into Zig Forums a year ago and never looked back