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International #1225
Hilo latino
Are maids common in your country?
My girlfriend appearently watched 3guys1hammer twice without feeling bad about it or getting affected...
80 years ago italians weren't considered white and people hated them
ITT Zig Forums goes to the gym
Sverigetråden - vandalismupplagan
A more prestigious people than the FRENCH in history ?
Should Scandinavia unite?
Look at this DUDEEE
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
How does political spectrum look in your cunt?
How does HDI actually work/ wwhat does it mean and why does everyone on Zig Forums say its a meme?
Why does everyone hate them?
What country makes the best beer, other than america?
Zig Forums topic prevalence revealer
Nudes in your cunt
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What do the smartest person do in your country???
/Ita/ il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
Post your most famous modern leader, no meme kings or emperors allowed
Are you cucked by your government?
Germany: Poland we're sorry for being evil and Nazi and killing so many of your people, that will never happen again...
/brit /
I love Japan! You guys have such beautiful culture and customs! I love how you bow to show respect and call people by...
Übergewichtige Hasen ehemals /deutsch/
Do you want me to disappear from int?
Why does conscription exist...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
1. Your cunt?
What is your country known for around the world?
Americans, what did you have for breakfast?
Sverigetråden - Svullupplagan
Is Ukraine the Mexico of Europe?
How do you feel about your country's official anime avatar?
Dominance of Korea and fall of Japan
Why do """"""western""""""" """""""""cartoons""""""" fucking suck shit?
Is that true?
What's wrong with racemixing anglos tend to shit about?
Why they dub movies and series?
/ita/ - il filo umaroso
THIS is the world's only superpower
Thank you Coronavirus for sending all tourists home
Name 1 German company without Googling
You can only save 1; the others become caliphates
1. Your cunt
Why do they sound so funny? only women sound good with their accent
China bad
Why are Japanese so HOMOPHOBIC ??
/fr/ - le francofil
Anybody who says first worlders, or upper class people dont suffer...
"Ewww that ugly white guy is so creepy. He gives me serial killer, pedophile, kidnapper, child molester, rapist...
Dutch niggas be like:
Are scots and anglos all that different nowadays?
Yanks, is it true your birds are easy?
Kurva anyátokért nem lehet már megcsinálni ezt a szart egész nap
Why are they so butthurt ?
Sverigetråden - Vandalupplagan
Is he Jomon?
/brit/ don't stop kissing each other edition
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
TFW English so you don't have to learn any foreign language
Here's your meal sir
What do you call these lovely creatures in your cunt?
Anybody else is sick of the Polish victimhood?
Does this happen often ?
Why do American normies hate Japan so much?
Nicki Minaj
The greatest leader of the free world
Go to google image search
Post in this thread if your relatives were in the based SS forces
A Spaniard was mean to me in a thread the other day because I can't roll the R
Does Zig Forums prefer Jomon or Yayoi?
Do you want to live on a ranch in the desert with a driveway that looks like this, Zig Forums?
Vilnius in 1940 vs Vilnius in 2020
Don't let the Japanese spammer fool you, such thing as Jomon doesn't exist...
/mex/ - Mexican thread
Elon Musk is shitposting again
/isr/ thread /ישר/
Living and working in Australia - to emigrate or not?
1. Country
What are your honest views on people immigrating to your country?
What language(s) are you learning?
/danmarktråden/ + /skandi/
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2374
Wealth of ex-USSR republics. Thoughts?
Today, I have a question to you guys
America. What a shithole
ITT: based Zig Forumsernational music, no english allowed
/med/ - olive oil general
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Why are leftists so based nowadays bros?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Why are so many people study HISTORY instead of study FUTURE?
Is prostitution legal in your country?
How is a person's worth defined in your country?
Do they really?
Your cunt
You are lucky to be born in a blue country
I am 24 and
I love seeing historical sights destroyed
Hello, Based Department?
/fr/ - le fil français
Our big brothers over at Zig Forums are laughing at us again
1. Country
Why do Japs love mentally ill westerners?
Has a girl doctor ever examined you, Zig Forums? How common is this in your country?
Why could K-pop raise more and more the popularity worldwide(especially in the West)?
Why is all the good spanish language music from the shaded region...
Chicanos are worse than niggers
/lat/ hilo latino
Well Zig Forums?
Prostitutes in Brazil are way too hot I feel intimidated
What did your university look like?
I wish latinamerica was colonized by a decent group of Europeans, maybe Germans...
Is China the future?
His country genocided all the native population
Tfw no native indonesian gf
Which country has the worst English?
Country full of anglos
This is so unbelievably sad... Europa is in danger
You’re cunt
/lat/ - hilo latino
His country doesn't have gingers
Who was in the wrong here?
/ita/ - il filo
Today my sister married a Chilean man
I legitimately get pissed off when a brazilian flag replies to me...
Be ordinary Japanese man
Are there any monarchists on this board?
