Why are they so butthurt ?
Why are they so butthurt ?
Are there even any that regularly post here? I think I've seen maybe 4 different Georgian posters in all the time I've spent on Zig Forums.
Because their national idea is a myth that they're eternal victim.
Yes this thread will summon more than 4.
That's just some 12yo shitposter. Real life Georgians don't give a shit
>That's just some 12yo shitposter. Real life Georgians don't give a shit
This can be said for literally everyone that posts on Zig Forums, though.
It's called having a proud and hot-hearted mountain psychology(not incels). Plainoids won't get it.
Are you hot-hearted?
I have hot skin, if y'know what I mean
>if y'know what I mean
That you are a shitskin? Yes, we know.
Or, you know, being a low iq churka subhuman.
Wow, rude :(
is this including Azerbaijan as well?
>if y'know what I mean
I honestly don't
We have plains in central Arran which will sink once global warming hits the fan
Causasus thread?
>their national idea is a myth that they're eternal victim
Just like russia
Lolwut, it's literally 99% of all georgians online. Same with turkroaches, albanians and balkanoids in general.
No, I am a son of winter(born in January) and admire Nordic forests.
Azeris are mostly flat coastal Plainoids, so no
I met quite a few turks and balkanoids on Zig Forums who were pleasant to talk with
Pretty much every georgian I've ever known has been based as fuck. I've even had a relationship with a georgian girl like half a decade ago and even though it didn't work out she's still the best femoid I've ever met so they're alright in my book.
I guess they just used to be offended online when they're going to English internet so they have some resistance to it.
Wow, dude, we have mountains too >:(
>Causasus thread?
Caucasus thread!
Yes but they are smol >:(
>Destroyed by Russia*
Fixed that for you
balkans I can believe, but 100% of turks i've seen on here were mindless drones, so I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on that. but nice try, Kipchak Goldenhordeovoich.
More like uplifted by Russia my armenoid diaspora friend.
it seem no ex-ussr country like each other
>Destroyed by Russia
if Russia didn't exist those 3 shitholes would be speaking Turkish and praying to Allah 5 times a day, same goes for your shithole, retard
On internet = yes
In real life = not true
Georgian women love Turkish cock
>those 3 shitholes would be speaking Turkish and praying to Allah 5 times a day,
And they'd be much better for it
There's been a lot of hate lately towards you on the internet and a lot of people are butthurt I think.
Say thanks to
> Let's divide lands in a completely retarded way so everyone will hate each other and be unable to cooperate against us. In communism they are no nations anyway xDDDDD
I don't see it, but when I see it, I simply don't give a shit
Not you as a country, I'm talking about your diaspora here
I don't know why you're against this, if it weren't for Russia you'd have assimilated Azeris and have all the Baku oil funbucks
I'm actually an AZOV TVRKIC BVLL, I take great offense to being compared to armenoids
Turkey is much better off than Georgia, Armenia or Azerbaijan though
They are not diaspora tho, they are natives