Orson Welles just dabbed on me from the grave
I hate introverts physically, I despise those kinds of people. I can hardly bear to talk to them...
Benjamin Carter
Brody Clark
No what's smart is coming to conclusions and being able to act on them. What's also smart is coming to every conceivable conclusion. Introverts don't act but concieve each reality thinking through their conclusions better. It's a Yin and Yang. Extroverts are here to decide on the paths laid out by introverts.
Wyatt Smith
>You make up some weird scenario in your mind and that becomes your reality because you are too autistic and mentally stunted to accept reality for what it is: one where you’re a fucking friendless loser who will amount to nothing in life with nobody to inherit your collection of flea market katanas
Brayden Fisher
duuuuude hentai lmaooooo sex funi
Oliver Butler
Correct, see: