This is so unbelievably sad... Europa is in danger.
This is so unbelievably sad... Europa is in danger
Isn't it beautiful how these children coexist peacefully, play and laugh together, learn together? People only become racist on later in their lives. We should try to be a little bit more like children again.
i will cvm to its rescue
If she cares about gaelic so much why is she typing in english instead of gaelic?
>crediting blacks and migrants for what whites (anglos) did
Fuck off. Gaelic is disgusting and Ireland is better off without it. Fucking leftists always want to rob the white man of his accomplishments.
How many of these girls do you think will get BLACKED before they turn 14?
Die Jew
Soon my my black brothers, the crackers will pay
This person is a mutt right? When I went to Ireland in 2009 basically no one spoke Gaelic except our non-euro cab driver. I was pretty pissed too since I had spend months studying it.