Did you go to uni?
Which one has the most aesthetic looking flag in East Asia
Your cunt
Anything to say?, I will read them
Why went wrong, int?
Thank you, Korea
O allah, for you i have fasted and i break my fast on your provision, the thirst is gone...
1. Your country
What does MARIJVANA feel like????
Good time to move to Spain
How common is your surname Zig Forums?
Damn argie women look like that
Do Mexicans really?
I love brown women
British women were made to be SWARTHED
Post random pics from your cunt
Latinos, please, come to live in Sao Paulo!!!
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
9th may, the Victory Day is coming
Uruguayan girls are ugl-
Did you know that
What's his problem?
I can speak English, American, British, Australian and Canadian
Your opinion on ethnic Anglos?
/fr/ - le francofil
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Colonization was a mistake
All of Americas problems stem from low social trust
What do people in shithole countries with no history or monuments write when asked what they like about their country...
Polacks of Reddit: How do you cope with your humiliating history of losing?
Post the most American image in your folder
Sverigetråden - Frihetsupplagan
The SOUL of South America
Was it autism?
Spain, home
/eng/ formerly /brit/
Post your high school
/lat/ - hilo latino
How come all the Israeli military girls are hot in pictures? Are most girls this hot outside obese countries like U.K...
Why yes i am turki-
Faces of Zig Forums
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Post some art from your cunt
I am obsessed with this country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
/danmarktråden/ + skandibanden
Post the most german picture in your folder
Could he pass for a local in your country?
/mex/ - El Mexican Hilo
Where are you from?
Our ancestors :)
Sverigetråden - Skogsupplagan
German girls be like
/ita/ - il filo
Would you spend a night alone with this french woman?
Ah yes, the french province of provence... my home
1. your country
Your country
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
Cunt ?
""""""""""""""western""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""""""""
/wampsteaks/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Asado is uruguayan
Uuuugggh... soijack... I shouldn’t have eaten all of your bionicles. But I was soooo hungry
Uselessness in country form
How do you say "dios mio... la creatura" in your language?
Germany is full of military bases
Do roasties actually?
/esp/ Hilo español
Which one is the most successful country in Latin America?
Ask an English teacher anything about grammar or the English language in general
Sverigetråden - Lördagsheemupplagan
/ro/: firul nostru
How tall are you?
I am Romanian, ask me anything
What happens in your cunt's general?
Mfw europeans blame inmigration and wants to ban it
Anybody on Zig Forums got a 2nd citizenship through a process? how did u do it? how long did it take you?
Are you Muslim
Would I be safe wearing my favorite outfit in your country?
Are we the most masculine part of the first world?
Share some proverbs from your language that (probably) sounds super weird in other languages
/mena/ - /مينا/
Any Diaspora miss their Homecountry?
Shitty version of France
Post the most American image you can find
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
How come Chinese websites like bilibili are full of weeb shit?
Slovenia is a real country
Rangeban these retards
What arabic words do you know?
People here are beating up nurses
The European-China alliance
What's your Social Class and Belonging?
Are femdoms respected in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
Who was the biggest traitor in your country’s history?
Your state
Every European should at least be fluent in English, French and German
Is your state allowing you to go back to work on Monday?
Sverigetråden mjääääää
Why do non-Anglosphere countries had Anglosphere countries so much when they're basically the good guys of the world...
Tfw blue dollar was yesterday at 121 pesos
What's Tinder in your country like?
Do people play sports in your country?
The clear winner of COVID-19 race
This is russian political spectrum. what does it looks like in your cunt?
Is there more cancerous community?
Fuck god I'm can't stand in this shithole anymore
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/fr/ - le Francofil francophone
/desi/- unrelated OP pic edition
Tfw most of europe (except russia) could get rolled by India
Is Race Mixing between the Spaniards and the Aztecs exaggerated?
-but ok
What happens here?
Hilo latino /lat/
I'll admit it. I will eat my neighbors. I'm not letting my kids die. I'm just gonna be honest...
Want to obtain Israeli citizenship and move there
Please say nice things about Americans
Why are whites so cold hearted?
Should European coutnries invest more in railways?
Sverigetråden hedniskaupplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
What happens here
Why are Korean women the only feminists in Asia?
NEETs are scum
Draw your facial hair and hairstyle
/ita/ il filo
Why are meds so small and similar size to Asians and Arabs? Are they not white?
Is that true Finns are gooks and that is why they tend to commit suicide when they can't drink coffee?
Why are they racist as hell?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is Cuba paradise on earth? Warm caribbean climate, warm people, everyone gets neet bux from the goverment...
What are Zig Forums's thoughts on Elon Musk?
Good time to move to Spain
Russia still this poor? Why?
What went wrong? SERIOUSLY, WHAT WENT SO FUCKING WRONG?!?!?!?!??!?!
