go to bed
Other urls found in this thread:
I fucking hate African Americans so much
u 1st
both of us
how do i escape depression and failure
how do i escape blindly web browsing, quarter-listening to twitch streams, sometimes playing vidya
Bought this bad boy for about 1.50 usd today
I've only gone to US a handful of times and I also hate them. They really are like animals compared to normal people.
I have no idea to teach it, just see color properly. Are you the kind of person who can imagine a perfectly realistic apple? That might have something to do with it
For example, I ask you to draw a black dog and what colors you’ll need. Just black right? No, you’ll need a lot of whites and light blues because that is the color that light reflects off the fur as
Same for black and white minus the color, I drew this for a friend in just a few minutes. Learn shape and then imagine how light hits it
interesting sign at the OPEN THE ECONOMY protests
Yellow chinky hands typed this post