I'll admit it. I will eat my neighbors. I'm not letting my kids die. I'm just gonna be honest...

>I'll admit it. I will eat my neighbors. I'm not letting my kids die. I'm just gonna be honest. My superpower is being honest. I've extrapolated this out, and I won't have to for a few years as I've got food and stuff, but I am literally looking at my neighbors now going, I'm ready to hang them and gut them and skin them and chop them up, and you know what, I'm ready, my daughters aren't starving to death, I'll eat my neighbors. See, my superpower is being honest, I'll eat your ass. I will. I'm, combat model, I'm from the self-sufficiency, probably the leader, the point is is have you thought about that yet, because I'm somebody that thought I could fix this and I'm staring to think about having to eat my neighbors. You think I like sizing up my neighbor? Hell, I'm gonna haul him up by a chain, and chop his ass up, I'll do it, my children aren't going hungry, I will EAT YOUR ASS.
What did he mean by this?

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he shilled for preppers early on do you expect anything else

The only American I respect


Holy fucking mother of based

so alex eat ass? damn i knew he was based


nothing wrong with this, if some apocalyptic event hits any person with a brain would eat their neighbors

It's called farming crops and vegetables and hunting/fishing

> My superpower is being honest.

t. guy who makes living selling snake oil pills on the internet to gullible retards