1)your cunt
Today is the official FUCK FRENCH PEOPLE day in Spain, say something nice about Spain and bad about France
Thoughts on the Oil Caliphate of Europe?
Flags that have red, white and blue may only post in this thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Is this the time to learn Hindi since China about to get holocausted?
Is coronavirus under control in your country?
Do you like Iran as well? I wish they had a better government
I have never had sex
/fr/ - le francofil
Crystal cafe thread
Why don’t americans just do this?
Post your country's leader
I genuinely want to kill coalburners go ahead call me an incel it won't stop the bullet from exploding your skull
They have always extreamly powerful compared to the rest of Europe, what makes them so alpha?
1. what is your job
Kurva anyátok
9% of France is Muslim
What kind of women does Zig Forums like?
I made a Pepe
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden söndagsupplagan
Why is the EU so cucked by Poland? Is it because they owed something from them?
Why is Japanese society like this?
Do Americans really do that during the worse pandemic in 100 years?
What happens in Israel?
What superhero would your country be?
Are you
What's your favorite NON-WESTERN fighter jet?
Were you bullied at school?
/med/ - olive oil general
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /إسر/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת אונטק"ו
How to stop caring about what other people think of me?
What are Americans even proud of...
What do Euros think of paganism...
This is a Amerimutt lunch
I'm reading about all the Samurai families, it's mind blowing and beautiful honestly...
Is he right?
What do you think about egypt's new capital city megaproject?
How do you view women of color?
This is what peak Asian beauty looks like
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Thank goodness you are awake user we thought we lost you
What is wrong with the american right
You will never experience American high school life
/ita/ - il filo
Have any of you guys ever been to subsaharan africa?
Is Pork the high IQ meat?
Why no more holy roman empir
International plug thread
American cats be like
Do you love kpop?
I hate introverts physically, I despise those kinds of people. I can hardly bear to talk to them...
Are Italian really White????
178cm 95kg
/esp/ - Hilo Español
What will your people call their first Mars base?
How has the Italian diaspora affected your country?
Would you ever marry a muslim girl Zig Forums?
How will Xi address the rising male sexlessness and homosexuality in china?
A white woman ranks 12th in Japanese monthly porn star ranking
How can I learn to sleep on my back?
Damn. Anglo Saxons are so tall and Scandinavians so short
Is your country homophobic?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2373
Is DBZ popular in your country?
I am a woman, should I use Patreon or OnlyFans to sell feet pics?
Saint Jhon, Argentina
Muh hunting
What do you think when you see hangul
So what type of girl do you usually attract in your cunt?
Japanese Brazlian
ME when I see a tall white guy with his BIG WHITE COCK exposed
1. Your cunt
David Parker Ray (November 6, 1939 – May 28, 2002), also known as the Toy-Box Killer, was an American kidnapper...
"We have minimum wage, why not maximum wage?"
/lat/ + /esp/ + /mex/
Can*dadians: Yeah you can kill him there is nothing morally wrong with that
Invade mexico when they are in civil war
Is it worth living to 70, 80, or 90?
/fr/ - Le francofil
/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/
Why were German brainwashed by them??
Why do Americans hate cute things?
Swede genes are just too strong
What the fuck you need a paradise for if there's already Western Europe?
To any/poltard who spreads the BBC meme of Americans I hate you...
How accurate is this?
Do people in your country listen to this clown seriously?
There was another chi here i wanted to fight while drunk posting...
Yes i will smell like curry
Post white Latin Americans from your cunt
Be me
/deutsch/ - melancholische Ausgabe
Do you love Japan?
1 in 5 Americans boils water instead of microwaving it
Sverigetråden - Fredagsupplagan
I lost my virginty today
India has become open defecation free in 2019
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What do people drink in your cunt?
Why are English m*nolinguals like this?
Bros, how should i start learning spanish? i checked the wiki but im looking for some good books and text stuff...
Faroese Thread
Do Brits really do this to Southern Europeans?
Your opinion on those countries?
Philosophy is the most useful subject
Why do Americans make websites like this?
What's the point of this?
Why is Australia so racist to Asians?
Pardon me! What time is it, please?
Thoughts on the new AC setting?
In which country is it the easiest to get a cute black gf?
Does this happen in your cunt also?
What's wrong with him?
Which one is the best for a foreigner to live?
Your cunt
ITT territorial claims literally no one recognises
/fr/ - Francofil
Do Italians descend from Indians?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Zig Forums music thread
Why did turkics convert to Islam? why not any other religion? or why didn't they keep their shamanistic beliefs?
What did they mean by this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden indoeuropeiska upplagan
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Is it true that all other Latin Americans hate Mexicans? Why?
How do we stop people of color
How much does a house in mexico cost in a place where i don't get killed?
Man I wish I was born in the south of USA. Fuck this shithole! I would fly this, not because I'm a racist...
Ywn be french
Ask an American anything
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine